Who's Zeke?

Summary:2-shot. Sam's questioning. Dean's out of options. When Sam learns the truth of who Zeke is, will his reaction be worse than even Dean feared & could it possibly cost Dean both his brother's trust as well as his life? *Questioning/confused/angry/limp!Sam & Worried/resigned/freaked out/big brother!Dean with an Ezekial cameo)* SPOILERS! Set after 09x04 Slumber Party*

Warnings: Language of course.

Spoilers: Yes, there are spoilers for 09x04 Slumber Party so beware before reading.

Tags/Codas: While it's set after 09x04 Slumber Party I'm not sure I'd consider this a tag or a coda but it does happen after the episode ends.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. This is written for fan enjoyment.

Author Note: While working up a tag/coda for the episode this one clicked. This is just a possible way for what happens when Sam learns about Zeke and certainly how I hope he handles it…well, mostly how I hope he handles it…oh, just trust me.

Chapter One

"Who's Zeke?"

The question froze Dean Winchester much like it did the first time his brother had asked the day before. It also managed to freeze him now as he tried to decide which classic car in their newly found garage he wanted to play with first.

"What?" he was buying time and he knew it. He also knew Sam knew it because he felt the laser aim of Sam's best bitch face zero in on his back. "Sam, I told you that you…"

"I wasn't groggy before I stepped into your room and heard you say 'Zeke'," Sam Winchester crossed his arms over his chest like he'd learned to do when irritated with his brother.

Sam had been trying to dismiss the odd little things he'd been picking up or noticing since waking up after the Church but it was getting harder now; especially when his brother starts acting weird.

"The other day in the car while we were searching for Cas you were speaking to me like you weren't speaking to me. When I came up with the idea to use the map table as a way to track Angels you acted surprised that I'd come up with the idea or that someone else had," he could read his older brother like a book and even though Dean's back was still to him the younger man still caught the tension in his shoulders.

Despite growing up with one another Sam knew he wasn't the only one with tells or giveaways in his body language. Dean had certain ones that he usually only did when lying to Sam and only his brother knew him well enough to pick them out…when he was looking for them.

The roll of Dean's shoulders, the way he shifted on the balls of his feet or the way his hands fisted restlessly were all ways that Sam knew his brother wasn't being truthful with him and also hated it.

What finally gave it away to Sam though was the moment Dean reached for the amulet he longer had but had always gone to touch when lying to Sam got to be too much.

"Damn it, Dean. I thought you said no more lies," something inside Sam still wanted to believe in what his brother had said in that church but it was hard right now. "I thought we were getting back to being real brothers again. I thought you'd stopped lying to me. Was everything you said to me that night lies to just get me to stop the trials or…"

"No!" Dean snapped, dropping the tool in his hand to turn and face Sam; the pain reflected in those deep eyes still managing to cut him to the quick. "I meant every damn word I said to you there and that I've said to you since but…" he hesitated. "I need you to let this go for a little bit longer, Sammy. I need you to just trust me."

Trusting Dean was something that was ingrained in Sam. He'd grown up from infancy trusting the older brother that had raised him. It was that trust, the need to trust that made this moment so hard on Sam now.

"You know I trust you, Dean. You know I want to trust you now but…" Sam stared at his hands, the floor of the garage, anywhere so he wouldn't have to look into green eyes he knew would be hurt soon. "…I can't. I can't trust you on this if you aren't willing to tell me who Zeke is or what the hell is happening."

Avoiding Dean's gaze now more than anything, Sam's hand smoothed over the car that had always been his home. "You asked me why I can't or didn't consider the bunker as a home. A lot of it is because I honestly don't know how to have a home.

"I could probably come to think of this place as one if I was certain it wouldn't burn down or up with you in it but I…I also can't think of it as that so long as you're still lying to me, Dean," he paused when his own wet eyes caught sight of the familiar little green Army man stuck in the rear ashtray, feeling his chest tighten. "If you meant what you said about not putting anyone above me, if you meant what you said at all to me then tell me the goddamn truth. Who the hell is Zeke and what are you keeping from me?"

Dean had known from the moment he made the choice he had that if Sam ever got suspicious about the lies or if he ever began to feel Ezekiel's presence that he'd have to explain to him. He also knew once he did that he may very well lose the little brother he'd fought so hard to save.

"Sammy, I…" he had several excuses on the tip of tongue to possibly try to get Sam off of this subject but the set of his brother's jaw warned him that this would be on time only picking a bitter fight or telling him the truth would work.

"You told me that after I collapsed back at the church that I slept it off," there was something, little dreams or something that had always caused Sam to doubt that. "Something else happened, didn't it? This Zeke is a part of it. Who is he? Why would you call to him when you knew it was only us, Charlie and Dorothy in the bunker?" he asked, voice dropping to the soft almost plaintive one it could when he wanted his brother to trust him as much as he trusted Dean.

When Dean remained silent and slowly shifted his head away Sam struggled to keep the bitter emotions and hurt in even while a tear slid free. "Okay," he whispered, rubbing his now cold hands against his legs. "I trust you, Dean. I want this to work between us again like it did once but until you realize that you need to trust me, until you can be honest with me then…I can't be here."

This was almost as hard on Sam as the night he walked out to go to Stanford but he felt it had to be done and could only hope that perhaps Dean would realize he wasn't a child that needed protected from every single thing.

"I'm not walking out. I'm not walking out on you. I…I just need a few days away from here to think or…" he needed out now before he did lose it and embarrass them both.

