Sorry, but this isn't exactly a new chapter.
Lately I've been lacking motivation to write this fanfiction, and that's why you haven't seen anything new for awhile. I found that my inspiration for this story is beginning to die out, and I'm afraid that chapters will become much more infrequent. They aren't going to stop entirely, mind you, but I'm going to work on other stories in the meantime. If I find the motivation to continue writing this, I will, but don't expect that to be anytime soon.
I realize that starting with a story like this as my first fanfiction wasn't the greatest idea in my own opinion. With something that is longand boring at times, you need a good amount of dedication to write it; dedication I don't exactly have yet. Not to mention, I'd rather improve my writing skills a little further anyway.
Sorry to those who were expecting a new chapter and those who particularly enjoy this fanfiction. I''ll be occasionally releasing one-shots and starting some relatively short series instead of this.
EDIT: This will be removed once the new chapter is up.