Big Brother is watching You
It had all started out very innocently. Rin shooting deadly glares at his captain as he tried to seduce his sister. Gou on the other hand, would always scold her brother for being too protective over her. At one point, things had gotten out of hand pretty quickly. Rin figured that he couldn't win the battle on his own so he had called in the help of his friends from Iwatobi. Haruka and Rei were hesitant at first but Nagisa and Makoto were determined to protect their manager from the 'evil' captain from Samezuka. Gou had had enough and she conceived a masterful plan to get back at all of them because truth be told, enough was enough!
Six teens were nervously fidgeting their fingers as they glanced around the enormous studio they were sitting in. They didn't know that Gou had entered them in a contest and they were picked to enter the house that belonged to 'Big Brother.'
"Does anybody even know how we got into this mess?" Makoto asked to no one in particular. He may have been the tallest one but he was having a very bad feeling about all of this. Somehow they were going to be a part of a big television show and he didn't like that one bit. He had seen previous seasons of the show and it seemed entertaining when you could just watch, not when you were the actual participant.
"The fuck should I know," Rin muttered and he was jabbed in the ribs by Haruka who shot him a death glare. Rin should've known better than to curse on national television!
"The camera's aren't even rolling yet, you idiot!" Rin bit back instantly and the two were already glaring at each other. If Makoto remembered correctly, they were going to be locked up for an entire month so he wasn't sure whether he could keep those two apart when needed.
"I'm so excited, we'll be on television for an entire month!" Nagisa seemed as cheerful as ever and he rubbed some of his cheerfulness off on Rei. The blue-haired boy could already see tons of girls swoon at them when they would leave the house when the challenge was complete.
A man came up to them and he talked them through everything. They would first do an introductory conversation and then they would enter the house. Only Makoto was familiar with the show so the other boys seemed rather okay with the whole ordeal. However, Makoto couldn't help but shake the feeling that they would be in a whole lot of trouble. He glanced at the other boys and swallowed the huge lump that was stuck in his throat.
Two hours later, the boys were all ready for the show to begin and when the lights in the studio lit up, they were all momentarily blinded.
"Fu-" Rin was cut off by another sharp nudge of Haruka and the cherry-haired boy bit his lip to fight back the urge to kick Haruka.
"Welcome everybody, I know we've all been looking forward to the next season of Big Brother and our contestants are nervously waiting to meet all of you." The studio was packed with screaming people and the boys wondered where they'd come from. Did they have fans already?
"How are you all feeling?" The interviewer was a nice young man with a dazzling smile, probably hand-picked to make the girls drop their panties.
"I'm super excited," Nagisa bounced in his chair and he just couldn't help but be himself. He didn't even care that there were camera's everywhere, he just pretended not to notice them. Rei blushed slightly because he knew that Nagisa would be a natural when it came to these kinds of things. The blonde had always liked to be the centre of the attention anyway.
"And the other one's?" the interviewer asked with yet another panty-dropping smile and Haruka wondered whether his face would break at some point.
"I think we're all a bit nervous and anxious to see what will happen to us," Makoto spoke for all of them since the other boys seemed to have lost their tongue.
"There's no need to be nervous, you'll all do fine, all you have to do is follow the rules," The interviewer winked at Makoto and Haruka glared at the young man. No one was allowed to wink at his boyfriend. Haruka felt a nudge in his side and this time Rin was shooting him a warning glare. Haruka rolled his eyes in exasperation and tried to look as innocently as possible when he saw the camera's moving.
"So we'll quickly go through all the rules and then I'll release the six of you into the house."
Makoto's head was spinning as he rehearsed all of the rules in his mind again. They had to stay in the house for a full month, they were not allowed to leave the house unless they were instructed to, they had to talk to Big Brother at least once a day and they had to try to complete every challenge Big Brother threw at them. The olive-haired male remembered that there was something extra during the previous seasons but he couldn't quite remember what that was supposed to be. When they walked towards the house, there were rows and rows of screaming people and the boys were a bit startled. They could get that they invited people in the studio but it was a bit creepy to be screamed at by countless young girls. Rin didn't mind the attention and he strutted towards the house like the leader of the pack, flashing off that dangerous yet gorgeous smile. Nitori followed the redhead while keeping his gaze at his feet, afraid to trip and make a fool of himself in front of thousands of people that were watching this silly show. The six of them stood in front of the fiery red door that would lead them into the house they'd be locked into.
Nagisa waved at the screaming girls enthusiastically and he even dragged Rei closer only to be met with more screams and shouts of delight. Haruka simply stared at the crowd with a boring expression and he couldn't wait to find out whether this stupid house would have a pool or something.
"They'd better have mackerel and a pool," he muttered softly enough so no one really heard him.
