
A Very Simple Spell


This bored person decided to try and write some fanfic. She ended up with THIS, I hope you like it, I'm a beginner, so please don't be mad at me if they're OOCed or such. This particularly bored person DOES NOT own Kagerou Project. If this fanfic is similar to some other fanfics, just consider it a coincidence since this plot just popped in my head.

It was a hot afternoon, out of boredom - the Mekakushi Dan decided to go on a little trip to the amusement park with their new members, Konoha and Hibiya. While in the amusement park, the Gang encountered a 'really neat' booth – as Kano has described. It was truly neat, especially with all of its creepy decorations and weird artifacts plastered on the wall, enough to scare the hell out of Kido. In seeing Kido's 'cute' reaction, Kano dares the gang to enter the 'Horror House' Booth. He manages to get everyone, including her, to go inside.

Seeing that it was a Fortune-Telling Booth, he and the others were disappointed, except for Kido who let out a small sigh of relief... Then, just out of nowhere, a plump and petite lady appeared from behind the curtains, scaring Kido who nearly collapsed if not for Konoha who caught her. The nice-looking lady then offers a seat to the now pale Kido, and also offered for a free 'appointment' with her as a form of apology.

"You should take it - IT IS FREE, Anyway~" Kano teased

"TO HELL WITH YOU!" Danchou yelled-

"Ma, ma (Calm Down) what is it with you today Danchou~ you should accept the lady's apology right? ~"

"My, my..." The fortune-teller said as her ever-sweet smile turned into a cold scowl, "I'm very sorry displeasing young man, and it's not you I'm offering this to..."

With this, Kido and the others could only sigh, "We have to deal with that everyday"

"Eh~ What do you mean with that? ~" Kano said teasingly

"Shut up Kano..." she said and reflected... and he is right, it is free... " Well... Okay... then, I guess I'll-"

"WONDERFUL!" The fortune-teller said before Kido could finish her sentence, she then held Kido's hands within her own...

"Let's see... " the fortune-teller said as she stared at the eyes of the gang leader with eyes that seemed to try and know everything that those red eyes were trying to hide, the others were curious and found the behavior weird but didn't say a thing. She sighed and then turned to Kano,

"What a very displeasing and dishonest person you really seem to be..." she deadpanned. With this Kano gave a light shrug and Kido gave a 'sort-of' smile to lady.

"It's truly a shame that such a good, honest, and pure young lady like you would go out with such guy like him"

Kano and the others nodded approvingly,

Wait... WHAT, Kano thought for then Kano understood what the lady really meant – did the lady think that we're dating-

"It truly is a shame that I am stuck with him..." Kido deadpanned... she clearly misunderstood what the lady has said! (Or did she understand it more clearly than Kano?) 'She was only referring about her ending up with you...' Seto 'said' to Kano through his 'eyes'. To this, Kano gave a slight, mischievous, grin.

"But," she added, making Kano and the others turn to her,

"If I won't stick up with him, who would..." now staring at Kano she said... "And besides, he really needs someone who can see through all of his lies..." ...with such worry on her eyes...

Kano stared at her blankly... The others gave it a thought... and Kido was thinking why she said such a thing.

"Hmm..." the Fortune-Teller said, disturbing the thoughts of the teens that immediately faced her... "We can then conclude that this young man's main problem is his unstoppable sequence of LYING..."

"I've already accepted that fact..." Kido said as she shrugged, "It's already a habit and part of his daily life..." she let out a sigh, "I've decided to live with it since he can never remove it nor has anyone has the ability to do so..."

Seeing the mischievous look on Kano's face the Fortune-Teller 'coughed,' - "So, we agree on that," Yup, we do, the Gang commented mentally, "So what I will do now is cast a very simple spell on you Kano," she said kindly with a smile.


"Yup. A spell. That wouldn't allow Kano-san's words to ever be a lie..."

The teens stared at her mindlessly, not understanding what the hell she was talking about...

"Words that will ever escape from your mouth will never be a lie..."


"Eh? What?" Kano and Kido said at exactly the same time... Realizing what she just said, Kano laughed and Kido punched him in the face for laughing...

A spell huh... Yeah, it is corny... Yes, Kido was kinda OOCed... Yes, it is kinda cliché... Yup, it ain't finish yet... and yes... I'm kinda talking about some obvious facts here... Sorry.