Hi, guys. Sorry I haven't updated at ALL during the past couple months... I've been too busy struggling to get straight A's in college, and I recently just got a job. I've also mostly been too preoccupied with drawing comics in my free time, so I apologize greatly.
I found these old files and decided to simply repost them, because I know some people enjoyed them, even if they aren't that good.
I promise that I'll try harder to update some of my other stories... *sigh*

"So… where are we again?"

"Oh, this is like, how you say, 'too dark to see'?"

"Uh… I thought this said we could get rich and famous…"

"WHAT?! Keroro you told us this was an urgent secret mission!"

"W-wait, did I say 'rich and famous'? I-I meant 'urgent' and 'secret', kero-kero-kero…"


"Ku-ku-ku-ku. Fortunately, I've hacked into this system. It's all too simple. But it's so simple it's practically blank- no information is useful to us in here."

"Is there anything in there that is of any use? Not even a little bit? *munch, munch*"

"Well… someone by the name of Jonathon Cadet, but other than that…"

"Ow! Why is it so dark in here?!"

"Wh-what?! N-Natsumi?!"

"Yeah, it's me. Anyone tell me what the heck this is?"

"Maybe some sort of supernatural phenomenon?"

"Aw, Fuyuki, not that again…"

"No, I think he might be right."



"Yeah, it's me. Mind if anyone tells me why it's so dark in here?"

"I'm trying to figure that out, ku."

"Oh, Fuyuki, I'm so glad I found you!"

"Hi, Momoka! Wow, would you look it that! It looks like…"

"Look, D! We aren't the only ones here!"

"Now isn't that a relief. As long as we're all here and we know each other…"

"I'm not so sure about that…"

"Oh, give me a frogging break! Garuru?! What the frog are you doing here?!

"I was told to come here on an urgent mission…"

"Aha, so it wasn't just us…"

"Pu-pu-pu! Exactly. I'm trying to find out-"

"Oh, dear, the annoying little brat is here… Ku-ku-ku-ku~"

"Ugh! Just you wait, old man! I'll figure everything out before you do!"

"Hey, Master Tamama!"


"If you're here… th-then that means Pururu-!"

"Yup! I'm right here too!"

"I'm here as well…"

"….Oh…. Yeah…. That…. That one guy, right….?"

"You've got to be kidding me! You still have no idea who I am?!"

"Okay, I think that's enough of that!"

The lights snapped on brightly, making the two platoons and set of humans wince.

A young, brown haired man stood in the middle ground, his hands set on his hips. "Hi, everyone!"

"Who the heck are you?" Giroro asked, blinking his eyes under the straining light. He pulled one of his hands over his eyes. "Why the frog are we all here?"


"You are Jonathon Cadet, am I correct? Ku-ku-ku!"

"OOH! I was just about to say that!" Tororo protested, folding his arms irritably.

"Call me Johnny, please," He said with a small smile. "But yes, I am Johnny Cadet. And I will be the host of the show-"

"What show?" Keroro questioned, wrinkling his nose. "You aren't talking about Sgt Frog-?"

"Sgt what?" Garuru gave him an odd look.

"Oh, no," Johnny waved his hands dismissively. "I'm not good enough for that. Besides, the Narrator beat me to it."

"So what show are you talking about?" Pururu inquired.

"The Mole!" Johnny explained. "It's a show of true deception and dishonest trust, friendly enemies and false friendships…"

"Just spit it out already!" Momoka snapped.

"S-sorry," He backed off a bit. "Just hold on for a moment. The Mole is a reality show in which everyone plays games for money."

"Money?!" Keroro's eyes expanded so wide. "Like, swimming in dough, kind of money?"

"That's it."

"Big deal," Momoka huffed under her breath.

"Hey, that actually sounds like fun," Fuyuki said cheerfully.

"R-really? Th-then I wanna play too!"

"Not so fast," Natsumi interrupted, frowning with displeasure. "You said we're on TV?"

"Oh, yeah. Intergalactic-wise," Johnny nodded to the camera.

"Y-you mean…"

"Yup. This show isn't a new show, but it hasn't exactly been attempted with Keronians yet," Johnny continued to explain. "So I'm guessing it'll be pretty popular."



Johnny yelped slightly and side stepped as soon as a gun was directed to him.

"And why, exactly, would we possibly be interested in an activity like this?" Garuru growled.

"W-w-well, uh…"

"Ten seconds, Pekoponian. I'm an impatient Keronian."

"Y-y-you get to play alongside your brother?"