"Before you enter though, please take this as well," The interviewer smiled broadly and handed something to Haruka.
"What's this?" he asked with wide eyes, he held the 'thing' as far away from him as he could, eyeing it with disgust and alarmed eyes.
"Oh, that's a baby, please enter the house now." The interviewer said while shooing the boys into the house.
"But, I don't want this," Haruka tried to protest and hand back the baby but it was too late, the door was shut and the boys could hear the familiar click that meant they were locked up.
"The fuck is wrong with these people, a fucking baby of all things!" Rin threw his hands up high in the air to show off his anger. He couldn't believe they'd have to live a month with a baby, a fucking baby…
"Don't swear in front of the child!" Makoto shouted as he pulled Rin's ear and the redhead growled loudly.
"Don't tell me you're enjoying this!" Rin shouted back at Makoto and when the baby started crying the boys went silent.
"Nice going," Haruka muttered as he tried to gently shake the baby while still holding it as far away as possible.
"You're not supposed to soothe a crying child like that, I've studied up on the concepts beforehand." Rei took the baby from Haruka and he gently rocked the child in his arms until the crying died out.
"Fucking took him long enough," Rin said with a deep sigh and he received another whack from Makoto.
"Stop swearing in front of the child," Makoto scolded him again while glaring at him.
"Yes mother," Rin rolled his eyes and patted Makoto on the shoulder. Rin would try for Makoto even if he knew damn well he wouldn't be able to stop. Swearing was just a part of him and it's not like the baby would understand anyway.
"Shouldn't we check out the house?" Nitori suggested softly, he wasn't used to being with the boys of Iwatobi. He was only used to being around Rin so he wasn't sure if he was allowed to speak up.
"Good idea," Makoto smiled and they set off to check out their new housing for the next month.
They divided into three pairs to check out the large house. Makoto had taken the baby from Rei since the other boys deemed him to be the best parent since he was the one with younger siblings. Of course, Makoto agreed since he was such a goody-two-shoes.
The baby was blinking at Makoto and the olive-haired male smiled at the little human as he rubbed his thumb over his cheek affectionately.
"Wait a minute, we don't even know if this is a boy or a girl!" Makoto called out to the other boys and they were all halted in their tracks.
"We'll see later when we'll have to change the diaper, won't we?" Rin said with a look of disgust on his face.
"I guess, and what about a name? They could've at least given us a bit more information," Makoto mumbled as he followed Haruka. He knew the raven-haired male would probably try to find the garden to check for some form of water.
When they walked out of the kitchen, Makoto could see a very large window and an even larger garden. Haruka had already slipped open the big sliding window and Makoto blinked a few times. The garden was beautiful and he smiled when he saw a pond filled with koi fish. Wait? A pond, with fish and water?
Makoto turned around with an alarmed expression ready to be splashed by Haruka. However, what he saw made him chuckle. A few metres further away, there was a large outdoor pool and Haruka had crouched beside it, pressing his hand into the cool water. Makoto wondered why Haruka hadn't already stripped down and taken a dive into the cool liquid.
"I'm not wearing my swimming pants," Haruka pouted and grumbled and that made Makoto chuckle even louder. The raven-haired male couldn't just strip butt-naked because there were several camera's set up in the garden. Makoto was glad that Haruka had noticed those as well because he thought that wasn't a sight to share with the rest of Japan. That sight belonged only to him. Speaking of them, were they even allowed to kiss and touch? He wondered whether that would be appropriate and he was startled when Haruka nudged him in the side.
"Shall we check out the rest?" Haruka asked softly while eyeing the baby with a look of jealousy.
"Don't be jealous of a baby," Makoto smiled at the raven-haired male and the latter poked out his tongue.
The two boys entered the house again and they saw the other boys sitting on the huge red couch in the living room. They joined the other boys and Nagisa was bouncing up and down excitedly beside Rin. He looked like he wanted to punch the blonde but he refrained because of Nitori's soft pleas.
"What else is there to see in the house?" Makoto asked as he sat down, looking fondly at the small wonder on his lap.
"There are three large bedrooms that each have a bathroom with a tub and a walk-in shower. Other than that, there's a music room, a games room, and a few other rooms that are empty." Rei summed up looking rather smug because he could remember everything so vividly.
"And where's the baby room?" Makoto asked while furrowing his brows. There had to be one right? Or did they only have the baby during the day?
"Oh, there's one bedroom with a crib and the other things can be found in that bathroom," Nitori quickly added before gazing at the baby with a loving twinkle in his eyes.
"So who gets to sleep with whom? I want to sleep with Haru-chan!" Nagisa bounced happily and this time, he did receive a light punch from the cherry-haired boy. Haruka rolled his eyes at the two and looked rather bored. He wondered why Nagisa would always want to sleep with him because that really didn't make any sense anymore. The blonde was dating Rei so shouldn't it be Rei he should sleep with?
