The first chapter of the next installment has been posted! Check it out! Titled 'Summer'
Q: Who knew Percy's mortal point and fatal flaw in canon?
A: Annabeth Chase.
Canon means the original text - upheld as the classic by everyone. In this case, Percy Jackson canon means the character and books as written by the author, Rick Riordan and not reiterated by another writer (eg: Fanfic writers.)
Last chapter for this installment. Next story will be titled – Summer. That'll include the labyrinth and a bit of kidnapping...
Listening to – Battle Scars by Guy Sebastian (ft.) Lupe Fiasco
Words –5214
Voldemort was playing around. Harry could tell that much. He hadn't even attempted to kill him, no he just flung curses like they were worth a knut each and Harry had to use up all the energy he had to simply not fall gracelessly with defeat. He'd put up a shield on instinct, but that had shattered by the fourth curse and he had to keep moving to avoid other fire. He tried sending his own spells but the duel was far too tipped over for him to even stand a chance.
Really, all he wanted to do was stab Voldemort in the face, preferably, repeatedly.
That wouldn't happen anytime soon, though. He tried stunning but then a powerful cutting curse swiped against his hand creating a gash. He dropped his wand and by the next spell, he found himself flying backwards and being slammed against the hedge.
Harry fell to the ground, pain radiating everywhere. His leg burned worse than ever and his hand was bleeding profusely. His head ached as well and his hair stuck to his face with sweat and blood.
Worst of all, Percy was facing Voldemort and the Death Eaters on his own. Harry could see that he was holding himself awkwardly. There was something off about his right shoulder. Bolt was in a heap off to the side. Harry could feel at least one broken rib.
Harry should have known that Percy would mouth off to Voldemort. He did it to monsters and gods on a daily basis, so why not an evil dark lord?
The thing about Voldemort was that he could talk. He'd keep talking till the Thestrals came home and it was the only thing Harry could bank on. The more he spoke, the more time passed. Hopefully, the Aurors would find them by then, because technically, they were still on Hogwarts grounds. But something told Harry that help wouldn't be coming.
They had to stall. Stall as long as Bolt would be able to get back onto her feet and can get them away from the confrontation.
Harry couldn't follow the short conversation properly. There was a ringing in his ears and he'd lost his wand, which was more trouble than he'd ever cared for.
And then, Voldemort was speaking to him in Parseltongue.
"Dear little Danny is next."
He smirked, wand already being raised. Harry blanched when he realised what was about to happen.
Making the decision was the easiest thing he'd ever done. In fact, he hadn't even thought about it. It was reflex. Harry pushed himself off the ground and ran towards Percy at full speed. With as much strength he had, he knocked the demigod to the side just as the killing curse hit him.
There was a kind a pain, but nothing like the Cruciatus Curse. This ache was like that of a bludger hitting the chest and ripping the soul and life from the body.
He wasn't moving.
He looked like he wasn't breathing.
But –
His eyes were still open.
Green light.
Harry's voice was close to a whisper, "I hear them…screaming, sometimes…a bright green flash too…and it hurts when I try hard and remember. Green light could be the traffic signal, right?"
"I don't think so." A voice mumbled and Percy raised his head, his hair sticking up in one direction. "Signals usually are really high up. If you're gonna crash, why would you, as a baby look at the signal? Shouldn't you be looking at what's happening right in front of you?" Percy explained.
Avada Kedavra.
Percy couldn't breathe.
He dropped Riptide and clawed at his chest. Maybe he was dying. It didn't really matter. He couldn't believe what Harry had just done. Why would he... why... he was dead... he wasn't breathing... Percy wasn't breathing...
A howl ripped through the sky. It stung Percy as though the wind had punched him. A large shadow flew over his head and landed between him and Harry.
Bolt's body was shaking with rage. She growled menacingly, daring for any of the enemies to step closer.
Percy's lungs seized up. There was no air. His eyes were watering from the strain.
The shriek echoed everywhere as a heavy paw fell on Percy's arm and he felt a tug, flashes of light, air whistling by his ears.
He fell to the ground along with Harry in front of a thousand spectators outside the maze.
He heard music from the band. He heard people clapping. He heard someone crying. He couldn't breathe. Hands were pulling him up and Percy heard his mother, panicking and clutching him close to her, telling him to focus and calm down enough to pull in the air.
