I'm so sorry for not updating for more than a month, I lost all my ideas, right now I promise I'll try to be regular and make a drabble out of all my ideas, okay?

Anyway, I have this idea: a crossover of Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Percy Jackson and Kane Chronicles. They are all in high school and things like that. I haven't really thought about it much, but how does it sound?

The summary:

Four rival schools, conjoined together for some reason none of the students knew. Carter Kane wasn't happy at all to go to a school with the guy whose nose he broke. Annabeth Chase thought that it will be easy to beat Hermione Granger. Cato has something against Harry Potter and to their surprise Draco Malfoy is meddling.

21. The Crooked Dagger

Reyna was furious, she tried not to show it, but it was obvious. Every demigod moved out of her way as she went to the Praetors' villa. Why was she furious?

Leo Valdez, the annoying son of Hephaestus, thought it would be fun to release all the unicorns from their stables. Reyna had to work all Saturday to take the unicorns to the stables. Coincidence, all the officers – even Reyna's co-praetor – had taken an off that day. So it was up to Reyna to take the unicorns back to the stables.

She was covered in unicorn poop. She can now honestly tell that it was hard work to work in a stable, she'll feel at least a bit sorry for the demigods and legacies that were punished to do that.

Her two dogs, Aurum and Argentum, were sitting in front of the door. As soon as she got in, they came and nudged her dirty hands. She gave them a soft smile before patting them on the heads. They were the only ones who got see Reyna's nice side.

"I'm home, my cuties," she cooed as she played with them. Aurum licked her on her left cheek and Argentum licked her right cheek. "Come on, let me take a bath and then we can play."

They tailed her till she went to the washroom and took a long hot shower. If she ever caught the person who let the unicorns she'd kill said person. Or seriously maim them. Only one deal, it must hurt.

She changed into a loose purple t-shirt and shorts. She hoped no one came to her this evening. She wouldn't want anyone to see the almighty praetor wearing shorts and eating gummy bears. Yes, that's what she was planning to do.

Or make a list of the pros and cons of killing the person who let the unicorns out. She knew she couldn't do this, but she felt a certain kind of happiness as she imagined it.

She went to the kitchen and took out an unopened box of gummy bears and poured the whole box in a big bowl and went to the living room. Maybe she'll watch something overly dramatic, or she could have a Sherlock marathon. She loved Sherlock, mainly because nothing fit till the last scene played out.

But what she saw in the living room shocked her to no end. Not shocked, more like she was astonished. Leo Valdez was sitting there in the middle of her two dogs, and petting them.

"Valdez?" She questioned calmly, putting down the bowl on the table beside her dagger and looking at him.

"Yes, Reyna?" He asked back, with a playful grin on his elfish face.

"What are you doing here?" Reyna was starting to get a little angry, seeing that the dogs seemed content under Leo's hands.

"I just came here to see, whether or not you are still alive. I heard that you cleaned the stables today?"

No one knew about that, Reyna thought. She was sure no one saw her, and she is never wrong. Unless….

"What did you do Valdez?" Her hand slowly inched toward her dagger. Her mind slowly losing it's tracks and going somewhere where she was sure, that she'd hit him.

"Uh, I did nothing." Leo got up and slowly moved towards the door. "Please, move your hand from your dagger."

"WHAT did you do?" Reyna repeated taking a hold of the dagger.

"I, uh, umm, might've…. Let, umm, I'm sorry." Leo halted, looking at the dagger with a great interest.

"What?" Reyna arched an eyebrow getting near her. Leo looked like a prey in its last moments.

Leo was silent for minutes, staring at her dagger. Then, suddenly as if he wasn't scared anymore he said, "I let the unicorns out."

"You think everything's a joke, don't you? Did you specifically do this because it'll make me do the work on a Saturday? Why do you always have to bother me, Valdez?" Reyna took a step closer with each word, while Leo stared at her dagger with a terrified expression.

"Reyna," Leo said warningly.

"What?" Reyna snapped, pointing her dagger at his throat.

"Can I look at your dagger, for a moment, if you please?" Leo asked, as nicely as possible.

"Why?" Reyna lowered her dagger, looking at him confusedly. His brown eyes looked at her dagger, like he was itching to get his hands o nit.

"Just, give it to me." Leo persisted.

"You're trying to confuse me." Reyna decided with a shrug.

"No, I am not. Your dagger's crooked. I noticed as soon as I came in. You can kill me after I fix it." Leo answered. Reyna glanced at her dagger and saw that it was crooked. Her dagger was probably crooked because of that time she hit a Nemean lion with it.

"Yes, I believe it is." She said stupidly as she handed Leo the dagger. Leo inspected it, as Aurum and Argentum circled both of them.

"I think there's a Vulcan forge, somewhere around here?" He asked Reyna. She nodded. "Won't they let me in?"

"If I go with you," Reyna replied.

"Then, come on," Leo pointed at the door.

"Why should I?" Reyna asked, crossing her arms and glaring at him. He, too, glared back.

"Because it'll be an appropriate way of saying sorry," he replied. "And it frustrates me to see that your dagger is crooked."

Reyna went with Leo, surprisingly, she found that Leo was furious about her dagger. She wanted to smile at his anger over a crooked dagger. And when she did, Leo glared at her. "Why are you laughing?"

"You're getting angry over a crooked dagger." Reyna stated.

"I probably had too much coffee this morning." Leo admitted. The rest of their journey was completely silent till they went to the forge.

The Vulcan kids made way for the Praetor and the admittedly idiotic of The Seven. Reyna started watching Leo work from that day. It had a certain kind of charm to watch Leo work; it was like being in her own personal world.

She even liked it – though she'd never admit it – that Leo wrote his name on the hilt of her dagger, along with her name of course.