I open my eyes, my heavy eyelids fighting against the bright morning light. My brother stands next to my bed, fully prepared for school, his shirt and pants perfectly ironed and his glasses shiny and polished.

"Oh my god Caleb! Did you have to wake me up so early? It's six thirty in the morning!" I protest as I cover my face with one if the colorful pillows that decorate my messy queen size bed. I don't understand Caleb's anxiety, it's just school.

He leaves my room, murmuring something about leaving in forty minutes. I roll my eyes and lay down again.

This year, my old school, Chicago Highschool for girls, and Caleb's school, a highscool only for boys, are mixing, creating a whole new and gigantic school known as the "Chicago mix Highschool". I've never been to a school with boys before, and Caleb has never attended a school with girls.

The good thing is that they have told me that the new school building is huge and amazing, I have not seen it yet though.

I sit up on my bed and look around my room. We moved into the new house only a few days ago, but my room is as messy as always. My desk is full of crumbled papers and new school supplies, the floor is covered in clothes and shoes, and the big bathroom is filled with bottles of perfume, shampoo and makeup. I miss the simplicity of our old house, the enormous living room and the fancy dinning hall feel strange to me. I know my parents and Caleb also feel weird around the new house and cars and the gigantic yard, but my father's new boss, Marcus Eaton, made us move here as part of my dad's new government job. He said that such an important man must live in the city's fancy mansion condominium. I know he lives in the house next door, and Christina's house is only four houses away. I think the best part of moving is getting to live in the same condominium as my BFF.

I get out of bed and start to get ready. The bad thing about the new school, uniforms. The boys' uniform is a pair of dark blue pants and a white buttoned shirt with the school logo imprinted un it. We girls get to use the same shirt with a dark blue skirt and black shoes.

I let my hair loose and adorn it with a dark blue ribbon. I take one last look in the mirror, grab my backpack and leave my room.

A.N: okay, so this was pretty much an introduction chapter. Tell me what you think about it! and in case the school thing is kind of complicated, the girls' school and the boys' school mixed forming one big highschool.