Percy opened his eyes, head reeling from lack of oxygen. He was about to pass out. He saw Hermione screaming. Ron was staring in shock at his best friend lying on the ground. DJ was being held back by Remus and Sirius was shouting for help.
Everything was detached. Percy felt as though he wasn't part of the scene. He saw them through a film. He was far away, lost and cold.
Suddenly, Harry closed his eyes. His chest went up and then down. Up and down. Up and down.
Before Percy went out for the count, he saw Harry blinking up at the sky in confusion, muttering about how he felt like retching.
When Sirius and the Minister got into an argument, Percy couldn't keep quiet anymore.
"It's true! I saw him too. He had red eyes and no nose and lots of people in silver masks and black robes –"
"You're not even a wizard!" Fudge accused, almost taunting.
"I still have eyes!" Percy protested from the bed. The Matron had put some kind of cast around his shoulder and the whole area felt numb as whatever potion he'd taken fixed his bones. "I saw them! There was a huge snake too!"
"But it's not possible! The Aurors checked the place, there was no one."
"What, did you think they'd wait to be found?" Sirius interrupted sounding as incredulous as Percy felt.
"And what about Crouch? Did you find him and the other?" DJ asked. He hadn't left the chair next to Harry's bed in the Hospital Wing. Percy could think of a hundred better places to have a political fight rather than an infirmary.
"That's none of your business. Matters regarding Bartemius Crouch will be dealt with by professionals and not a twelve year old – "
"I'm fourteen! And you can't talk to me like t – "
"Calm down, DJ. I'll handle this." Sirius sighed, stepping forwards. "You can't talk to him like that. He's the one who found out that there was something wrong in the first place."
"Yes. With an illegal map!"
Remus did a face palm and Percy almost sniggered at that while Sirius blanched at Fudge. " Illegal? What are you talking about? It's a bloody map! It tells you where people are on Hogwarts grounds and the map registered that Voldemort and at least seven other known Death Eaters were in that clearing along with Harry and Percy! And if that isn't enough information for you, the map also showed us that Nagini was there. You remember her, don't you?"
The minister flushed with anger. "This is circumstantial evidence at best!"
"If you want to do some kind of testing of the map in the Department of Mysteries, be my guest. But that map never lies, I can vouch for that. And what will you tell the Daily Prophet? And the hordes of angry crowds who happen to be related to all the students of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang who saw Harry dead and then come back to life?!"
"He was faking it." Fudge protested, sounding meeker than before.
They stared at him. The silence was so stiff that Percy felt his heart beating loudly enough for everyone to hear.
"I saw the curse hit him." He said. They looked at him. He swallowed and continued, sitting up straighter in his bed. "It was green and sharp and I could feel the heat of it."
"Not to mention, Madam Pomfrey already checked him." DJ piped up. Percy nodded vigorously at that. The matron had done some kind of examination of Harry's injuries and told them that he had all three Unforgivables used on him. The statement hadn't made sense to him but the witches and wizards had recoiled in horror when she said it, so it must have been bad.
"But –"
"If you're afraid of announcing the truth, I will back you. I'll speak to the papers about what happened." Sirius said, trying to sound diplomatic.
"You want to announce his return." Fudge's voice trembled.
"I want everyone to be prepared. Hiding the truth will not help us."
Dumbledore walked in at that moment. Fudge, who had his back turned away from the doors hadn't noticed. He was still staring at the ground, starting to sweat from the argument.
"What if it backfires?"
Sirius stared. "Backfires? Voldemort is alive. We have proof of that. People have to know about it!"
"But how can he just be back from the dead?"
"He was never dead." Dumbledore sounded tired and stern. Percy saw how DJ, Ron and Hermione relaxed when he spoke. Dumbledore must be a younger version of Chiron in a way of speaking. He didn't know why Harry didn't like talking about the Headmaster.
Fudge almost jumped when he heard the new voice. "Headmaster! I... I must protest what these people are saying. It's sounds impossible –"
"And yet, it has happened. We've just found Crouch, Minister. He was wandering outside the centaurs' territory, quite distraught about something. The Aurors are shifting him to St. Mungo's, but primary diagnosis is repeated memory charms and the Imperius curse. You may question him on your own time, but priorities. What are your actions?"
