Sorry this isn't an update. I found out that I had some how missed chapter three when I did the rewrite... I'm not sure how the hell I pulled that off but I did. ANYWAY so I had to fix everything up at because of that. Sorry it took so long. Chapter 6 should be out soon though :)
Anyway I don't own Naruto… I know I'm a little sad too.
*** Chapter 5 ***
Naruto woke up early morning, grumbling about sadistic training regiments, as he readied himself for another round of it. Walking to the cupboards for a quick cup or two of instant ramen, he was greeted with a most horrific sight, something that had haunted his nightmares. All the ramen was gone. Instead there were vegetables, meat, and other healthy stood things along with a note, to which read:
Dear Naruto,
Ramen is BAD for a ninja. You should eat healthier food or else you won't be able to lift that sword of yours properly as you found out yesterday. I have stocked your cupboard with vegetables and meat. You are allowed to eat ramen ONLY ONCE a day. Any more than that, and I will ban you from eating ramen ever again. Consider this your first and last warning.
Yours Sincerely,
The Old Man.
Naruto quickly crumpled the note up after rereading it for the second time. Naruto was rather angry about the food-of-the-gods being taken away from him, and he was tracking his brain for any suitable retort to the old man. After spending several minutes and coming up with no answers, Naruto heaved a sigh in defeat and began to eat his new food before heading out for his training.
After two weeks, Naruto was progressing well. His Taijutsu training was progressing by leaps and bounds, as he was able to keep up with Lee' and Gai's crazy schedule, which was saying something. His speed and strength was increasing at double the rate of Lee even with weights, something which both Gai and Naruto attributed to the fox's healing abilities.
His Ninjutsu was also up to speed, as he was able to use both Kage Shuriken no Jutsu and the Shunshin no Jutsu flawlessly. With the help of his kage bushin training method he was able to complete elemental manipulation on both water and wind, the water being done in two days and the wind being done in five. He had also learned two water jutsu, a single wind jutsu as well as trying to develop his Kekei Genkai.
The one thing that had advanced more than any of the other things was his Kenjutsu. While the weight had slowed down his ability to use the Kubikiribōchō to just starting the basic katas, with the workout he was doing with Gai and Lee, he was now moving rather well though he still had to channel chakra to move quickly with the blade. He was also learning the Kenjutsu style a lot quicker and more effectively, as all he'd do was use his Kage Bushin no Justu and have them continually attack him so he could learn to wield the style with combat effectiveness. He was able to easily include the Kirigakure no Jutsu because his affinity to water made it ridiculously easy, which the Hokage said might have even been on par with the Mist created by the Second Mizukage, the original creator of the jutsu.
Naruto was currently waiting under a tree in the usual training ground seven, though he wasn't normally reading as he was currently reading a book on Fūinjutsu, and waiting for the rest of his team. The first to show up was Sasuke, who froze on the spot as he saw the blonde "dobe" reading a book. He stood there for a few minutes waiting for something before he shook off the feeling that the world was going to end and chose to lean on a tree and brood, as he normally did. Sakura was the last of the genin to arrive, but unlike Sasuke, she completely ignored the blonde and went to fawn over Sasuke who, like usual, paid no attention to her.
Sitting in a tree branch from where he was observing the genin, Kakashi was shaking his head. He had gotten a little laugh from Sasuke's reaction to the "new" Naruto, what with his expression of worry that the world was ending. However Sakura's reaction displeased him greatly, not only had she not done anything during the break but she still wasn't worried about her blonde teammate. Sasuke, he knew, was training as usual. Kakashi had been personally tutoring him in the use of his Sharingan, as he was the only one to actually know how to use it in the village now. The one that he had been watching most of all during his hour in the tree was Naruto. No longer did he see the hyper active knucklehead shinobi, but a cool, calm and collected shinobi who was READING! And he seemed to completely ignore Sakura as if he was over her completely which he had though was impossible.
