Love in the End.

"HE DID WHAT?" asked Shifu in disbelief. The Furious Five told him about what Meta-Lion and the others did last night. "So now we don't have to worry about those stupid permits! It's finally over!" Shifu shouted as the others rejoiced. All except Tigress who had a smug smile on her face. She walked over to the barracks where Po was studying some scrolls. She looked around with a smile.

"You seem better," she said.

"Yeah, I think this cold is finally getting out of me." Po said.

"Where's Zeng?" she asked

"Oh, I sent him to my dad because he said he wanted something. Dad says he won't be here for a couple of days." Po replied.

"Good one," she muttered.

"What do you mean?" Po asked. Tigress sighed as she sat down next to him.

"Po, I know that you are MetaLion." she said bluntly. Po's eyes widen. He chuckled nervously.

"Tigress, MetaLion is a lion and I am a panda. How in the world would I be that unless I had the shifting stones and those have been accounted for."

"Or you could use this." she said as she raised his hand to reveal the black ring. Po sighed as she let go.

"How did you find out?"

"I saw the same rings in the scrolls I read. I asked Shifu about the Ying-Yang rings. He told me that they change color from black to white whenever that person changes identities. At first I didn't believe it but then I noticed that your eyes were still green and your smile was still the same. Then I confirmed it when you said that Zeng was gone. I noticed that Dead Shot was sent also. Po...why didn't you tell us?"

"So that you could be protected. You remember when you guys were tied up to the post last night. If Temuti had gotten the truth out of you guys, he would have hurt others of my loved one, family, and friends. You understand, right?"

"I do," she said as they hugged. Then she pulled away still arms around him. "Po, you said 'Loved ONE'. Who is it?" Sweat wasn't meant be pouring out this fast. Po was nervously looking around the room as if to search for words.

"Um Um um well, you see, I uh uh uh hmm, I"

"Yes?" Po looked into her sweet eyes and gave up trying to lie. Po finally sighed and said.

"You." He said. Tigress' eyes widen and stared straight at Po. Po decided that it was better that he should leave. But Tigress tackled him down to the ground pinning him down. "Tigress, what are you doing?" he asked.

"You remember the guy that I was wrong about and I had mixed feelings for. It was you. I...I love you Po." She said this staring straight into his eyes. Both of them smiled and they slowly closed their eyes. They came closer together and brought their lips together. They kissed each other passionately. Tigress began to purr as she wrapped her tail around Po's leg and Po tightened his grip around Tigress' waist. When they finally parted, they both smiled.

"It looks like we have to tell the others two different news." Po said. Tigress began to get comfortable on Po's flat but still soft and cuddly belly.

"Well, I don't think that we have tell them the news about us." She said still looking straight at him with a smile. Po surprised her as he pulled her into another kiss. Her eyes widen for a minute then fluttered shut as she eased into the kiss. Meanwhile, outside the door, Peng and Zeng saw what happened and tip-toed away.

"Ah well, there goes the night life," Zeng said.

"Ah, I don't think they tell the others. Besides, I think Master Tigress still wants her knight in shining armor." Peng said with a smile. And ended the legend of the Warriors of the Moon.

I felt like I needed to do a short one. Trying to get my thoughts together about this next one I'm writing. "Life of Po: how we met" Coming Soon to computers, CPUs, tablets, and smartphones everywhere.