Aster woke up and snuck outside to watch the winter sprite snowball his parents.
He smiled.
And threw a snowball at all three of them, running circles around them as he went. The adults didn't notice the potent chocolates dropped on the frozen ground.
Jack did.
Three seconds later, the light flurry was replaced by a peppy blizzard. "Chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate!" Bunny groaned and covered his face with his paws. Sandy facepalmed. Aurai sighed and proceeded to chase after the wayward child.
Inside the workshop, North and Tooth had woken up due to the winds banging against the windows. "What is going on out there?" Tooth worried about Jack. North worried about Sandy and Aurai.
The both walked outside, only for the winter devil to rush into the workplace. Winds and snow piled in through the wide open doors. Patches of slick ice appeared all over, making yetis trip and elves go skating. It started snowing inside North's home. Pitch hid in the shadows, holding back his laughter at the chaos. North and Tooth poked their heads out of the snow in the doorway. Sandy and Aurai floated in as if nothing had happened. Aster quickly hopped into the North Pole complaining about his numb feet, only to slip 'n slide across the icy floor.
Above them all floated Jack. Who rushed into the kitchen. North, who had already freed himself from the snowbank, groaned. "He's going to get more chocolate! Yetis, get him!"
There was quiet for five seconds. They all listened intently, and heard many yetis yelling. Jack sped out into the entryway, cookies and chocolate in hand. The dreamweaver had had enough.
A/N: I know it's short, but I have something planned, and I have a minor writer's block :(