Deciding that they had waited long enough, he quickly used a shunshin in front of them, reading his book as always. After the usual screaming of "YOU'RE LATE!" from Sakura, though he still was surprised that Naruto was still reading his book not even bothering to look up at his teammates screams or his appearance. Clearing his ear by using his pinky, he began in his usual lazy tone, "Well my cute little genin, let's begin with teamwork exercises, hm? We have a lot to cover for the last two weeks…"
It was nearly noon when they had finished their "teamwork" exercises. Really Kakashi was just exercising their patients with the exercises. During this time he had seen the weights that Naruto had on his forearms, so he decided that a little Taijutsu spar would be in order. Motioning Naruto and Sasuke together he told of his decision, "Now how about we have a little spar shall we? Here are the rules: No Ninjutsu, weapons or killing blows. Remember that you are all teammates and this is just a friendly spar. Everything else goes." Both teens nodded before stepping away from each other, putting a small amount of distance between each other.
Kakashi keeping in with his lazy façade, kept his book up but was secretly watching every move Naruto made. He took note on how Naruto seemed to walk with an air of confidence, not his usual cocky confidence, but true confidence as if he was sure of his abilities but knew where he stood against others. Seeing that both boys were waiting for each other he quickly signaled for the start, "Hajime!" Kakashi said loudly as he jumped back a little to better observe the fight.
Neither moved for a moment, as both staring the other down, looking for any weaknesses or holes in their respective stances. Sasuke's stare was that of superiority and haughtiness, as he figured that Naruto wouldn't have been able to surpass him at all. Naruto's was one of curiosity, he was wondering how Sasuke would stand up to someone of Lee's level, as he was still getting his butt handed to him during their spars.
Both quickly took on their stances with Sasuke using the Uchiha's Interceptor Fist while Naruto settled into the basic stance of the Hummingbird Fist. Kakashi's eyes widened on seeing the unknown stance that Naruto had slipped into, which combined with Sasuke's haughtiness and his underestimation of Naruto would only end up in disaster. On the other side of the field, Sakura was rooting for her "Sasuke-kun".
Having grown tired of waiting, Sasuke lunged forward, intent on finishing the fight with a single blow. To his astonishment and Kakashi's amazement, Naruto just casually sidestepped the punch. Sasuke, not one to be out done, quickly followed up with a kick on Naruto, which he also casually dodged. His temper getting the better of him, Sasuke sent a flurry of kicks and punches, and as Naruto dodged or blocked each one his anger kept getting greater and greater. Naruto was blocking and dodging quietly, making sure to keep his body light and nimble as his stance called for, and kept waiting for an opening in Sasuke's stance.
He didn't have to wait too long as Sasuke's anger, once again proving greater than his reasoning, got the better of him. Sasuke sent an unusually wide punch, leaving a large hole in his stance. Quickly grabbing the opportunity, Naruto quickly sent a chakra enhanced fist into Sasuke's gut, sending the poor genin flying into a nearby tree.
This brought about different reactions from everyone. Sakura had immediately stopped her cheering and was holding her hand in front of her mouth in shock. Kakashi had sighed dramatically, 'It was bound to happen,' He thought to himself, 'Though I wonder just exactly how Naruto was able to get this strong or fast.'
Sasuke on the other hand was absolutely seething, 'How the hell did the dobe do that? It much have been pure luck. Well no more of that, I refuse to be bested by anyone! I'll use my Sharingan and be done with this fight…'
Quickly activating his Sharingan, he quickly charged at Naruto, who just widened his eyes at seeing the red eyes before shrugging it off and taking his stance again. Sasuke moving as fast as he could sent a flying kick on Naruto's side, forcing Naruto to bring his arm up to block. However Sasuke's Sharingan was able to see this and he quickly sent a punch to the exact opposite side, hoping to catch Naruto off guard.
