The Black Dragon
This is an AU about the fic Merlin. Sorry if the characters are a bit OC, I haven't watched the series since the season 2 when it was on the Fox Kids channel. (Means like 4 years ago) Enjoy and Review.
Summary: In a world where Balinor saved the dragons from the Purge, but lost his life, a young dragonlord becomes the savior of a dying magic, while resenting his destiny. Meeting the other side of the coin will be enough to mend a broken trust?AU
It was a strange situation.
The black dragon was resting at the corner of the old tower. This was his new "pen" until the builders could make a bigger cage. The building had been abandoned since Arthur´s second birthday; it was first vault for magic items before they were taken to the catacombs under the castle. The place was filled with cobwebs and dust, but the dragon seemed to not mind the dirt.
Arthur was worried.
The dragon had not struggle when he was taken into the tower. He had not cried. He had not attacked. He hadn't cursed him.
He hadn't eaten or drank any water since his capture. This wasn't his normal behavior.
(Unlike Morgana who had slapped him. She hadn't talked to him since that day. Which, it was a normal behavior.)
So, Arthur was worried. He continued to stare the tower from one of the windows of the castle.
Meanwhile, the dining hall was shining, as the servants cleaned every corner of it. The king wanted a huge celebration. The dragon had been captured after two years of attacks. Camelot had a new weapon to defend her from enemies, but also a symbol against magic.
The kitchen was busy: baking the cakes, cooking the deer and boars hunted by the knights and chopping the vegetables. People were decorating the streets, ironically with dragon's figures. However, a few ones were not celebrating: maidens who had been saved from bandits (like Gwen); poor farmers whose family had been aided with a boar during the harsh winter and mothers who managed to send his children to the druids with the dragon´s help.
Other people, like Mary Collins, were plotting revenge against the King. She had lost her son a few days ago, accused of practicing magic. The older woman had been planning to kill the prince, but the spoiled boy left the city to capture the dragon. Now, she could kill two birds with one stone.
She knew that a famous singer was coming to Camelot… along with her chance to enter into the palace.
He decided to feed the dragon.
After all, the animal was his responsibility.
And his manservant quit after he used him as a living target.
First problem… what kind of food he could give the dragon? His first idea was to give him the same food as his dogs, but he changed his mind after seeing it. He decided to fill an old pot with rabbit meat, a few apples and some cow bones.
Second problem, when he was walking towards the main entrance of the castle, he found Morgana and her maid.
Where are you going?- she demanded, seeing the old pot. Well, at least she was talking to him…
The dragon had not ate for two days…- the prince explained, lifting the pot.- So, I decided to give him something…
You can´t give him that!- Morgana looked the contents, disgusted.- Cow bones?! He is not a dog!
He had been living in the woods since he was a child.- explained Arthur.- I don't think he would like some stew and bread for dinner.
He was human!- the girl exclaimed, with an indignant expression on her face.- You want him to choke with the bones?!
Well, what do you suggest?- Arthur answered back, were angry.- Bring a table and pour some wine in a pot?
If you don't mind, my Prince…- a very timid voice interrupt them. Gwen decided to stop the argument before it got worse.- I have an idea…
The cow´s bones were given to the dogs. Gwen gave Arthur a basket full of dumplings, a piece of cheese and a few dried meats from the kitchen. But the prince insisted to take the old pot, only with the rabbit meat and the apples. In case the dragon didn't want the "human" food.
Arthur pushed the old door of the tower, as spiders and rats ran away from the light.
The place was filthier than he expected. He started to sneeze as soon he entered into it. It was fill with old, half burned books, broken furniture and pieces of –he hoped the dragon hadn't got injured- shattered metal and glass, which remind him the glasses from Gaius´s laboratory.
The light barely entered into the room. Most of the windows were blocked with stones or heavy pieces of wood. He needed to order the servants to "clean up" a bit the place or his dragon would get sick.
He pushed aside the thought of owing a dragon.
Hey! I brought you some food.- the prince shouted. No one answered.
The prince sighed. He couldn't see the dragon; with it black scales he blended perfectly into the dark room. He was about to call him using the commands from the collar when…
Something or someone pushed him into the ground. Arthur saw from the corner of his eye a human figure, running towards the door.
Stop!- shouted the blond boy.- I order you to stop!
Like a puppet pulled by it strings, the person lay still just a few meters from the exit. Arthur looked incredulity as the boy started to tremble. He was a few younger than him; he had long black hair and… was naked.
It looked like he never had a bath because he was covered with sweat, mud and dirt. He was wearing metals bands in his necks, wrists and…
Dragon?- the prince said with a whisper.
The young boy turned around, looking straight into his eyes, with a very angry scowl on his face.
My name is Merlin…- the dragon boy answered.
Gaius was a very old man. He had seen many beautiful and terrible things. He had to abandon the magic arts and the love of his life because the ban of magic. He betrayed the other magic users by staying under the King orders, instead of running away or joining the rebellion. He regretted a lot of his actions.
But the thing he most regretted was the death of his sister, Hunith, and her husband. He knew her son was alive; living as a dragon and prisoner of the Royal House.
He didn't have the valor to go and talk to him. He had failed his mother, his father and the druids who had raised him. Gaius just wanted to stay in his laboratory and spend the festivities mourning.
Gaius!- the prince opened banged the door, startling the old man.- Gaius, is an emergency!