Fudge reminded Percy of Vernon Dursley by swelling up like a balloon. While Dumbledore and the Minister started a debate which regarded a reporter's article on Harry, Percy turned around to look at the unconscious boy.
Harry had given everyone a shock when he got up and hurled on the grass – painfully alive. Any hope of pretending that he hadn't been dead, was gone because people had seen him motionless on the ground, eyes open. They had seen the spectacle of someone dead. They had rushed down to crowd around him like it was entertainment.
Mom had been right. It was the Hunger Games. The fight was not in the tournament but all above it.
Harry was asleep now. There was no doubt as to whether he was alive. The matron had put some kind of band around his wrist and they could hear his pulse beat every time the argument went silent. He was also breathing slow and deep. Percy kept staring at his chest, fearing it would hitch and stop but it didn't falter and he didn't stop worrying.
DJ seemed to be caught in two worlds. He wanted to stay with Harry but looked like he'd like to throw something at Fudge's head. Percy thought that he was about remove his shoe and use it as a projectile but DJ caught himself and sat back down sullenly, taking Harry's limp hand to calm himself.
The best part of the evening was that DJ, Ginny, Colin and Luna had seen Voldemort and his supporters on the map along with Harry, Percy and Bolt. The worst part was that they could not be found and there was no way to track them. And the question that remained on everyone's mind was how did they get inside Hogwarts' grounds?
There must have been a glitch. The same kind of problem that let Percy enter the wards through the lake, but it didn't seem all. They were missing something from the picture and would be no closer to figuring it out if they didn't get past the 'convince Fudge' state.
By the time dawn reached the castle, the news had spread. Rumours about Harry and Percy and Death Eaters and You-Know-Who swiftly glided by the student body and subsequently, the wizarding community.
"They think you're a family friend from France. Not sure why, but that's the story that's being printed around. Sirius isn't saying anything about it –"
" – but, it's best if you keep out of sight." DJ continued. Percy nodded, unable to stop himself from moving his arm. His shoulder was nearly mended. The whole area was completely numb and he'd have to keep the bandages for another day for it to heal completely. His instructions were to move it as less as possible, but it felt ticklish and weird every time he did move it that Percy couldn't help himself. DJ frowned, "Stop shifting it."
"I can't."
"Percy, it'll heal faster, if you hold it still."
"DJ, I know you may still feel new to my society, but you know that I am biologically programmed to not hold still."
DJ exhaled, rolling his eyes at Percy. On the last day of classes, the evening when the delegates from the guest schools would be leaving, Harry was deemed fit to be released. He was quite fine except for the broken knee cap which was still on the mend. He had nearly thrown his crutches out of the window in a fit of impotent rage, but when Madam Pomfrey had threatened him with a wheel chair, he'd sulked and had to adjust with walking around with crutches.
It would be just for a week, but knowing Harry, he'd be done with it in less than three days.
"They put up security around the castle." DJ added, leading Percy through the maze of corridors. They were on their way up to Gryffindor Tower. Most of the school were down having breakfast. Harry, who'd been exempted from classes, had decided to start on packing, since Seamus and Ron had nearly blown up their dorm while trying out non verbal spells on a dare.
"Do they finally believe that Voldemort's back?"
"Kind of. I mean, some are in denial. Some feel that the whole thing is surreal. People keep asking where he'd been for the past fourteen years and had he really been dead – stuff like that. It's not been easy." DJ scratched through his hair and pulled on his scarf.
"And... how's Harry?"
"Pretty mad. He'd almost hexed Malfoy just on principle when he'd gotten out of the Hospital Wing. Tosser asked whether he'd really died."
Percy hid a flinch at that. Yes, he had died. He'd felt it.
"No, I meant. How's he coping?"
"He copes by being angry and snapping at everyone."
"That's his usual self."
"So, he's back to normal." DJ said in a humourless tone. Percy sighed and shifted his shoulder, feeling the bandages move and the bones creak underneath his skin. It felt unreal.
"What about you? I didn't get a chance to ... um, are you alright?" DJ asked, stumbling a little.
"Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm fine. On peak form."
"But you look peaky."
"Is that bad?"
DJ shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets. Percy rolled his shoulder. They started to climb the moving staircases, hopping over a trick step which disappeared at random intervals. Percy had noticed that the paintings had been paying more attention to him than before. That wasn't nerve-wracking at all.