Naruto wasn't that easily fooled, having done so many spars with Lee he saw the punch coming at him. He immediately brought up his other arm to block the punch, while disengaging his first arm and landing another solid punch in Sasuke's stomach, sending him a few feet back again. Sasuke was quick to resume the attack, continually sending a flurry of punches and kicks, some of which actually made contact with Naruto, but was unable to land any solid hit on him.
Deciding that enough was enough as Naruto was slowly figuring out that Sasuke was seriously trying to injure him now, he used his full speed to appear under Sasuke's guard bring a shock from everyone again, even Sasuke. That surprise cost Sasuke, as Naruto using that moment of surprise to his advantage, kneed the Uchiha in the stomach before hocking his left arm around the neck and throwing him into the ground.
Hokage's office
Up in the Hokage's office, the elderly Hokage was rubbing his hands together gleefully. Around him stood three of his ANBU that were supposed to be guarding him at the moment. One by one each of the ANBU took out some gold coins and placed them on the desk, before turning back to their respective places to brood.
"Last time I make a bet on that kid. He's too damn unpredictable!" One of the ANBU said before fading into the shadows.
Hiruzen just laughed as he cheerfully pulled the coins into his pocket and went back to watching the outcome of the fight through his crystal ball.
Back with Team seven
On the Training ground, time seemed to have frozen. Sasuke was knocked out cold, Sakura's eyes were wider than ever before and her jaw was on the ground, and Kakashi… Well you would assume he would have just been reading his book, all calm and cool, but on the inside he was ,albeit not as much as Sakura, surprised on how things turned out.
'Well this is interesting, I never would have thought Naruto could beat Sasuke, or that Sasuke would even take such a beating. I knew his temper was effecting him but it shouldn't have been to this much. Maybe this will humble him a bit, if it doesn't I don't think anything will.' Kakashi thought to himself.
"Well, well, well, looks like you really did a number on him Naruto," Kakashi said with an eye smile, "Now considering that I have to take him to the hospital, today's session is over. Meet back here tomorrow so we can continue training and do a few missions." He said, addressing both genin at the end. Kakashi picked up the unconscious genin and with a final wave disappeared toward the hospital.
Since the Uchiha was no longer there, Sakura dejectedly walked back home, leaving Naruto alone on the training ground. Seeing as he had nothing better to do, he unsealed his sword and began to practice.
An hour later, Naruto was still going to katas with the giant blade, though he was now attempting to do it with a single hand. When he failed to complete one kata he would switch hands, so one arm wouldn't get stronger than the other. So far he was still on the first kata.
"That's quite impressive for someone your age, Naruto. Not many people even twice your age are able to actually swing that one. I doubt if I would even be able to do it."
Naruto stopped his workout and turned toward the voice. He knew who it was, but it was still common courtesy. There leaning against a tree, looking as lazy as ever, was Kakashi his book still in his hands, though still on the same page as when the fight between Naruto and Sasuke had started.
"You had some nice moves Naruto," Kakashi began, an eye smile showing, "I am surprised that you could move with such speed, especially with those training weights on." He said pointing to the weights on Naruto's arms. "The only people in Konoha who use those weights are Gai and his student. Considering that I shouldn't be all that surprised that your moving that fast. Gai's training regimen is brutal but very effective." Kakashi finished, shivering from a memory at the end.
Somewhere on the other side of Konoha they could hear the yelling and need to "Bring someone's youthfulness to its peak". Both stopped breathing for a sec before Naruto continued the conversation.
"Sensei, why are you here? I mean shouldn't you be off training Sasuke or something?" Naruto said leaking a little venom into his voice. He had turned away at the last minute and couldn't see the flinch from Kakashi upon that statement.
"So your upset about that, huh?" Kakashi asked. Naruto still not facing him nodded his head. Kakashi heaved a sigh, "That training was to make him less dependent on his Sharingan and to try to take a little off his ego as it was getting out of control." Kakashi said hoping to explain himself a bit.
