Story: Complicated

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Pairing: Harry x Draco

Warning: Slash, MPreg


Harry: Teddy Remus (7), James Albus (5), Lily Alice (5), Max Pyxis (5)

Draco: Scorpius Perseus (5), Leo Lynx (5), Orion Serpens (5)

Hermione and Ron: Rose (3) and Hugo (2)

Theodore and Blaise: Alexander (3 mos.)

Percy and Audrey: Molly (4) and Lucy (2)

Bill and Fleur: Victorie (7), Dominique (6), and Louis (4)

Luna and Neville: Sirius Cygnus (4 mos.)

Ginny and Dean: Isabella Cendrella (2 mos.)

George and Angelina: Roxanne (3) and Fred (3)

Chapter 5:

"Daddy!" Max called when he saw his daddy.

Orion giggled, "Your daddy is kissing my daddy."

Harry and Draco gasped, "Daddy?"

Blaise chuckled. "Hey Dray. Remember how you told me that a guy knocked you up? I think you might have returned the favor."

"Wait! You-you mean that they are mine?" Draco motioned to the three kids that weren't his.

Harry sighed, "Yes they are yours. And I assume those three are mine."

Draco nodded. Both men looked at each other before laughing.

"Is this even possible?" Draco chuckled.


Harry and Draco fell silent.

"So what do you want to do now?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. I mean it's not all about us anymore, we have 7 kids to think about."

James pulled at Harry's leg and lifted his arms to be picked up. Harry sat down on a bench and motioned for Draco to do the same. He propped the little boy in his arms and caressed the soft cheek.

"This is by far the weirdest thing ever, and I've seen some pretty weird things in my life." Draco smiled as he sat next to his lover. "But I think I like it."

"This is little Jamie, James Albus," Harry introduced. "And the little girl is Lily, Lily Alice and the other boy is Maxi, Maxwell Pyxis. This is my Godson Teddy, Edward Remus."

Draco's eyes stayed on Lily. "I have a daughter." he whispered.

Harry smiled and motioned for Lily to walked towards them. Blaise and Theo were long gone by now.

Draco kneeled next to Lily and held out his hand so she could shake it. Lily smiled and ignored the hand and hugged him.

"She's very affectionate," Draco observed.

Harry frowned, "She normally doesn't do that."

"Daddy, what's going on?" Leo asked Draco.

Draco smiled and motioned towards Harry, "I just found your other daddy."

"You mean mommy?" Leo asked.

Harry chuckled, "If anything Draco's the mommy."

Draco scowled at that, "Anyway, this is Leo, the boy behind him is Scorpius, and Orion is the one who looks half asleep over there."

"Nice to meet you," Harry smiled.

"Is Draco going to be our mommy?" James asked.

Harry smiled at the boy. "Do you want Draco to be your mommy?"

Lily nodded, she was still in the blond's embrace. "He smells like a mommy."

"What do mommy's smell like?" Harry asked amused.

"Draco," Was her answer.

"I want to smell!" Max and James reached towards Draco and smelled him before agreeing with Lily.

"It was nice to see you again but I should really get these three to bed. They get grumpy without their nap."

"But Mommy! I don't want you to go," Lily pouted.

Harry smiled, "What makes you think I would let you go that easily again, come stay with me at my house. Since I am the head of the school I get a pretty big house to fit all the kids. Four extra's won't be too much of a difference."

Draco hesitated. "I mean I would love to but moving in with you, isn't that moving a bit fast."

Harry scowled, "I think 5 years was enough time away from each other. I don't want to waste anymore."

Draco smiled at that, "Me neither."


1 year later


Draco smiled nervously and studied himself in the mirror.

"You look so beautiful Dray," Blaise said as he looked at the blond.

Draco whirled around not noticing him enter. He blushed and looked down and messed with the red flower on his chest.

Blaise swatted his hand away and smiled, "Stop messing or else you'll ruin all the hard work Hermione had put in. She's kill you if you ruin this."

"It's not even her wedding," Draco grumbled.

"That doesn't mean you can look like a sloth on your wedding day. Now lets get going so you can walk down the aisle and I can take a nap."

"Hey!" Draco scowled, "My best man better not be taking a nap during my ceremony."

"I came for the reception and the cake," Blaise said.

"And here I thought you came for me." Draco pouted.

"Blaise, stop harassing the bride," Theo said as he entered the room.

Draco scowled at the word bride. Since the kids call him mommy everyone assumed he like female names.

He loved the kids and could never say no to being their mommy and he loved the thought of being Harry's spouse. Just not wife, husband.

Lily was in the bed asleep behind him. Draco walked over and sat next to her.

"I'm getting married," Draco whispered, his hand automatically found it's place to the bottom of his stomach. He ran a hand through Lily's hair. She will be his daughter soon. He will adopt her and her brothers.

Blaise raised an eyebrow at the gesture Draco made. "Are you seriously having more kids?"

Draco realized what he was doing and quickly removed his hand.


"Don't tell Harry, not yet. Please." Draco whispered.

Theo's eyes widened, "He doesn't know?"

"No. I'll tell him after the honeymoon."

Blaise and Theo nodded.

Draco smiled and lifted Lily into his arms. She was dressed in a beautiful blue flower girl dress. The bottom fluffing out making her look like a little princess.

"Lets get you married," Theo said.


Five years later


"Dad, you have to let go of us now," Scorpius mumbled.

"I don't want to," Harry mumbled.

"Dad!" James whined.

Harry groaned and let his kids.

"That wasn't so bad, see Harry," Draco said.

"Easy for you to say. You get to see them almost everyday," Harry pouted.

"It's not like you won't be able to see them. You have free rein to the castle."

"Yeah, but I have so much work to do."

Lily and her brothers gave Harry a quick hug again before backing away.

"Can I go to?" A little four year old girl asked. She had dark hair and gray eyes.

At her request Harry pouted and swooped her into his arms. "No."

Draco chuckled and pecked his husband's cheek. "Love you."

"Lies," Harry pouted but he allowed Draco to kiss him.

Draco kissed the little girl on the forehead.


The end! I hope you enjoyed. Please review with your thoughts.