The most upsetting aspect about the castle was the inhabitants, not the magic. People were starting to recognize him as 'that guy who'd brought back Potter dead.' He personally didn't care for the title. The day after the task, he'd remember not being able to step out of the Hospital Wing without being accosted by some student or the other with several questions of what had happened. He didn't blame them, but they had seemed wary and cautious of him. It was as though they could sense that he wasn't a wizard or muggle, the way Harry had been able to feel that he and Annabeth weren't muggles when they'd met in the summer.
Wow... had it been a year? It felt longer and shorter at the same time.
DJ went on ahead and gave the password to the painting of a woman in a pink silk gown who opened her portrait as a door way for the common room. As always, it took Percy's breath away.
"Go on." DJ gestured, lingering back. Percy stopped.
"You're not coming with?"
"Harry told me something was bothering you. You might want to get that sorted out now, while no one's there to listen in. I'll be down here." DJ shot him a vague smile and leaned against one of the couches in the common room. Percy fiddled with his cast.
Was it obvious? He'd tried to hide it. If Harry'd realised that Percy was worrying over something that had already happened, he'd accuse him of wasting time and energy. There was no sense in griping over the past.
But Percy kept thinking back to that night. Harry had been killed. He'd been officially dead for two minutes. The curse had hit him when it was meant for Percy because however injured, angry and frightened Harry was, he'd still pushed Percy away in the flat second it had taken for Voldemort to send the curse and for the light to hit them.
Percy dawdled slightly as he went up the stairs. On the fourth landing, the dorm door was left open and he saw Harry packing his broom swiftly into a small space in the trunk. His case was filled and yet, the entire room was filled with papers, ink bottles, random articles of clothing and the like. Bolt let out a loud yawn and snuggled on his pillow. Percy looked through the large room which housed five four poster beds. It was much fancier than any boarding school he'd stayed in.
"Um... hi."
Harry looked up from the trunk and let out a breath that sent a tuft of his hair flying. Percy caught sight of the lightning bolt shaped scar before the hair covered it.
"You look sick." Harry snorted, using his crutch to push the broom in. Percy scratched his head. Harry didn't sound mad. A little mood off, but that could have been because of all the whispering behind his back.
"You look okay." Percy muttered, shifting through a bunch of quills on the ground.
"Is DJ waiting?"
"Then spill."
Percy blinked. "What?"
"You've been avoiding me?" Harry said, diving straight into the awkwardness. Percy sighed and closed his eyes for a second. There was no recuperating time with the guy.
"No. I wasn't... wasn't avoiding you... or anyone... I didn't want to bother you. You seemed irritated and you had to heal."
Harry's nostrils flared. Percy bit the inside of his cheek. He always looked half ridiculous and half frightening when he did that.
"One would suspect that to be my default setting." Harry said, amusement in his voice. Percy wondered if he'd heard the recent conversation or was aware of the reputation he had in the castle.
He sat on the edge of one of the four posters. "I would have thought you were mad at me."
"Why... what do you mean why? I made myself a target! Voldemort knows about me, he knows my name! That's the worst case scenario you were talking about before. Every time I came to Hogwarts, you warned me and I didn't listen. I didn't care. And now, if he finds out about my powers, about Camp, it's all on me!"
"Then being mad at you would be a waste of time!" Harry shot back. "Yes, you were foolish and an idiot and this is the perfect time to say 'I told you so,' but I'm not gonna do that because we've got bigger fish to fry. We keep ourselves safe. We inform people. Get all the wards up, be on the lookout – anything to be prepared. And your camp knows about witches and wizards and magic. Not to mention, you have the gods on your side. That'll make Voldemort hesitate at the very least When he does find out."
Percy groaned. "But still –"
"Percy, if you want to blame yourself, I'm going to have to launch you out of the window because you're clouding the dorm with negative energy." Harry said pointing at a little charm and pendant set hanging by the side of his bed post.
"That's pretty." Percy said, distracted by the small metal coins tied together with a red string.
"Thanks, Luna gave it to me. Apparently, Feng Shui is very in."
Harry grabbed a bunch of books and proceeded to stuff them into the already over flowing trunk.
"You died." Percy muttered.
He froze at that. A flash of regret and pain flitted across his features and Percy immediately regretted speaking.
"People die all the time."