"Yeah, great work there. In a simple Taijutsu spar he was beyond smug and overconfident AND used his Sharingan." Naruto said though there was almost no venom in his voice, which gave Kakashi a little hope at not turning his student away from him permanently.
"Yeah, I know it didn't fully work. It was going to be a work in progress had he not used it this time, but now it's out of my hands. The Hokage said not to worry about it right now, as the team could use work together." Naruto turned back around to face his sensei.
"Fun." Naruto said crossing his arms over his chest.
"Well let's forget those details for now hm? The Hokage said that you were working alone on Ninjutsu? Anything I can help with?" Kakashi asked.
"Sensei just answer one thing first. Are you really trying to help, or just trying to make up for previous mistakes?" Naruto asked his face not budging an inch on his emotions.
Kakashi was shocked to say the least. He was trying to make up for his mistake of mismanaging his team, but he also wanted to help.
"Look, if your just trying to make up for mistakes, then I'm not really interested. I don't want pity for you leaving me and Sakura for our own while you trained Sasuke. I understand why you did it, but that doesn't mean you can take back that pain that it inflicted to be neglected. If you're really here to actually help then I'd be happy to learn from my sensei, not someone looking to fix things that happened in the past." Naruto said his expression a solemn one.
Kakashi was stunned. He guess it was because Naruto seemed more mature, or maybe he truly had been more focused on Sasuke than Naruto and Sakura, but Naruto just seemed so far ahead of the others with that single statement. Kakashi looked up at the sky as he remembered the many mistakes he had made in his long career as a shinobi. He remembered his sensei's wise words when he talked about hatred towards Iwa, and how "Mistakes should be left in the past. Let them temper your actions but not dictate how you live your future." Turning back to look at Naruto, he could have sworn he saw the image of Minato behind him.
Kakashi could only chuckle at it, "Making up for my mistakes…. If I started to do that I'd spend the rest of my days trying to fix everything and still never accomplish it. I'm here as your sensei, to help with your training, as I should have done from the beginning." Kakashi said, with an eye smile that seemed more natural than his forced ones.
Naruto looked at the man for a few seconds before sighing, "It's not so much Ninjutsu that I need help with. I'm still having trouble with my Kenjutsu style…" Naruto began explaining what difficulties he was having while Kakashi would comment or offer suggestions.
Hokage's Office
The Hokage was sitting idly in his office, reading 'The Book' without a care in his life. He had just come from a quick session with the council. They wanted Naruto detained and executed again for the spar with the Uchiha, but he quickly put the down; And thanks to Naruto he was able to enjoy a rare moment of absolutely no paperwork, and was very happy. There were no major wars or incidents that needed his attention, and with the next generation coming out as strong as it was everything seemed to be looking brightly for Konoha.
But like all good things, it was not meant to last. One of the members of the barrier team, a specific team designated to monitoring the barrier surrounding the village who would then be immediately alerted if any intruder passed the through the barrier, came rushing into the Hokage's office looking paler than a ghost.
The Hokage looked up with a pointed stare, annoyance clearly written on his face for having his reading time cut short. The man cared little at the moment of the stare, otherwise he'd be afraid, and he quickly gave his message, "Hokage-sama, the Tsuchikage is here."
The book fell out of the Hokage's hands, as the room fell silent. As the book hit the ground, it was like a shot from a gun. The Hokage stood up immediately, the book long forgotten now, as his mind began to whirl in circles trying to find an answer for his appearance. One of the last people he thought that would ever walk into his village freely, just did. This was a man who had fought both one of his Sensei and Madara, as well as being one of the most dangerous enemies of the Yondaime, and consequently Naruto as well, was in his village. His small peaceful world was slowly crumbling at it's base.
"WHAT?!" The Hokage roared out, as he quickly threw off his Kage robes and was in his full battle gear. He quickly picked the man up by his collar as his needed as much information as possible. "Is this the start of an attack?! How many shinobi did he bring with him?! Why weren't we alerted sooner of this?!"
