A/N: Alright everyone! I'm back! So I was looking through some of my old documents for story ideas and came across this one! So the first chapter was written last year, so it may be a little sucky and rushed, but trust me after this chapter, it'll get better! I hope you allw ill enjoy this, and I thought that the plot was fairly interesting.

The story will switch from Kim and Jack, but I'm sure you'll be able to figure out which is which

Oh! And before I start:

Disclaimer - THIS IS FOR THE ENTIRE STORY! I do not own Kickin' It and I don't think I will anytime soon.

So without further ado . . . here's the first chapter of How To Be Popular (yes I know, to and be shouldn't be capitalized but whatever =P)

Chapter One

The Popular and the Unpopular


Almost there. . . I thought as I wrote the last line in my story. I smiled to myself and admired my work. I couldn't wait until I could publish a story one day. Having thousands of people be my fans. Though the chances of anything spectacular happening to me were so slim that not even a flattened pancake could fit through the narrow path.

"Miss Crawford? Perhaps you could tell the class the key events that caused the Revolutionary War? After all, you paying such great attention!" I gulped as the whole class stared at me. Mr. Colton said things like that when he knew a student wasn't paying attention. I looked around the class that was staring at me expectantly.

They probably didn't even notice that Mr. Colton was being sarcastic - after all I was SUPER unpopular, so that automatically created the stereotype that I was a nerd. I mean, I did get straight, but that's only because my parents were super strict when it came to grades.

I thought about the question - I knew the answer. "Of course, Mr. Colton" I began "The thirteen colonies wanted to become an independent country. They didn't want people who were across the ocean how to live their lives. The British made the Stamp act and Sugar act, which the Americans were not very happy about. The combination of taxes and no American voice created the famous phrase 'No taxation without representation'."

For a moment I felt very proud of myself, but then I heard the mutters of people calling me a nerd and I no longer felt proud. I felt like a loser, once again. I sigh as Mr. Colton congratulated me with extra credit. I fake a smile and go back to looking down at my notebook.

Some loose strands of my hair went in front of my face. Normally I'd push it back to where the rest of my hair was tied messily, but not today. I felt embarrassed. Embarrassed of being a nerd.


I laughed silently laughed with the rest of the class at the unpopular nerd. She was hiding her face with her hair now, I stared at her, trying to see her face. I had always wanted to see a nerd. . . . I kept shifting my head, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't even catch a glimpse of her.

"Hey - Jack? What are you doing? Checking out that nerd or something?" Lindsay, my girlfriend asked jokingly. I laughed.

"Please! Me and her? Never. . ." I stopped looking at the nerd and tried to focus on the class, but I mean, how can people focus in such a BORING class?! I glanced up at the clock: nine thirty-five Ten minutes left. I impatiently tapped my pencil and stared at the clock.

"Alright everyone, I'm going to ask one of you a question, if that person gets it right, then you all may be dismissed early. If that person gets it wrong, I'll move on to the next person and we'll keep going until someone gets it right."

I prayed for a genius to answer correctly because I surely wouldn't know. I think we went around the entire class, but alas it went to the nerd and she got it correctly in less than a second. I didn't know who she was, but she was my hero.

"Hey Jack, I'll meet you at lunch. I'm going to the . . . bathroom" she said as if she were making an excuse.

"Okay. Have fun?" I said not really knowing what else to say.

"Uh, yeah. Right." she said before stalking off towards the stairs to the cafeteria. Wait, what? The bathroom was just across the hall - why was she going down stairs?

"Hey, Jerry!" I said catching his attention, he was my best friend. "Come on, I'm going to follow Lindsay, she's up to something. . . ."

Jerry nodded and followed me. It wasn't hard to convince him to do things. He didn't even know what was going on half the time . . . usually he as totally clueless "Yo, Jack, where are we going again? I'm confused. . . ." I roll my eyes. See what I mean by clueless?