"You – Harry, you did not say that!"
"What makes you think you can just say that?! Half the people in the world die because someone kills them!"
"Percy, I didn't mean –"
"Nobody wants to die!"
"They will when they think they're losing!"
"Is that what you thought?" Percy stood and walked up to Harry, staring at him right in the face. "You thought the battle was already lost and decided to die in flaming glory? Like a fallen warrior? Like a hero?! Is that what you want to be, Harry? A hero standing atop of a mountain of defeated enemies, covered in their blood?"
Harry stared and Percy knew that he was shouting now, "Do you know what the immortals call demigods? Heroes! A bunch of heroes who go into a fight swords blazing, arrows flying, heads rolling. No one ever focuses on what happens afterwards. In the aftermath, half the bodies are your families and those who're alive, go insane with victory or kill themselves. Do you know what it felt like seeing you dead? I was ready to give up. It was the worst feeling I've ever had! If Voldemort had tried to kill me next, I would have let him!"
There was a hard silence. "You'd give up?" Harry sounded angry. "You'd throw down your sword and let your self-preservation instincts jump ship if you'd had the chance? That's the most cowardly piece of crap I've ever heard."
Percy felt like punching something. He curled his fists but kept them tight against his sides.
"Why did you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Don't act dumb, Harry. It doesn't suit you."
Harry glared at him. "What would you have done in my place?"
Percy grimaced. He would have liked to say that he'd have done the same thing. In fact, he would have loved to say that. But already having established himself a coward, it didn't sound right and he didn't want to lie to him.
"I'd have done all I could to stop Voldemort."
Harry must have read the indecision. Both boys relaxed fractionally, in tandem. "Or did you feel the difference in magic?"
"This first time I saw Annabeth, she was ... exuding some kind of aura, I can't really explain it, some kind of feeling that I wasn't supposed to interfere with her complicated technique of waking you up. I could tell that she wasn't a witch or a muggle. I had the sense of wanting to leave the both of you."
"But you didn't."
"Of course I didn't. You'd dyed your hair violet."
"Purple." Percy chuckled. Harry shook his head and picked up an ink bottle to pack. "The point I'm making is that I shouldn't have called you a coward. Your self-preservation instincts were working. They were telling you to run from the fight because it wasn't your kind of magic."
"A different type of power." Percy nodded, recalling the sheer uncertainty that had settled in his bones when he'd been facing the Death Eaters. It wasn't fear, but a whole other warning. A threat of exposition of worlds.
"So, sorry."
Percy looked up. "It's okay. I shouldn't have yelled at you. You saved my life."
"That I did. Don't tell anyone, though."
"I didn't."
It was quiet while Harry zipped up a pouch filled with shrunken blank parchments. He set that aside and kicked through the miscellaneous belongings on the floor.
Before Percy could chicken out, he said. "If you want to talk about it, I'll wait."
Harry didn't pause in the process of clearing up the mess from his table. He patiently arranged the get well cards and sweets and then dumped them into a small sack. Percy tapped his feet on the floor. A minute later, he broke. "Harry, come on!"
"You were dead."
"I'm painfully aware of that."
"But then... in my world, when a person dies, they stay dead."
"Same here."
"What are you? An exception?"
"I am exceptional." Harry said thoughtfully, to irk him.
"Whining becomes you, Percy."
"Quit it! Just tell me what happened."
"What's there to tell?" Harry asked, spreading his arms. "It must have been faulty spell casting."
Percy's look of incredulousness was entertaining.
"Faulty spell casting."
"It's a thing. Magic is about intent. I could point my wand at you and say 'Avada Kedavra,' but nothing would happen."
Percy blinked fast. "Why not?"
Harry gave him an exasperated and fond look. "I don't want to kill you. I don't want you dead, so the magic wouldn't work. Voldemort was too curious about you and that could have interfered with the curse."
He took his time to mull over that. It made sense that magic would happen only if one believed in it. But Voldemort did want him dead, no matter how curious he was. Percy had felt the power behind the wretched green light, a shock of tainted power, heading for him to strip him of his mortality. It should have killed anyone. It could have even hurt the gods. It should have killed Harry.
"Or maybe he can't kill you." Percy said slowly, "It didn't work the first time around. So whatever happened then, must have happened now as well."
"I didn't have my mother with me this time." Harry mentioned softly. The silence made him feel self-conscious again.
