My Max in Bed



Caroline POV

When you get away from the self-hating jokes or anything like that she is the best cuddler in the world and I love her wet intense kisses. When you push away everything else Max is the best girlfriend ever. She doesn't like to get out of bed when I'm in and the first thing she does...

She puts her arms around me and said, "You will not get out of this unless I tell you..."

I have to mention that in bed I'm like the submissiveness girl. We are equals outside the bedroom and in the real world but here I say..."Yes MIstress."

"Did you have a good sleep?" Max asked and she snuggle me closer. "I couldn't wait to wake up to see you." I say very sweetly. "Bout time you wake up." Max said not so sweetly.

She nipples at my neck and it's rough but makes me want her more. I squeak because I want her to know how much I love it still. She tells me to be quiet and hold it inside. She scratches my back first light and then a little rough. She licks it soft and nipples it at small which makes me love it more.

She knows that this turns me on and asked if I'm okay...This is sweet Max talking and I say yes. She tell me she doesn't want to hurt me and I tell her that I trust her...She giggles and kisses me behind the neck.

She torments me as her nails grow which I'm used too and I need that one thing she's so careful to do. She feels it and whispers, "Is your neck heal?" I shake my head yes and sinks her fangs into itslowly as her fingers are between legs as she sucks I then climax. I collpases and she licks it then tells me, "I love you." I tell her that as well.

We do this five more times before we get out of bed.