
Once the machine had finished its work, Penelope and Perry took the newly transformed Derek to the infirmary. They laid him on one of the beds and Penelope grabbed both sides of his face. "Come on, bro, wake up," she begged.

"Pen... Penelope... you need to talk to me. Tell me what happened. What did you see?" asked Perry, grabbing her arm.

She looked at him and gave the same type of deep breath she gave before she was going to tell a long and painful story. "If you will regress with me back to my 6th birthday, I was injected with a serum. I didn't give you a name before, but it's called Yin-Yang. It is based off of that symbol, two sides in one vessel. That serum is three years old. Before the Enigma and before Derek the Duck, there was only Phillip, my younger brother. He drank the solution and became like how I am now, two sides in one body. It's like having two people in one head, and these two people don't share well."

"So, what did you do?" asked Perry.

"I somewhat lied when I said I would make him forget. I created the transformer device to suit my needs. I separated Phillip's good and evil sides into two different entities so that he wouldn't have to live with the insanity anymore. It was like splitting his brain in half..." She shuddered at the memory. "I put in the safety mechanism into both of their brains to remember that I was a friendly. They took it wrong though. Both of them developed... a fascination to me. At the time, they both looked the same, minus the evil side having red eyes instead of Phillip's brown ones. It's hard to explain. They don't remember a thing of their life together, thus they don't remember me, but somehow, they are connected. Both of them, their eyes change color..." she paused again. "The good side called himself Phillip and the bad side, the opposite, called himself Pillihp. Once they both came out of the machine, Pillihp overpowered Phillip... and me. They both disappeared for a while. I think you have met the evil side, Pillihp... he's the Enigma."

"You acted like the Enigma was the only one for a while there," said Perry.

"I took a hit to the head that day, so I forgot about the separation. I figured the bad side had just taken over, not that the Enigma was the bad side."

"So, where does Derek come in?"

"I wasn't able to see it until now; I saw that Derek and the good Phillip were one and the same. The Enigma must have given him worse amnesia and changed him into a duck. So now, now that I know who both of them are, if I can put them together, this war will be over before it can start."

At that moment, Roxie came in, clearly in a rush. "Penelope, Perry, I'm so glad that I found you two..." She looked into the cots beyond Phillip and saw Peter the Panda and the ALPHA red fox, whose name was Roxanne. "Are you two responsible for them?"

"Oh no!" Penelope and Perry denied in sync, sarcastically. Penelope hated Roxanne for touching Perry and Perry hated Peter for touching Penelope, so they took care of it. "What's the problem?" they asked, in sync again.

"A, you two need to stop doing that, and B... is that Phillip?" asked Roxie, noticing the unconscious platypus for the first time.

"Yes, that's Phillip, Roxie?" asked Penelope.

"I thought you said the Enigma was Phillip," Roxie mused.

"Roxie," Penelope said.

"Then again, you did mention the Opposites Divide project and said that he had to be put back together..."

"Roxie! Focus! What did you come in here to tell me?"

"Whoa! Chill, girl, no need to shoot the messenger. Here, satellites picked up this image. They thought you might know what it is," said Roxie, giving Penelope a large yellow envelope.

Penelope opened the envelope and gasped. She flipped through the pictures and blinked hard several times, not believing what she was seeing. "I don't believe it. He did it. The Enigma actually did it."

To be Continued...

There! How's that for a cliffhanger? Kabam! Thus ends Book 1, there will be a sequel coming. Now comes the part of the show where I say thanks to the important people. I would like to thank: Esperanza Hyde the Vamp Queen, ficklepickle7, waffleman1314, and 8annie81 for reviewing so fervently and really getting into the story. Thanks, guys. I would also like to thank any other guests who have made it this far and any future members and guests who have not read this yet, but probably will... soon. I would also like to thank Mr. Dan Povenmire and Mr. Swampy Marsh for making the show and inspiring this FanFiction. If they read this, I hope they like it, even if it's not entirely as... tame as what is on the show. I would like to thank my friends, who are an eternal inspiration to me and a constant encouragement, thanks :) If I forgot to thank anybody else, thank you, and I would like to thank the most important person of all... you. Thanks for reading, I hope you guys stick around for the sequel, because this party's just getting started!