The next morning Ziva and Jenny came over for breakfast. It consisted of Jenny talking and everyone else listening. It was awkward. Abby and Ziva spent most of the meal, staring down at their plates. Gibbs and Jenny knew that this was hard, but they had no idea what they were thinking.

"Abby," Jenny said softly, making Abby look up, "You're being very quiet."

"Sorry," Abby said softly, "Worried, I guess."

"So…what did the doctor say? Jethro told me about most of it, but not your treatment plans."

"I'm getting surgery next Thursday to remove the mass, followed by mixtures of treatments consisting of Radiation and Chemotherapy, five times a week for 10 weeks."

Jenny gave a nod.

"Ziver, what's your treatment plans?" Gibbs asked.

"Chemotherapy. Four times a week for 11 weeks," Ziva said, "And then we shall see."

"I wanna go on vacation before I die," Abby said.

"You are most certainly not going to die," Jenny said, looking at her sternly.

"You die and I'll kill you," Ziva said, taking a violent bite of her pancake.

"How are you going to kill me if I'm already dead?" Abby asked.

"There's always a way."

"Girls," Gibbs said, "Behave."

"Why do you wanna go on vacation anyway?" Ziva asked.

"I wanted to finish off my bucket list," Abby said.

"Which consists of…?"

"A number of places. I've never realized how little traveling I've done, until now. I wanna experience stuff I've never have before."

"I too have a list as well."

"We should unite our lists and make Jenny and Gibbs take us there."

Gibbs and Jenny rolled their eyes, knowing they'd do whatever.

"That's a good idea," Ziva said.

"Wanna talk about it after breakfast?"

"Yes, I would very much like that." They girls smiled at each other and then went back to eating.

"Girls," Jenny said, smiling positively, "I was thinking that we could all sit down and talk."

"We're sitting and talking now, Jen," Gibbs said.

"I know, but I meant that we could do this when you girls start treatment. Like a little support group."

Abby and Ziva looked at each other and then back at Jenny.

"Girls," Jenny said, "It's a good idea."

"Do you know what else is a good idea?" Abby said, "Going camping."

"Ooh! That is a good idea!" Ziva commented, "With uh…snores."

"Well Jethro does snore, but we could also have s'mores," Jenny said.

"How would you know that Gibbs snores?" Abby asked with a smirk.

Ziva mumbled something in Hebrew, making Abby laugh hysterically and Ziva join her.

"What did you say?" Jenny asked.

"I believe the translation would fall somewhere of: Bow-chick-a-bow-wow," Ziva said with her Mossad face, before cracking up along with Abby.

"Ziva!" Jenny exclaimed.

"Abby!" Gibbs exclaimed. Abby and Ziva were trying to get their laughing under control, but it wasn't working.

"You two are made for each other," Abby said laughing, "Look at that! The same death stare!"

"So meant to be!" Ziva laughed.

"Yeah," Jenny said, "As meant to be as Abby and McGee; and Ziva and Tony."

The girls were dead silent, looking at Jenny in a shocked/horrified expression. With that Jenny and Gibbs started laughing, making the girls give a forced nervous laughter. Gibbs suddenly got serious.

"So…anything I should know about? Ziva…Abigail," Gibbs said dead seriously. The girls sat up straighter.

"No," Ziva said innocently.


"No," she said shaking her head, "What about you two? Anything we should know about?" She crossed her arms.

"Yes," Ziva said with a smirk, crossing her arms, "What she said."

"We are a family. And family's share."

"So spit it up."

"Cough it up Ziva," Abby whispered.

"Yes." The girls stared at them with death glares, raised eye brows, waiting. Jenny just stared at them back blankly. Gibbs leaned forward giving them his best death glare back. Ziva lightly coughed, sitting back and just stopped. She knew she was no match for Gibbs, but Abby kept at it. They looked equally frightening. Jenny and Ziva looked at each other and then back at them. Suddenly Abby stood up and with her hands on the table she leaned over, and looked down with a death glare. Gibbs did the same thing to her and since he was taller, he automatically won.