"Peace Hokage-sama," The man said, now shaking for fear of his life, "He doesn't have many shinobi by his side, only two. If I had to guess they were his body guards. He hasn't made any threatening stances so his motives might be peaceful."
The words quickly took effect on the elderly Kage, as he slipped into his chair, and air of exhaustion permeating from him. Looking back at the man he asked the one question still on his mind that refused to leave, "What does he want?"
"From what intel we could gather quickly, he seemed to be wanting a meeting with you. He also kept muttering something about Naruto and Nami no Kuni." The man finished his report.
The Hokage's eyes widened at this final piece of information. 'Does he know already? I was planning to keep it a secret until much later, when Naruto was properly able to protect himself from anything the Tsuchikage threw at him. Guess that plans been blown out of the water.' The aged Kage thought, a sour expression on his face. Quickly turning to his crystal ball to check on Naruto, he found that he was safe with Kakashi. Expanding the range a little he saw a little rustling of leaves in the trees and could make out the face of a girl. The Hokage then quickly used the crystal ball to locate the Tsuchikage and found him still near the wall. Quickly motioning for an ANBU to escort the Tsuchikage, he began to put his robes back on as well as plan on how to save Naruto from this.
With Naruto
Naruto was still training with Kakashi, they were currently trying to increase his hearing so he could better navigate the mists. He felt the unease that he was currently being watched and giant shiver run up his spine. "Why do I feel like my world is about to end?" Naruto asked aloud.
Kakashi having hear his student look at Naruto then at the sky. He knew he was being watched, and where they were but he figured it was probably the Hokage keeping an eye on them after the Sasuke incident. "Must be your imagination."
Naruto excepted that answer and they went back to training.
Hokage's Office
"Ah, Tsuchikage-dono, welcome." The Hokage smile, hoping to cover up his anxiety, "What brings you here? Everything well back in Iwa I hope?"
"We can dispense with the formalities Hiruzen," The Tsuchikage said. Ōnoki floated into the office, his hands crossed over his chest. He was small, but he also radiated wisdom and power that Hiruzen himself radiated. It was something one only gained after many years of battle and hardships. "Why don't you tell me why you chose not to inform of why HIS son was still alive?!"
Hiruzen seeing how the topic was going to end up going, quickly motioned for everyone but the two Kage to leave the room. After activating the privacy seals, he motioned for Ōnoki to have a seat in one of the chairs, as he picked up his pip and took his own.
"What, don't your people know that the son of their 'Greatest Hero' is alive?" Ōnoki asked, confused as to the silence he was getting of Hiruzen. Had it been him in the Hokage's place he would have made it a public fact from day one. The people would honor the child and help give them something to look forward to, consequences be damned.
"I've kept his parentage well hidden from everyone, I was afraid that without proper protection his name would attract unwanted attention from certain parties." Hiruzen replied, strongly stressing the word 'unwanted'.
Realization quickly hit the short Kage, as he too understood that Minato probably had enough enemies and they would make attempts on the boy. Deciding to play a little, the Tsuchikage asked in as innocent of a voice as he could muster, "Wrong people? Didn't the treaty clarify on the fact that he was to be married off to my Granddaughter, which would have stopped any and all attempts?"
Hiruzen was now confused, and began to question many things, 'Treaty? Marriage? Naruto and Ōnoki's Granddaughter? Has the old bat gone senile, or did I mix in the wrong stuff for this pipe?' Deciding to try and voice his thoughts in a more suitable manner he ended up asking the most basic question, "What treaty are you talking about?"
"Didn't Minato tell you about it? It was supposed to be, in his own words, 'The biggest treaty since the Senju and Uchiha'." The Tsuchikage replied in a confused tone, though inwardly he was enjoying this more and more. Pulling out a scroll he tossed it to Hiruzen, who quickly caught it and began reading it. Disbelief colored his face and each sentence was covered by his gaze. After having finished reading the scroll Hiruzen, in a small fit of frenzy, jump up and opened up the locker on the wall, pulling out Minato's personal journal and quickly started to scan for any mention of a treaty.
