Love Game

It's funny how I said that to her.

"In a love game, the one who falls in love first is the loser,"

I said...

"You're stupid for believing every lie I told you,"

I continued...

"You're an idiot for falling in love first,"

I continued...


I trailed off...

"I have never loved you. It was just a game, Hatsune."

Then I broke her heart.

It's funny how I said that to her, because everything I said was returned to me...

"In a love game, the one who falls in love first is the loser,"

she said...

"But if you fall in love last, you're worse than a loser,"

she continued...

"And you're stupid for even returning,"

she continued...

"You're a huge idiot for falling in love last,"

she continued...


She trailed off...

"I don't love you anymore."

Then she broke my heart.

It's funny how I said that to her, because everything I said was returned to me.

It's almost humorous how love—small, tiny emotion. feeling. love—can make people act out of character. Sometimes to the point of doing even the most unimaginable things. For instance, doing or giving your very best for an impression.

Or other times doing things... Things we thought we wouldn't even dare do. Things we didn't imagine we're capable of.

Until we did them.

And then we learn that love is a little beautiful thing capable of destruction.

Standing at the edge of the rooftop and loosely clinging to what little sanity I had left, I recite the words embarked in my mind probably for the rest of my life.

"In a love game, the one who falls in love first is the loser,"

a deep breath.

"But if you fall in love last... You're worse than a loser,"

a laugh.

"So what does that make you?"

A grin made its way to my lips as I look back at her horror-stricken face. She was stood rigid by the doorway, a couple of feet away from the railings—away from me—watching me with wide eyes as she clutched her phone with a trembling hand to her chest.

"You still love me Hatsune."

Her eyed widened and I laughed.

"Aren't you the worst?"

And then I took a step forward.

And let go,

feeling the bliss and triumph of winning the Love Game as she ran after me and screamed my name.

notes: omg look a revamp. (09•26•17)

i almost had a cancer reading the old version. lord in heaven i hav sinned you.

notes: anw idk if anyone got the ending (or the plot in general) but technically lenkun is still suicidal but the reason behind it is way twisted and dark compared to before.

unlike the old version where he's just an edgy emo boi, here he decided to end his life so he can prove to miku (and himself?) that miku still loved him. like, miku first fell in love, and then len kun fell, and then miku again and since the rules clearly say the first one to fall is the loser, the second (last) is worse... what about the third..? Or someone who never really stopped loving you? hence, lenkun thinks he won the love game.

neru's new song titled the disease called love was really dope and i just kinda incorporated the idea of love as disease in the fic bc i thought lenkun having this disease which made him do things (borderline twisted and psychotic) is really cool. (and jfc the song is stuck in my head like a broken recorder i cant not possibly write about it. pls listen to it. lenkun and rin were the ones to sing it)

notes: ok so, , review if that's your thing, if not um cool. thanks for reading anyway i guess.

disclaimer: i do not own. i do not claim.