There was a still, tense silence that followed. The remaining seconds ticked down, everyone just stared, expecting the purple frog to blow Cadet's head to disgusting, messy pieces.

"Alright, I'll play."

"Great," Johnny sighed, his frozen stature immediately relaxing. "Okay."

"And us?" Tororo demanded.

"Well… you guys get to compete against your superiors and possibly prove you're better than them?"

"Can't argue with that," Taruru said, puckering his lips as he reached both arms behind his neck. "Of course, Master Tamama could beat us all, but it still sounds fun to try!"

"You got that right," Tamama scowled viciously.

"I can beat the old man anyday! Pu-pu-pu!"

"Ku! Oh, you'd like to believe that, don't you? Ku-ku-ku-ku!"

"I know I can do it! I know, I know, I know!"

"And I don't mind trying to beat Dororo…" Zoruru said venomously, glaring at the light blue lance corporal.

"Alright…" Dororo said slowly. "Now…. What was your name again?"

"Oh, COME ON."

"Just… proceed with the regulations," Garuru said finally.

"Okay," Johnny cleared his throat to recapture everyone's attention. "Listen up! This is The Mole. Like I mentioned before, The Mole is a game in which fifteen of you guys play for money." He waited for a moment, waiting to see if anyone caught that.

"…You say fifteen?"

"Pu-pu-pu! Are you making a pass at either Dororo and Zoruru? For no reason? 'Cuz that's just low."

"Zoruru!" Dororo snapped his fingers. "Now I… wait, no… Sorry, I still have no idea who you are…"

"Leaving Zoruru in his Corner of Woe," Johnny continued, "You may have noticed there are in fact sixteen of you here and present. Only fifteen are you here are playing."

"Wait…" Mois looked confused. "So… what are you…?"

"The Mole is a game of deceptions," Johnny said, smiling almost mischievously. "Your goal is to win as much money as possible. However, one of you here, and you know who you are, has been hired by our production crew to play the role of an undercover agent. This particular agent is one of you- and their job is to sabotage your games discreetly, preventing you from winning less, if any, money."

"What?!" Keroro glanced at Giroro and Tamama suspiciously. "Is it one of you?!"

"I-I have no clue!"

"Don't look at me!"

"They are, in fact, just as the title of this game proclaims it, 'The Mole'." Johnny revealed, reveling in the startled stares that each Keronian and Pekoponian gave each other. "You, as the contestants, must find out who exactly the Mole is while playing all these various activities. At the end of each day, you will be given a questionnaire asking simple questions, like, 'what did the Mole eat today?', or, 'is the Mole a Keronian or a Pekoponian'? Or, 'who is the Mole'? Whomever answers the most incorrect will go home the following morning."

"Will we be told how many we got right?" Keroro asked.

"Nope," Johnny said with a smile, "It's a mystery."

"And.. how will we keep track of everything?" Tororo asked. "I don't think I could keep track of what anybody ate."

"And I don't think anyone could keep track of what you eat," Kururu grinned. "Ku-ku-ku-ku~!"

Tororo's face immediately turned red. He was about to retort back when Johnny interjected and kept going on.

"You'll be given notebooks with a number on them," Johnny said, answering the chubby tadpole's question. "That will be your special number; keep it in mind." He turned to each individual, and then added, "Of course, there will be times when you just want to… let everything go, so to speak, without letting anyone else hear you. In this game, we also have a Confessional Box where you can admit how you truly feel about the activities you play, the other contestants, or the game in general. Everyone else will hear you-" he waved at the screen, "-but your peers won't. Okay?"

"Confessionals, huh?"

"Yay! So I can bash Giroro anytime I want?" PUNCH. "OW! Corporal! What did you do that for?!"

"Games won't start today!" The host said. "The games'll start tomorrow, after everyone's had a good night's sleep."

"So… we all have… rooms?" Giroro asked, blushing, peering at Natsumi for a brief second.

"Yeah, but they're separated by gender."

"Oh." Giroro looked mildly disappointed, but relieved when he realized that Saburo couldn't possibly share a room with his crush.

"So, as you will…" Johnny kissed his hand and waved. "Good night everybody!"

"And so begins The Mole." Kururu smirked. "Ku-ku-ku-ku~!"

Dororo looked around at everyone. "W-wait… but… no one asked how I felt about the idea…"

"We'll just play along, D! It does sound like fun!"

"Yeah… I guess you're right… but still…"

"Wait." Giroro stared at the host. "You're Johnny Cadet?"

"Yes I am."

"Author of, 'Dating the Enemy'?"

"Ehehehe, look at the time-"