"The Thing at the Place"
By: Lyri & Syril

We own everything so you can't sue us ^@.@^(//

Once in a time, actully not that long ago, there was this guy... with a face... a nose... and some hair. he when to this secret place, thats sooooo secret that us, the writers, don't know anything about it. So he went to this place, (that we don't know about) and found this thing. This thing ummm... ummmmmm... well we don't know what it is, but it had fur, and a tail, and teeth, and some claws on the side. Because this thing, (that we don't know about) has teeth, it wanted to eat. Yes to eat the guy, with the face, and the nose, and the hair, that went to the secret place that we don't know about.

Ok so this guy was about to be eaten by this thing... with fur, and a tail, and teeth, and some claws on the side, when suddenly, this girl... with a face, and some eyes, and some "EARS", saved him from this thing, that we don't know about. The guy said to the girl... "hey...". The girl then responded "hey...". And the world was saved! Thanx to that guy and that girl... with the faces... at that place, that we don't know about, in a time not that far back... i think... but then again, we're just the writers... what do we know?

its 3:61 in the morning... รด.O? we are very ...VERY tired... like were drunk with our tiredness.. so don't hold dit aganst us, that we wrote this story, about that guy, with the face, at that place... soo secret that we don't know about... sorry we had to do that...
if you like it than e-mail us @
Syril= [email protected]
Lyri= [email protected]

~really fin~