WELL now, the show certainly threw a few fun loops in there. I don't know where they're going with the Pan story on Once Upon a Time, but this will be my pretty little AU head canon. Thank you for reading this, hopefully it was a fun journey! :D
The word was jumbled by the water in her ears and she felt strong arms hoist her up out of the pool to settle her down against the tile. She could hear his tempered breathing echoing in the space between them as she coughed and rubbed at her eyes before looking out around herself to make sure – absolutely sure – that Peter hadn't somehow made his way there. And then she laughed with him, looking around the room a moment and just as soon as she was about to gasp that it worked, the Doctor's lips met hers unexpectedly.
Emma smiled and passed a look down at Hook, who was rubbing a hand over his hair, sending it up in every direction and she nudged him, sharing a grin of amusement before he offered, "Want to celebrate as well?"
She shoved him and rolled her eyes, pulling herself out of the pool, calling, "Um, Doctor?"
They stood silently before the man's head jerked up and he hummed his acknowledgement.
"Grateful for the pool," Emma started, slipping out of Hook's grasp, "But where are we?"
Clara took a step back knowingly as the Doctor rushed as best he could towards the stairs and moved up to stand with them, clothes dripping as he gestured around with his arms open and told them brightly, "This… this is my Tardis!"
"Your Tardis is a pool, mate?" Hook asked, dropping his hands at his sides.
Clara moved up the steps slowly and nodded to the doors, "This is the pool in the Tardis."
"Wait," Emma said suddenly, "The blue box. This is inside the blue box."
Hook seemed taken aback as he pushed his hand through his hair again and his eyes went wide, looking around at the large room before moving to the door and stepping through, popping his head back in to say, "This is your ship? This is your ship?"
Emma eyed the Doctor and then walked swiftly to meet Hook, looking out of the door and in either direction before turning back, "No," she said, head shaking.
"Yes," the Doctor replied, "Head left, follow the corridor. Should take you to the console – or the bridge, topside, I suppose – my deck, of sorts, with my helm, again, of sorts."
Clara followed him as the Doctor as he took several long strides towards the duo now perusing the hall. "You're just waiting for it, aren't you?" She teased. He shushed her.
"But," Hook turned, "So we're inside of the blue box?"
"We're inside of the blue box," Emma told him.
"You know you might not get it from them," Clara warned the Doctor quietly. He shushed her again.
They reached the console and Hook looked over the controls, mouth dropping slightly before he raised his hand to touch, immediately getting a small smack from the Doctor. Emma looked to the door, walking to them quickly to push them open and walk outside, out onto the deck of the Jolly Roger, where she did a round of the box and then came back in.
The Doctor nodded to her, leaned against the console, Clara in a similar position at his right; Hook pressing a hand to his mouth at his left. She pointed outside and then pointed inside and then did a circle. And then she laughed as the Doctor waited, anticipation on his face.
"Not gonna happen," Clara murmured. He shushed her a third time.
Emma looked up and told him with a nod, "Another pocket universe, right? The door is like a permanent portal?"
The Doctor's face dropped.
Clara laughed. She turned to the Doctor and asked him bluntly, "Where are we?"
With a finger towards the door, Emma answered, "Back on the Jolly Roger."
Hook's head came up quickly and he rushed past them and through the doors and Clara responded with a shift of her head up, "If we go outside and he's kissing the ship, please tell me you'll never let him live that down," she ended with a look to Emma, who snorted in response.
Unfortunately he wasn't, he was merely pulling up the anchor and readying for departure. The Doctor moved to stand next to him at the wheel and he gained a look of appreciation. "Your ship, mate? How did it get back here?"
With a nod to the blue box Emma and Clara were standing next to, the Doctor replied, "Looked for the closest safest place. Seems your Jolly Roger met those qualifications."
"Smart ship," Hook responded with a laugh.
Emma glanced up at the man at the helm and she smiled back at Clara, who was biting her thumb, smirk plastered on her lips. "Peter Pan could just come back through that portal, you know," Emma told her, "I wouldn't look so smug."
Clara nodded, then pulled the vial of pixie dust out of the right pocket of her skirt, handing it to Emma, "Then I imagine this would come in handy." She nodded, "Might want to figure out some magic to close that pocket universe…" she glanced up, "Actually, the Doctor might be able to help with that."
"Close a pocket universe," Emma stated, "He can do that?"
With a grin, Clara told her firmly, "He can do a lot of things."
"Yeah," she laughed, "He just can't believe in magic."
Clara nodded and supplied, "Sort of a man of science at heart, but I'm sure, given the right circumstances, he could come around – just might take a bit of time."
"Took my kid for me," Emma admitted with a knowing nod that burned Clara's cheeks.
They used the remaining pixie dust Hook had stashed aboard the Jolly Roger to open the portal back to Storybrook and when they pulled into port, Emma was not surprised to find her parents and son waiting, relieved expressions on the faces painted pink by the sunrise. She clasped Henry to her as soon as she moved off and the Doctor landed an arm around Clara's shoulder when they began to walk away.
"The boy we tried to save was safe all along," the Doctor laughed. "Happy ending after all."
"Not exactly," Emma turned to respond before telling David and Mary Margaret, "Pan was back."
Mary Margaret was nodding quickly and she allowed, "We know, we found the note he left on Henry's bed. Regina was trying to figure out a way to get back to Neverland."