'DAMN YOU MINATO!' Hiruzen cured in his mind upon finding the write page, 'You eclipse every Hokage before you! Doing this without letting it ever slip so people might take advantage of it, and then go off to die as a hero, leaving me to bear the burden of your actions! Kami damn you!"
Having been seen the expression of rage and the slight shaking a fist on Hiruzen, Ōnoki just chuckled before speaking, "I take it you found what you were looking for?"
Hiruzen now facing the Tsuchikage replied, "Looks like the treaty is the real deal; But why did you wait thirteen odd years to read that thing to know about it?"
Ōnoki just shrugged, "Well I was given the news that the entire family was killed during your Kyūbi attack. So since there would be no marriage the treaty was all but invalid then. It wasn't until our intelligence network caught wind of some interesting news about the so called 'Hero of Nami no Kuni' as they call him." The small man said in a bored and casual tone.
"I see," Hiruzen said, being sure of the fact that Ōnoki was going through with this treat only due to the fact that he was afraid of Naruto being as strong as his father. Oh, if only he really knew. "Since the treaty is official, I'll announce this in a day or two. Now if you'll excuse me Tsuchikage-dono, I have some important matters to attend to."
Ōnoki was brought up at this statement, "Wait, what about the marriage?" he questioned. He was eager to make Naruto his grandson-in-law. There was no way he was going to let a Namikaze, that also had Uzumaki blood running through his veins, loose like this without making arrangements to save Iwa from getting another beating like those many years ago.
"No." Hiruzen said flately. He had had enough of arranged marriages. The Hyūga and the Uchiha had given him enough headaches dealing with them. He was not going to condemn Naruto to that sort of hell.
"No? What do you mean NO?!" Ōnoki exclaimed as he lifted himself out of the chair, "The marriage is the only thing that is keeping this alliance right now!"
Hiruzen quickly sought to clear the confusion, before the treaty could be broken as it had only just now come to light, "By no, I mean no to the arranged marriage. Not to the marriage itself."
Ōnoki was now confused and getting slightly grumpy (A/N, he kind of looks like Grumpy for the dwarves hahaha), "Explain."
"Instead of forcing both of them into a marriage right away, why not try to get them together the normal way? This way, even if we have to use the arranged marriage as a last resort, they will not COMPLETE hate us for it. I don't know about your granddaughter, but Naruto is not one to be trifled with when irritated." Hiruzen said, shivering at remember the horrific pranking spree when he had banned ramen a few years back as he tried to get him to eat something healthy. He had several of his ANBU have to go through counseling because of the damage that was incurred.
Likewise Ōnoki shivered at remember when he had informed Kurotsuchi of the treaty. His office was still under repair from the aftermath. And he hadn't even mentioned that the arranged marriage was for her to be married off.
"While that is all well and good, I hope you have a plan. I have already hinted at it with my granddaughter and told her to gather intel on the boy. How do you plan on putting them in front of one another and getting them together, short of ordering it?"
"Simple. Chūnin exams are being held in Konoha in two months. Send a team that includes your granddaughter to it. I will make arrangements for a few individuals to… 'lend a hand'. They are rather resourceful in this area." Hiruzen proposed. He was referring to Kakashi and Jiraiya but he didn't need Ōnoki necessarily knowing that, "Meanwhile, we can also try to discreetly 'point' them in the right direction as well." Hiruzen finished satisfied at his plan, "But the arranged marriage stays a secret between us. No one is supposed to know about it for now."
Ōnoki thought about it, then simply shrugged. The marriage would happen one way or the other, this way just seemed like the elderly Hokage wanted to have a little fun with it.
Hiruzen seeing the shrug took it as acceptance, "Good then. I'll see you in two months' time." Hiruzen finished as he deactivated the privacy seals and ordered an escort be made to collect the granddaughter and get the Tsuchikage to the gates.