I wasn't that hard to find Lindsay. Especially with all the noise she was making. In fact Jerry and I found her almost immediately. She was in the janitors closet. I only knew that because I could here voice. "Lind-" I start as I open the door. I never got the chance to finish my sentence though, because I saw her flat out making out with Brett Meyer. My jaw dropped as they both froze. We all just stared at each other for a good minute. Then my rage all built up at once and I punch Brett in the face as hard as I could, which was pretty hard. He fell back clutching his nose.

I was breathing heavily and I didn't know how long I'd last before I broke every bone is his body. I decided not to get kicked out of school. So I slammed the door and let Lindsay and Brett stand there in shock. I started walking to the cafeteria glaring at no one in particular.

"Jack?" Jerry asks in a quiet voice, probably afraid of me punching him in the face.

"What?" I ask rudely.

"He deserved that punch. . . . " I couldn't help but chuckle slightly. Although Jerry was clueless he could always make me laugh.. We walked into the cafeteria where my smile was stolen from me once more. Lindsay was sitting next to Brett and kissing him.

"You've got to be kidding me! How did they even get here before us?!" I was ready to throw Brett across the room then send him into sky where he'd be struck by lighting. I don't care if that makes absolutely no sense, I'm mad.

"What the hell?" I screamed walking up to them.

Lindsay bit her lip "Look, Jack. . . . I've always had a crush on Brett and, well, you and I just wasn't working. anymore. I mean you were more interested in that nerd this morning than me!"

"You are the most obnoxious and self-centered little brat I have ever met in my life!" her jaw dropped as she stood up.

"Whatever Jack! Good luck finding someone as popular, sweet, and beautiful as me!" I raised my eyebrows.

"Whatever Jack! Good luck finding someone as popular, sweet, and beautiful as me!" and with that I walked off. I went to our usual table with everyone staring at either Lindsay or me.

"You got over her fast. . ." Jerry said once we sat down.

"Yeah, I don't think that I ever really liked her though. She's kind of a dog. . . ."

"A female one at that. What about Brett?" I clenched my fists.

"He's always been an idiot, the fact that I've dealt with him fro seven years is a miracle. . . ." I said through gritted teeth. Jerry stayed silent for a long time until Jerry said something that caught my attention.

"So what are you gonna do about it?"


"Well, Jack Brewer always has a plan for vengeance. What is it this time?" I thought to myself. What was my plan? Jerry was right. I always had a plan.

"I got it." I said after a few minutes of silence.


"A plan for vengeance" I respond simply as I get up.

"Yo, where are you going?" I ignored him and headed to the girl I needed. The nerd.


I made my way to lunch. I was the first one there when all heck broke loose. Everyone was watching the It-couple fighting. "You are the most obnoxious and self-centered little brat I have ever met in my life!" I heard Jack yell. Ooh, ouch, but totally true. . . .

"Whatever Jack! Good luck finding someone as popular, sweet, and beautiful as me!" I really wanted to laugh. Sweet? Please, Lindsay was the definition of a female dog.

"Whatever Jack! Good luck finding someone as popular, sweet, and beautiful as me!" Oh! Burn! I think as I make my way to a seat with my lunch. I sat alone as usual. I didn't exactly have friends. . . .

I tuned out everyone by putting in some headphones and jamming out with myself. After about ten minutes I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped ten feet. I looked at who it was, I started choking on my water. Jack Brewer?! What did he want with me?!

After my coughing fit, Jack took a seat next to me. "So, uh, now that you're done dying and everything. . . . We need to talk."

A/N: Definitely not my best. It was written last year! Go easy on me! I'll update as soon as I can, it might not be very often, but I write when I can.

Alright, hope you guys liked it! Go easy, don't review something like "you spelled this wrong!" I know, I tried to correct everything as much as I could. I promise you it will get better! This was just the beginning!

Okay, bye! Don'r forget to review! I just love them!