"Regina?" Hook spat in disbelief.
And the frustrated voice growled, "Yes, at the request of my son."
Henry turned swiftly and breathed, "Did you find something?"
"It's not something they're gonna like," Regina responded with an eye roll towards the Charmings.
"If it keeps Pan from getting back to this town, I'm gonna like it," Emma told her quickly and Regina nodded automatically, lifting her palm to produce a purple mist that was immediately met with a buzz and a green light and the woman stopped, eyes finding the Doctor's.
She looked him over curiously before asking, "Who is this?"
"The Doctor," he told her with a smile, "And that, is unidentifiable."
"It's magic," Emma explained, watching him shift his eyebrows in amusement. "It's magic, your Sonic isn't going to register it, and I suggest you step aside."
"Not very useful this trip, are you Doctor," Clara teased.
"Oh, hush," he responded quietly, being pulled aside by Henry as Regina sent the purple haze into the sky.
David asked quickly, "What does it do?"
With a snarl, Regina replied, "Keeps that rotten brat out of Storybrook."
Taking a step forward as the winds began to whip about, Mary Margaret shouted, "But what does it do? Regina, we didn't discuss this."
"This isn't a town hall meeting over the color of fire hydrants, princess. This is about Henry's safety."
The Doctor shifted forward and whispered, "But what does it do?"
With a quick twist, Regina met him eye to eye and smiled, "It's a boundary meant to repel anything magical from entering Storybrook, painfully," then she let her head roll aside to look at the Charmings to add, "It won't kill anyone, so there's no need to break out the waterworks."
Henry shifted past Clara and nodded, telling her sternly, "Mom."
The woman released a sigh and told him calmly, "Henry, he'll just… bounce off… and that's only if he can even find the place."
"Perception filter," the Doctor shouted. They all turned to him and he laughed, "I get this magic."
"The Doctor," Regina repeated slowly, "I don't think I've ever heard of you."
Clara eyed her a moment before stepping closer to the Doctor and whispering, "If I had to take three guesses, I'd say Evil Queen and I'd also say all's well and we leg it."
"Oh, relax," Regina muttered before turning to Henry, "Looks like the evening's free now that we're done saving the hot heads…"
"Hey," Emma shouted, Hook holding her back.
"What?" Regina spat, "If you'd come to one of us instead of running off with your new boyfriend, you would have saved us all a headache." She turned to Henry and offered, "Had breakfast yet?"
With a smirk and a shake of his head, he argued, "My mom just came back from Neverland, I think I want to hang with her for a little bit."
The woman nodded slowly, passing a glance to the blonde before telling him, "Ok, I'll see you later then."
Pointing between the two women, the Doctor asked, "Two mums."
"Long story," Emma sighed, before rubbing Henry's shoulder and telling them, "Breakfast at Granny's is actually pretty good."
"She's got hot cocoa," Henry sang with a smile as the duo began walking away, towards the Charmings, already moving cautiously down the street.
Clara turned as the Doctor's face brightened before looking to Hook. "Shouldn't you," she said with a nod towards Emma, "Catch up?"
"She's with her son," he told her, shaking his head.
With a smile, Clara offered, "And I'm sure he'd like to hear a good story from a… sailor." She waited, watching his eyes shift up to find hers, an odd smirk in the way he narrowed them at her before tipping his head to her and striding towards the woman and the boy.
The Doctor met Clara, taking her hand to begin walking towards the threesome and he pointed, "Snow White and Prince Charming." He beamed at her. "We're going to have hot cocoa and pancakes with Snow White and Prince Charming."
"And Captain Hook," Clara widened her eyes to tell him humorously.
With a grin, he corrected, "Killian Jones."
Clara laughed as they moved forward, giving his hand a squeeze, "You think they'll be able to keep Peter away from Storybrook with that spell?"
He shrugged, "They have the pixie dust now… the Magic," he finished on a laugh. "I'm sure they'll work out something."
She nodded, "Good." Then sighed, watching the boy that rushed towards them, thin lipped smile stretched across his face as he landed against Clara, arms wrapping around her midsection tightly before pulling away. "Henry?" She questioned.
"Thanks for saving my mom."
Raising a hand, the Doctor offered, "I helped too."
Henry laughed and gave the Doctor a quick hug before taking Clara's hand to walk with her, tilting his head and telling her quickly, "You know, I think I know you – I think you're in my book."
Clara huffed into the air and smiled down at him wryly, "Let me guess, Mary Poppins."
He seemed pleased, nodding, "I could show you!"
"We would love to see that, Henry," the Doctor told him happily, watching the way the words brightened the boy's face as he ran towards the diner.
"Sweet boy," Clara surmised with a grin. "Henry," she repeated thoughtfully.
The Doctor eyed her a moment before offering, "I think… we should see a planet – something innocuous, in your solar system… how about Venus."
Dropping her head back and then sideways to look up at him, Clara sighed, "After all of this, how about something normal – did I mention the Maitland's are on vacation in Italy this week?"
With a mischievous grin, the Doctor asked, "You're suggesting, what, a night in?"
Nodding, Clara explained, "Home cooked meal, a movie, nothing dangerous or fanciful..."
He pressed his lips together and looked out over the town. He supposed after all of this, it would be nice to not be in danger for a few hours. Glancing at her and lifting their hands together, he nodded and said softly, "After Venus."
Clara smiled, repeating slowly, "After Venus."