"Me too."
"No. I really am.. sorry. I found out what happened. I got the whole story. I didn't know you had a sister. That's ... I'm sorry."
Percy didn't hesitate to walk forwards and embrace him. Harry stiffened like he was about to push him away but didn't.
"It's fine. I didn't know her. I mean I don't remember her. Or my parents."
"Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt."
Percy patted his back and Harry relaxed a little into the warmth.
"It doesn't."
"You're a horrible liar, Harry. No wonder DJ hated you for saying that."
Harry pushed him away, "I don't remember them, so I shouldn't miss them."
He started kicking at the parchments again. Percy held back a sigh. Figures he'd take more time for acceptance. "Logic doesn't have to apply here. Emotions make things irrational."
Harry turned his back on him, "Have you seen my wand?"
"It's okay to take your time, but Harry, you really need to talk to someone."
"I know I left it beside Bolt."
"Sirius was talking about a counsellor. Mom thinks it will be good for you." Percy shifted his shoulders. His bones didn't creak. It must have mended. "I think it's a good idea too."
"It might have fallen off the comforter. Do you see it?"
"It's not like a shrink or anything. Not that there is anything wrong with a shrink. In fact, that term isn't too nice. Sounds like quack. But a counsellor can just help you talk about stuff and get anger issues reduced."
"For the last time, I do not have anger management issues!"
Percy pressed his lips together, knowing he shouldn't laugh. Harry's face had turned red.
"I'll think about it."
"But if I don't like it –"
"We'll find you someone else."
"Fine. And one more thing." Harry grabbed Percy by the back of the neck and dragged him forwards.
"If you ever entertain the thought of giving up, I will throw you out the window wherein you'll land on your cabin roof at camp and wouldn't know the business end of your sword from the handle. Capische?"
"Capische. Cool. Now, let go or you'll regret it."
He smirked at that releasing him while Percy massaged the back of his neck, grumbling.
"Great. This room's still a mess!" Harry threw his arms up in the ultimate act of dramatic frustration.
"Are these all your notes?" Percy asked, kneeling down to look at several feet of parchment with Harry's ragged handwriting. Some didn't even look English.
Harry hobbled over his four poster and picked up the invisibility cloak that seemed to shimmer and glide with the slightest movement. "Most are class notes. Some others are Ancient Greek theories from a wizard's stand point. Annabeth might be interested in that... where's my wand?"
"What's this?" Percy lifted a sheet with Latin like symbols all over it.
"That explains it."
"Careful with the homework."
"Everything looks the same to me." Percy shifted through the sheets, pushed aside the trunk and lifted the bed sheet which was trailing over the ground.
"Found it." He caught a hold of the wand which seemed to be rolling away from him and was about to hand it over to Harry when a heat streak went through his hand. A bolt of bright light shot out from the wand tip, zipping past Harry and crashing through the stone and brick wall, breaking the side and creating a person sized gap in Gryffindor tower. The noise was incredible. The individual stones broke and fell into pieces beside Seamus's bedside table. The room shook for a panicked second before stabilizing.
Percy recoiled from the shock and dropped the wand. His hand trembled with the exorbitant magic which disappeared almost immediately.
Harry's jaw fell open. He looked down at his torso and lifted his jacket; the material under his left sleeve was torn to shreds from the beam and the skin was uncomfortably hot.
"What the hell did you do?!" He yelled.
"I don't know! All I did was pick it up!"
Harry looked close to strangling someone, but was interrupted by a clear sound, resembling an alarm of sorts which resonated in the castle. Percy winced, expecting more trouble.
"Damn. Hogwarts' going on lockdown." Harry threw the invisibility cloak over to Percy to hide under.
"I really didn't mean to –"
"S'not your fault. Things are never normal around here. Although this is the first time I've heard of a non-wizard doing magic." Harry picked up his wand and stared at it. It felt hot to touch but calmed down immediately at his presence. Bolt yapped and leaped up to his shoulders, settling herself partially behind his neck.
Percy swung the cloak over his shoulders and pulled on the hood. He was in so much trouble.
Then again, it was probably going to be the norm for them.
Can you believe this is done? I mean, this installment. The next one is titled 'Summer.' I've already started typing it and they need to be edited, so definitely, this month! Stay tuned, readers!