I know... I shouldn't be doing this. I just couldn't resist! I will finish this, in 15 chapters. 15, short chapters. Promise. And I won't post this until I'm at least on chapter 6. Hahaha! Anyway, enjoy! please do, review! Collaboration with Darth Taisha.

The Jester

Naruto was the Jester and he liked it (but no, not love, never love). He liked making people laugh, and with his sunny blonde hair, and sky blue eyes, he could brighten up anyone's dreary day. He himself loved to laugh a lot; it brought enlightenment to his soul.

Though the Jester was a massive troublemaker (instigator...maker of mischief...whatever) and was always playing pranks and causing minor bouts of hysteria around the town. He still, strangely enough, ended up becoming the personal favourite of the Queen, much to the chagrin of a lot of seriously pissed off tradespeople. The ruler seemed to think he was an absolute riot, and called on him to amuse her, a lot.

His dream, however, was not to become the Jester (being a Jester was only side job, just for the hell of it) it was to be the King. However, that dream could never become a reality for him, because he was not of Royal Blood or born into the Royal Family. Unfortunately for him, the only position available, would be that of the King's Advisor (and he just didn't think he was cut out for such a comatose-inducing position).

The Jester - Naruto - was alas, only a lowly orphan. He was looked down upon nearly by everyone, just because of his (sigh) status. One thing he did have a lot of, and that was charisma, and he used it to make people laugh, which helped to make them love him.

Konohamaru, was an unusually impressionable lad and one of his students. Not being all that ambitious or even particularly bright, he figured becoming a Jester like his idol would be a great career goal. Right now, Naruto was currently teaching his young student how to be and act like a maiden. Something that Konohamaru was strangely good at, much to Naruto's disbelief.

Besides teaching, Naruto also had a talent for juggling. He could juggle up to fifteen balls, to many people's complete awe and disbelief. To do that, he found himself located in the middle of the market, near the fountain. Drawn by his awesomely bright personality, many people came to watch him perform, which was a feat in itself.

With a job like his, it was necessary for him to stand out, so he always wore a bright orange uniform, with three bells adorning his head, like ornaments. They marked his every step, and announced his presence loudly to the world. Pretty much everyone knew who he was, with a costume like that, it would be nearly impossible for anyone to miss him.

Even though the Jester was a bit of a jokester, he was also fairly wise. He saw (supposedly) the world through a rose tinted glasses (he didn't, not really; but others didn't know that); but he was finely attuned to the feelings of others. That made him wise, and not many people knew that fact. There was only one person who was privy to that knowledge, and it was his best friend and rival.

The Jester wore a mask at all times. Normally he would wear a white one with whiskers, but for the rest of the time he would wear a mental one. Slammed on tight, it kept his true feelings hidden from the world. It was a smiling one. One that always showed happiness; a cheerful one, one that people could enjoy. If the People knew about his deep sadness, they'd fear him. For it was so great, it was unparalleled, even with the saddest of creatures.

But a mask was a mask, designed to keep secrets. Naruto kept a great many of them; secrets like that of the Fox within him, secrets of his parentage, secrets of his best friend.

Naruto wanted to be king so much, and yearned to be king, because it was his birthright. Not only that, he wanted to be acknowledged, for once, in a good way. Yes, he enjoyed laughing, and making people laugh, but…it would be nice to be treated as a hero, and not some inconvenience that just happened to show up that day.

His birthright: he was the heir of the Namikaze king. You see, the Dynasty before this one was that of the Namikazes'; they were the rulers of the land and beyond. They were killed, however, by the Fox within him, destroying their legacy, leaving the Dynasty after them to ascend to the throne.

Although Naruto didn't regret it, he didn't regret being an orphan, or his life for that matter. He was someone who could wish and hope for the impossible, that for once, instead of just making others happy, he could also find happiness for himself.

But he was the Jester…and that was his job.

Just because Naruto joked a lot, didn't mean he couldn't love. He was in love with Sakura; a woman with beautiful green eyes, that reminded him of the green leaves of the trees. Her hair was like fluffy pink cotton candy, and it made him wonder if it smelled as sweet as it looked. Although Sakura's hair might have been sweet, her personality sure wasn't. She was tough, and brutal, and she had never, ever, pitied or looked down upon Naruto. Not the way others did, anyway; she simply viewed him as an annoyance. And although she wasn't always the nicest person, she was never so to Sasuke - his best friend.

To him, her love was ever so sweet, and it made Naruto jealous. Especially since Sasuke was never, never, appreciative of what he had. He always had only one goal in mind, one stupid, stupid goal in mind; Naruto wasn't even sure how they became best friends. Wait - yes he did know; Sasuke was the first to acknowledge him, first to see him as a human, and first to challenge him, in anything.

Yes, Naruto knew exactly why Sasuke was his best friend, even if Sasuke…didn't.

Naruto often wondered what would become of him in the future. Would he find a warm and loving wife? It surely wouldn't be Sakura; she only had eyes for Sasuke. Would he have kids? Surely not, Naruto could not imagine having kids with anyone other than Sakura.

Actually, to tell the truth, he couldn't imagine himself having kids at all. How would he have them grow up? Using what example? He didn't have one of his own and he never would. So, how would he know how to raise a kid? Why was he thinking about this at all? Hadn't he established that he would never have children with anyone but Sakura, who only loved Sasuke?

Sometimes Naruto thought he was a bit of a masochist. Always wishing of having things he could never have. Always wishing for a family…always wishing for a title…always wishing for Sakura. Although, he knew, that it would be completely and utterly impossible; he still wished. It was unfair, really - why did he have to be the one that was like this? And why did Sasuke get everything that he, Naruto wanted?

But then again, Sasuke was Sasuke, and Naruto was Naruto. Sasuke saw things differently, and wanted different things. So it wouldn't matter to Sasuke if he was like Naruto, as long as he achieved his goal, his piece of happiness. Sasuke and Naruto were like day and night; it was only logical that it would be Naruto that Sakura hated, and Sasuke that she loved. The two best friends.

Yes, how could someone such as Sakura ever love the Jester? Impossible, simply impossible. The Jester could never be loved. He hadn't ever been loved, after all. Not by family. Not by girls. Not by friends.

Yes, Naruto had many friends that liked him, but never one that loved, or truly cared. They came in pairs. Shikamaru and Choji. The lazy and fat (Choji would kill him). Kiba and Shino. The dog and the bug (surprising, the 'animal' pair). Neji and Lee. The snob and the clueless (they covered each other's flaws astonishingly well.) And he, came in a pair with Sasuke, but Sasuke had never loved. Well, maybe he had, but he'd never tell Naruto. No, as Naruto would have to see for himself.

Whoever heard of someone sharing something with the Jester, anyway? Overall, Naruto was perfectly satisfied with being a Jester. He made people laugh. He was the centre of attention. He was a cause of (superficial) joy. After all, he was the Jester. Bright, light, shiny, loud - like the sun. Something so blinding that it made people look away.

Yes, he liked being a Jester.

But he couldn't help but wish, and dream - that he was something more.

This just came to mind. It was a very weird drabble- I hope you enjoyed it. It was entirely my idea. But Darth Taisha had a hard time incorporating humour into my angst. Hahaha.

Review, Review, Review

Sincerely, Aurora-chan!