"That is so unfair," Abby said chuckling. Gibbs smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Next time I'm wearing my six inch heels," Abby said looking him in the eye.

"You do that," Gibbs said, as he and Abby sat down, "Ziva, why'd you back out?"

"Because I am the shortest one," Ziva laughed, making everyone else laugh.

After everyone was finished eating, Abby and Ziva started to clean the table, but Gibbs walked in.

"Nah-ah-ah," he said, "Go relax. I got this."

"Gibbs!" Abby exclaimed.

"Really Gibbs we got this," Ziva said.

"Upstairs," Gibbs said, "Relax."

Ziva and Abby went upstairs to hang out, while Gibbs and Jenny cleaned up the table. When they got upstairs Abby and Ziva sat on Abby's bed and they began to talk about their treatments.

"Are you scared?" Abby asked Ziva.

"Not really," Ziva said, "I have survived many more complicated things. I'm sure this will be fine. The real question is: Are you okay?"

Abby shrugged and chuckled sadly.

"I don't know if I'm going to make it, Ziva," Abby said.

"Nonsense. You'll be fine."

"Yeah I hope. I don't wanna disappoint Gibbs."

"Are you nervous about the surgery?"

"Yeah. I um…I feel weird about this entire thing, you know. It's just…I'm not sure if I like this."

"You'll be fine Abby. You have a whole team of people watching your back."

"Yeah? So do you. Just because my cancer is so called "more aggressive" doesn't mean it's more important than what you're going through. We're in this together. You and me. We have Jenny and Gibbs and the team to support us- we have the entire building to support us. We're going to be okay."

"I know," Ziva put her hand over hers, "So…what's on your Bucket List?"

"Wanna see?" Abby asked.

"Sure." Abby ran and grabbed her list.

"Why did you write in different colors?" Ziva asked looking at it.

"The blue is stuff I absolutely have to do. Yellow is the places I wanna go. And the red is dangerous stuff I wanna do, that Jenny and Gibbs can't find out about."

"You wanna go to the beach?" Ziva asked, in surprise, "Why?"

"Because last time I went I had so much fun and I wanna do that again."

"Sky diving?" she asked looking down the list.

"Wanna do it with me?"

"It actually sounds…interesting," she said with a daring smirk and a nod, looking at Abby, "It will have to be our little secret."

"Totally. Maybe we can make some sort of a scrap book when we're done."

"What do you mean?"

"We'll take pictures of everything we do and put it into our very own "Bucket List Scrapbook"."

"A "Bucket List Scrapbook"?" Ziva chuckled, "Okay."


"Yes. Sounds entertaining. Like the one on "My Sister's Keeper"?"

"Wow you really know how to ruin a happy moment."

"Sorry," Ziva laughed.


It was the Thursday of the surgery. Abby was getting prepped for surgery. She was in her hospital room with Gibbs, Jenny, and Ziva. Gibbs was sitting on the chair next to a fidgeting Abby. After about a half-hour the nurse had to limit Abby to one visitor.

Gibbs stayed by her side. It was silent, but Gibbs could basically feel her fear. He gracefully moved over to her bed and he sat down on the edge and he brought her to him in a hug. Abby almost started crying, but Gibbs kissed her cheek and she sucked in her tears and she sat up straight. With her game face on.

"That's my brave girl," Gibbs whispered in her hair.

"I promise you…that I will make you proud."

"You always do."

"I will be okay."

"Ms. Scuito," the nurse said, walking in, "It's time."

Abby gave a nod.

"I know. I'll be right here when you wake up," Gibbs said, kissing her forehead one last time, "Atta girl, Abs." With that Gibbs walked out and the nurse got her ready.

"That your dad?" she asked.

"Yeah…he is," Abby replied, looking towards the door where she had last seen Gibbs.

"Got your mom with you, too?"

"Yeah…and my sister."

"Older or younger?"


"Well don't worry. You will see them soon." Abby smiled at the nurse.

The nurse rolled her into surgery and the anesthesiologist put her under and they began surgery. In the meantime, Gibbs, Jenny, Ziva, McGee, Tony, Ducky, and Jimmy were in the waiting room. It had been two and a half hours and everyone was getting agitated, especially Gibbs, Jenny, and Ziva.