"He's an Angel," Dean spoke before he could think it over. The panic of watching Sam walk out again, the risk of what was out there now too huge in his heart to consider lying anymore and would take the hate that would come.

Sam stopped only a few feet from his brother to turn with a look of plain confusion on his face. "An Angel?" he repeated warily and then frowned. "But…we're shielded. An Angel couldn't hear your call inside the bunker so why…"

"He's already inside the bunker, Sam," Dean sighed, accepting that he'd started this and he may as well finish it. "He's inside you."

In all his life Sam couldn't think of another thing, other than the first time Lucifer had appeared to him to announce that Sam was his chosen vessel, that had managed to shock him…until now.

"What? Inside me?" he stared at his brother, shock and confusion there. "That's not possible. I can't feel anything different. I feel fine and an Angel can't take control without permission."

"You gave him permission," Dean blew out a breath, wanting to step forward but knowing it best not to right then. "Sammy, I…I didn't know what else to do, man. You were dying. Death was right there and you were…I freaked out. It might've been wrong and you might hate me but I swear that Zeke is healing you."

"Healing me?" Sam felt hot, cold, sick and hurt all at the same time as he struggled to piece this together while staring at his brother's stricken face. "Healing me from what?" he demanded, voice getting louder in the garage and even before Sam realized it his fists were clenched in Dean's shirt as he shoved his brother back against the Impala. "What the hell happened? Why can't I remember and…why the hell would I ever give anything permission to possess me?"

That was the one sticking point that Dean knew his brother would clutch. Sam had been possessed too much to want anything or anyone, even an Angel looking to heal him, to even claim a little control of his mind and body.

He'd known that from the start but the risk of losing his brother had caused him to allow the possession to take place with the hope that he could protect Sam and keep him from learning of Ezekiel at least until he was healed enough the Angel could safely vacate.

"The Trials fried your insides, Sam. When you collapsed, you went into a coma that you weren't coming out of. I…I let Zeke take control and I…had him make certain you wouldn't remember the bad stuff until you're strong enough or healed enough that he can leave without you dying but…ugh!"

A fist to his jaw didn't surprise Dean. He knew he'd get that and probably worse the moment Sam learned the truth or at least as much of the truth as he was willing to tell.

His head snapped back from the force of the blow and he tasted blood but even that pain was minor compared to the pain he felt at the expression of betrayal and hurt Sam had right then.

"You had no right to give him…it permission to control me, Dean!" Sam yelled, fury bubbling to the surface but he fought the urge to hit his brother again. "It's my body! It was my life! It was my goddamn choice to live or die!

"You know how I feel about anything controlling me again! You know I wouldn't say yes willingly, that I'd rather be dead than to not be in control or…" the lack of trust, the feeling of hurt that Dean would do this to him was so huge that Sam knew he had to put some distance between them before he said or did something that they would never recover from. "I…"

"Sam, wait," Dean started to reach out to touch his brother, to just get a hold of his arm but felt his head snap back again and this time saw stars from the fist in his face. "Sammy…"

Trembling now, Sam stumbled back. He wasn't certain if the burning pain was from whatever wounds he was supposed to have or the tightening in his chest as he fought the tears that wanted to come and also words that his inner self struggled to bury.

"Don't come near me right now, Dean," he warned, raising his hands and backing away. "I…I hate you for this."

A dead silence filled the garage as those words settled between them. Words that both brothers realized had never been spoken before.

Sam wanted to take them back. He wanted to not have said those words that made Dean's green eyes widen in shock and hurt before a look of sadness filled them but right then there was nothing Sam could do but turn and backtrack his way out of the garage; away from Dean and the words he whispered once he was alone.

"I know you do, Sammy. I hate me too," Dean slid down the side of the car to lower his head into his hands and mourn the loss of the last of his family.

By the time he reached his room Sam was breathing so hard he thought he'd pass out from hyperventilating. He was hurt, angry, confused and scared. He knew deep down why his brother had probably done what he had but it still hurt that…

A burst of pain shot through his head and it took Sam's strength to not fall to the floor. He nearly called out to Dean before remembering the garage was too far away to be heard and by saying he hated him any chance of his brother following him had been destroyed.

"What?" he gasped out when the pain hit again and this time Sam did shout for his brother, be it on instinct or confused fear that perhaps by learning of his hidden passenger something had just gone very wrong. "No…I… this is…Dean…"

The fear of dying was huge despite what he'd just said about choices but for Sam it was more a sadness that he might be dying of whatever was wrong with him while his brother still believed he had meant the hurtful words but he was powerless to stop the blackening descent as something else seemed to call to him. 'Dean…sorry,' were his last thoughts before blackness hit.

Dean wasn't sure what made him risk Sam's anger and hate so soon but he supposed if they were going to fight or if Sam was going to hate him then he'd hate him for everything, including the bits of the story that Dean had left out on purpose.

"Sam?" he hesitated to knock and frowned as the door he expected to find locked pushed open. His next thoughts fled as he bolted into the room to drop next to where his brother laid still on the floor. "Sammy!"

Sam's face was white, his lips a sickly blue while his eyes were open but staring blankly while his body shook with hard little tremors.

"No, not like this," Dean knew that Zeke had warned that Sam could expel him but had prayed his brother wouldn't do that or that the damn Angel would try to hold on until he got a handle on the situation. "Damn it, Sammy. Don't you do this and damn it, Zeke! Don't you let him die! Sammy!"


A/NII: Just remember, I don't do death fics so I will fix this. Second and final chapter should be done today.