Haruka said the only thing that seemed logical to try and not hurt Nagisa's feelings too much since they did have another month of being together ahead of them.
"I'm taking the room with the baby stuff so if you really want to sleep with a baby, then that's fine with me," Haruka said while eyeing the little baby with a small smile. If Makoto liked him/her, then he should do so as well.
"Uh, never mind, I'll team up with Rei-chan," Nagisa bumped against his boyfriend who looked away with red cheeks.
"So it's settled then, Makoto and Haruka will share a room, Nagisa and Rei will team up and I'll stick with Nitori then," Rin added with a smirk. He was used to sleeping with the silver-haired boy so he was pleased with the set-up.
"So, shall we take a dive in the pool before we head off to bed? It's getting late," Haruka suggested with a wicked twinkle in his eyes and the other boys agreed. They took their suitcases from the hall and went into their rooms.
"Makoto, please come to the room with the blue door!" A loud voice called and Makoto shrieked loudly, it even made the baby cry softly and he tried to shush the poor thing. He really didn't mean to shriek but the loud voice startled him so much. He handed Haruka the baby with an apologetic look on his face and he left the bedroom. He walked back down and with a certain hesitance, he opened the blue door.
When he walked into the small room he could only see a small green couch in the middle. He sat down and fidgeted with his fingers. He could see a big camera staring right in his face and he averted his gaze towards his feet.
"Hello Makoto," the voice called and the brunette was genuinely creeped out.
"Hello," he said back hesitantly.
"This is Big Brother speaking, how do you like your new house?"
"It's nice, it's really big and I think we'll have a good time here." Makoto was beginning to get used to the voice so he didn't mind speaking, he was the polite one after all.
"I think that you'll be the perfect person to be the leader so you'll be in charge of opening the envelopes that contain the challenges. You'll receive more information about those tomorrow, just look for the purple envelopes."
"Okay, I'll tell the other's later on."
"Also, everybody has to talk to me at least once a day, you'll be called in every day so don't worry about forgetting."
"Okay, but Haruka doesn't really like to talk, can I join him when he comes here?" Makoto asked because he knew Haruka would probably end up staring at the camera with a very uninterested expression and he sure as Hell would remain silent the entire time, unless they asked him about water or mackerel.
"Normally that's against the rules, but for the first week, we'll make an exception."
"Thank you," Makoto bowed his head in gratitude and he got up to leave. Before he left the room he remembered something.
"Hey Big Brother, about the baby? Is it a boy or a girl?"
"It's a boy."
"Does he have a name?"
"His name is Jin Kazama."
"Thanks, am I free to go now?"
"Yes Makoto."
And with that, Makoto left the room to find his friends. Before he did so, he went upstairs to change into his swimming suit. When he walked outside he was surprised to see everyone in the pool except for Haruka. The baby was also nowhere to be seen and Makoto was getting worried.
"Where's Haru?" he asked as he slipped in the pool. The cool water made him shiver and he was soon covered in goose bumps.
"Dunno," Rin said while pushing Nagisa under water, in order to get some revenge for earlier on. Makoto just shook his head and turned around to face the huge sliding door. Makoto's eyes widened in absolute horror as he saw Haruka standing in the garden with the baby in his hands.
Normally, the sight would not surprise him, however…
Haruka looked down gleefully at the little baby. He was happy that they'd packed a swimsuit for the little fellow. They'd even made a miniature version of his swimming trunks so they matched perfectly. Haruka started running towards the pool only to stop just on time when the other boys shouted at him loudly while flailing their arms like birds that were about to drop down dead on the ground.
"What?" he asked innocently as he looked at the baby.
"Don't worry, he's wearing swimming pants, see?!" Haruka held the baby above his head just like in the Lion King when Simba was presented to the other animals.
"It's not that, you moron! The baby can't fucking swim!" Rin shouted as he lifted himself from the pool to snatch the baby out of Haruka's hands.
Makoto sighed in relief as he slumped back into the water. Haruka could be such an egghead from time to time. The only thing on his mind was water and Makoto would feel jealous if his heart wasn't still pounding at the thought of him diving into the water with the baby.
"Whatever, stupid baby," Haruka muttered as he finally dove into the water with the grace of a dolphin. When Haruka rose he turned around to face the other boys.
"It's a boy by the way," he said before diving under water again, leaving the other boys behind looking rather flustered.
"Oh right, I already knew, his name is Jin Kazama," Makoto added while also lifting himself from the pool to take the baby from Rin who was starting to look annoyed.
"Welcome to the family, Jin." Makoto purred as he kissed the boy on the top of his head.