"What is taking so long?" Ziva asked, obviously not happy.

"Abigail Scuito," the nurse called. Everyone stood up, but only Gibbs, Jenny, and Ziva walked up.

"Is she alright?" Jenny asked.

"Perfectly fine. She's still under, but she's in her room, so you can go see her." The nurse took all seven of them to Abby's room.

"I'm glad the surgery went well," Ducky commented.

They all talked for about 20 minutes before Abby woke up. She was surprised to see everyone there and surrounding her bed. Everyone was talking to her and she was in at least three different conversations at once. The doctors said that she was fine and they didn't feel the need to keep her for overnight observation, so Gibbs, Jenny, and Ziva took her home.

"Feeling okay?" Jenny asked.

"Just kind of weak," Abby replied, "And my boob feels weird."

"Abby," Jenny chuckled. Ziva was laughing.

"Sorry Gibbs," Abby said, to the driver, "I know you didn't need to hear that."

"It's okay. I blocked it out," Gibbs said.

They pulled up to the house. It was 7 pm. Abby was so exhausted that she fell asleep in the car. Gibbs carried her in the house and directly up to her room. When he came back downstairs Jenny and Ziva were about to leave.

"Jethro," Jenny said strictly, "Make sure-."

"To check on her every couple seconds. I think I can manage," Gibbs chuckled.

"You're not going to sleep tonight, are you?"

"No, wanna make sure she's…breathing."

"She'll be okay. See you tomorrow morning."

"Shalom Gibbs," Ziva said, as she and Jenny walked out.

Gibbs walked over and sat on his couch, relaxing. It had been a hack of a stressful day. As soon as he got comfortable to fall asleep, he heard a small voice.

"Gibbs," Abby's weak voice called. Gibbs rushed up the stairs and into her room, where she was huddled with the covers around her.

"Yeah Abs," Gibbs said, leaning beside her bed and smoothing her hair down.

"I uh…I had a nightmare."

"Don't worry Abs…everything's okay. You did great today."

"No, it wasn't about me. It was about Ziva."

"Ziver? What about Ziver?"

"I had a nightmare where I survived and she didn't and I don't know if I can handle losing my friend-my sister, I just can't," her voice broke.

"It'll be okay, Abs. It'll be okay."

"If I don't survive please don't be mad, please," Abby sobbed, "You're the only family I have. Don't be mad if I don't beat this. Don't hate me! Please!" Gibbs climbed into bed with her and he held her, trying to comfort her.

"You'll be fine Abs. You'll make it."

"And what if I don't? Would you be mad? Please don't be mad, please!" Gibbs sighed in total sadness, trying not to let his emotions show, he cupped the back of her head and brought her to his chest.

"I love you…and I always will…no-no matter what. You always have me."

"I love you, too," Abby sobbed. Gibbs held her sobbing form and kept holding her until he felt her eventually stop. He looked down to see her asleep. He laid her back on the pillow and kissed her forehead.

"That's my brave little girl," Gibbs' voice full of emotion, "You can beat this."

With that Gibbs got up and went downstairs, mentally preparing himself for what was ahead. Abby and Ziva were going to need both him and Jenny. Gibbs sighed and poured himself a cup of coffee, waiting for morning.


The day Chemo started was the same day for both girls. The four of them went to the hospital together and got everything situated. The girls were with about 18 other people getting Chemo thereby. Abby's was a little different than Ziva's because Abby's Chemo was mixed in with radiation. In the first 20 minutes of the treatment, both girls got ill. Very ill. Jenny tried to get a doctor to help and he came over and said that this was to be expected.

Ziva was done in three hours. Abby was done in five. Both girls were so nauseated that they almost couldn't stop throwing up. It was so terrible. Jenny hated seeing them suffer like that. It was brutal for everyone.

When they finally went home the girls laid on Gibbs' couch, trying to be brave, but it was so hard for both of them. Gibbs and Jenny sat with them and held them until they fell asleep.