A.N. So this is the final chapter, if you're expecting more lemons in here I have to disappoint you – it doesn't have any, it's just a wrap up chapter that has the Halloween in it :D.

Frobin (Well I think it's called Frobin, but if it's not then FrankyxRobin) (only a little of it)



"Good bye Brook."

The tall man with afro and ripped suit waved and walked of whistling a melody only he knew. Robin sighed and sat on the front porch, it's been a long evening, but the party was really good. Franky walked out of the house and sat next to his wife.

"Everyone finally left, huh."

Robin smiled and leaned on a big shoulder of her beloved husband. "Yea…"

"I probably don't want to know why Smoker's hat ended up on my garage floor, do I?"

Robin chuckled. "Yes, you don't."

Both of them looked up as the clouds cleared and moon showed, it was almost new moon and there was only small part of it seen. They both sat in silence waiting for the midnight to come.


The small cloud lingering above the pair sighed with happiness, she really didn't expect to be so lucky and get so much energy when she chose this house. It was so easy to make lovers see only each other and she didn't really need to do anything else to make them have sex before midnight.

She attached herself to their cars and absorbed all energy they radiated and now a little before midnight she gathered all of her parts into one place, so she could get her original body back.

The cloud started sinking to the ground and as the clock stroke the bell twelfth time the cloud became a black cat that stretched and yawned. She got so much energy she will be able to live without reserving any energy for the rest of the year. The cat looked at the house and the pair in the front porch, she will have to memorise these people so she can find them next time she will need to collect energy…