Swear that you will never tell anyone about this…- whispered Arthur, unloading the bucket with water and supplies from the cart.
The prince borrowed an old cart and a very stubborn old mare from the stables, to transport the warm water, bandages, clothes and other few cleaning supplies he could get without suspicions (although he got extra help from Morgana and Gwen after he told them it was for the dragon).
I will keep the secret until my death, my Prince.- the old healer answered, with a serious tone.
Good…- Arthur opened the door of the abandon building.- He doesn't listen to me… but you were a magic user once…
The blond man grabbed the buckets of water as Gaius carried the rest of the supplies, both going into the tower. Arthur lighted a torch and the fire brightened the room.
Maybe, he will let you help him…
Gaius gasped when he saw the naked boy, hiding in a corner of the room, with his head on his knees.
Gaius …- Arthur whispered.- This is Merlin, the black dragon.
Merlin was very dirty; he had scratches and scars from the battles against Camelot´s soldiers. A very distrustful look was on his face, as the old man started to approach.
So, you bring the healer…- the black haired boy whispered.- How thoughtful…
You didn't want me to help you!- Arthur said angrily. – At least, let him look your wounds…
I am fine.- Merlin objected.- My magic will heal me….
Your magic is locked!
And whose fault is it?!
Quiet you two!- shouted Gaius, keeping his voice as low he could.- If the King found out you can turn back into human form…
He will cut my head.- Merlin said back, not seriously.- The prat prince warned me…
You are an idiot!- Arthur groaned.
Shhhhh!- whispered angrily the old man. – My prince, there are guards close. I will deal with him; go outside and make sure no one approach the tower, please.
Fine…- Arthur said, still angry. He looked directly at Merlin.- You will not attack Gaius, neither turn into your dragon form or try to escape…that is an order.
The collar around Merlin glowed. Arthur leaved the tower, closing the door with a bang, without looking back. Gaius sighed. Sometimes the prince could be very thoughtless but he had a good heart. He approached to the boy with the buckets and rags.
Do you need help…?- he show him the buckets.
No, I will do it myself.- Merlin answered back, a bit embarrassed. He didn't need help with bathing. No one had given him a bath since…He cleared his mind.
With a lot of scrubbing, he managed to remove most of the dirt from his body. Gaius helped him with his back and cut his hair… Merlin wanted to keep it long, but it was so tangled that was impossible. He used the rest of the water to wash his mouth; Merlin had been so hungry that he ate most of the food (but he didn't say thanks to the prince).
You need to put on the clothes…- Gaius ordened him.
I don't need them. I will spend most of the time as dragon…- Merlin said back, stubbornly.
The collar drains your strength and you can't keep your dragon form; the nights are very cold, especially for a skinny boy.- the healer insisted.
Reluctantly, the boy put on the clothes. He even needed help from Gaius because it had been so long since he had worn them. He ended dressed with an old tunic with long sleeves, a pair of pants but he refused to wear the old boots.
You don't need to bandages for you wounds; you scales protected you from the metal.- Gaius told him.- However, I need to cover your wrists and ankles with a salve. Hold still…
As Gaius tried to cover the injured skin with the medicine, Merlin looked at him uncomfortable. He didn't know if he could trust the old man.
Why are you helping me?- the boy asked.- You work for the King…
Yes… but also, I helped your father.- the old man whispered.
Merlin stayed quiet.
I aid your mother during your birth. I warned your father to not go to Camelot after you were born…- Gaius continued.- But he didn't listened to me and he arrived to the city… to see how Uther killed one of his brothers.
You knew my parents?- whispered Merlin.
Hunith was my sister…- Gaius explained him, with a sad expression.
Before Merlin could process the information, Arthur came into the room.
Finally! You look more decent now…- the prince said, happily.- Don't dare to tear those clothes when you transform back.
If you excuse me, I will leave now.- Gaius announced, gathering the remaining supplies.- Goodbye, Merlin.
Merlin said nothing.
You should be grateful that he helped you…- Arthur reprimanded him, after the old man closed the door.
I don't thank jailers and traitors…- Merlin argued. But the expression on his face changed.- But, I am grateful that you keep my secret from your father.
Why you changed back into a human?- asked the prince, switching the subject.
The collar drains my energy… that´s how you can control me.- Merlin explained him.- I was tired from the battle and…
And?- Arthur insisted.
Is more easy to exit the tower as a human.- the boy said with a cheeky expression.
Just what he needed; a dragon with sense of humor.
There is going to be a celebration this night…- Arthur explained, feeling very guilty.- My father wants me to… show you.
So, he wants me to make tricks like a dog or tamed bear.- Merlin answered back, angrily.- Never!
You don't have options!- Arthur shouted.- You can come peacefully or I will have to force you in front of the court!
So force me and show everybody the kind of monsters Pendragon´s are!- the boy screamed.
I don't want to force you!- Arthur confessed.- I don't want any of this! I don't want to OWN you!
Merlin couldn't believe what he had heard.
Please… just transform back.- Arthur said with a whisper.- I will open the bigger gate.
Minutes later, Merlin left the tower as a dragon.
I haven't updated this story… one year ago! Sorry for the delay!
If you are wondering why Merlin talks like that, is because he lived with dragons for a long time. Also, Arthur is not a complete prat in the beginning. I expend the whole afternoon writing this chapter!