Chapter 1 Memories
Rain poured down heavily onto the streets sending villagers running for cover under shops and into their homes. Just minutes ago it was a sunny day in this peaceful village. Civilians and shinobi were mingling in the vast streets of this prosperous village. This village was none other than the Konohagakure no Sato.
A village founded by the legends, Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha. Konoha was known as the strongest of the five great hidden villages. It had the scars to prove it, surviving through three great Shinobi World Wars. This plane of greatness couldn't have been achieved without great sacrifice and its own share of secrets.
Footsteps splashed through puddles as a small group of ANBU ran into a small alley. The Anbu scanned the alley but didn't see who they were looking for.
"He's not here"
"Let's move on"
The Anbu squad leader motioned his team and they dispersed. After a moment a hooded figure revealed itself from the shadows of the adjacent wall. The figure let out a sigh and reached up and removed his black hood, revealing the face of Naruto Uzumaki. The village sacrifice, container of the Nine Tailed Demon Fox. Like most Jinchuriki, he is shunned by most of society. His presence brings constant reminders to those who lost their life during the Kyubi attack.
Despite his young age, Uzumaki was no fool. He was well aware of the seal on his stomach and what it contained. The villagers and some of the shinobi would send him glares filled with hatred. They didn't physically harm him except one incident when he was of the age of four. A pair chunin decided to set fire his home while he was still inside. He still had the burn mark on his shoulder as a reminder. Though he was confused why it didn't fully heal like any other injury he had gotten.
Naruto was a difficult person to find nowadays if he truly didn't want to be found. Not by the villagers nor by most of the Hokage's Anbu. He preferred to be alone.
In a world of lies and despair, seclusion was his armor, his strength. It allowed him to view others from the outside in. Attachments could lead to betrayal and pain. These were the truths of the shinobi world that he learned early in life. But despite his firm believe in these truths, there was a part of him that felt lonely. He remembered the last wishes of his deceased uncle. He wanted him to form bonds and become a honorable shinobi, but most of all he wanted him to find peace and happiness in this world.
He wanted to honor those wishes but how could he do that with so many unanswered questions still haunting him? His uncle's killer was still walking this earth for all he knew. And his instincts told him that someone in the village had to be involved. Who? He didn't know. Then there was the mystery of his parents death. The unexpected attack by the Kyubi caused the death his parents. But was it really unexpected? Was this just an act of fate? Tragedy struck people all the time in this world, that was fate. But why did he get the feeling that there was more to it than that? He needed answers. Also there was the Uchiha, his clan...his accursed clan. His uncle told him to stay as far as away from them.
Thinking about his uncle, he couldn't help but think back to the day he met the man who changed his life.
A five year old Naruto sat atop the stone head of the late Yondaime Hokage, observing the carefree villagers go about their daily routines. Life looked so simple for them, just going through the motions they do every day with a smile. He wondered what that felt like. He shook his head he didn't want to think depressing thoughts. That's not why he came up here for.
A figure in a white robe and a white fox mask, crept up behind Naruto. Caught up in his own thoughts he didn't notice. The figure spoke, making itself known.
"Naruto my boy, the time has finally come...I finally get to meet you. Though I wish it was not in this godforsaken village."
Naruto quickly turned around to find the source of the voice. He was surprised that someone managed to sneak up on him and quickly took a defensive stance.
"Whoa...whoa, calm down little one, I see, you've been training on your own huh? Not a bad stance for a little gaki!" He praised with a smile.
Naruto took a step back, his eyes scanned left and right for a possible escape.
"Who are you and what do want with me?" Naruto asked the masked man cautiously.
The masked man took off his mask revealing the face of a man with long red hair kept in a ponytail and light purple eyes. He looked to be in his early forties.
"My name is Musashi Uzumaki, and I'm here to see my last close relative and give you the answers you seek" Musashi said giving Naruto a knowing look.
Naruto was shocked, "I'm related to this man?" he thought. As far as he knew all of his family was dead.
Musashi saw his expression and spoke up, "I see your confused my boy, let's start with the thing you wanted to know the most...your heritage."
Naruto gave him a calculating look with some weariness. People have tried to lie to him before. His first instincts were to call him a liar, a fraud. He was a orphan with no family. This was nothing but a deceitful ruse! It had to be. But why did he get this strange feeling in his gut. Who was this man?
Musashi frowned upon seeing the weariness in Naruto's eyes. It was understandable and expected given that he seemingly came out of nowhere. But what really broke his heart was the loneliness he saw in the boys eyes. He clenched his fist. The village had truly failed him.
"Naruto I know you must feel some doubt in my words, but please let me explain" he said softly.
Naruto hesitated but gave him a small nod causing him to smile.
"You see, your mother is Kushina Uzumaki, my little sister."
Naruto's eyes widen "Kushina?" "What a beautiful name" he thought to himself. Was he telling the truth? Could this man really had known his mother? Also he said they all share the same last name, did this mean that I'm from a clan?"
As if Musashi knew what he was thinking, "Yes my boy, the Uzumaki are a clan from the now destroyed Land of Whirlpools." Before Naruto could speak again, Musashi put his hand up
"I'll tell you more about them some other time. For now let me tell you who your father was. He was none other than Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage."
Naruto mind froze, the Yodaime Hokage...was his father. Tears streamed down his face, his body shaking. Unlike his mother he already had face to put to put next to name of his father. Everyone knew the Yodamine Hokage. To learn that a hero of Konoha was in fact his father was to overwhelming for him to control his emotions.
"The Hokage only told me that my parents died during the nine tails attack and left nothing for me," Naruto said through his sobs. Musashi's eyes softened and went forward to embrace his crying nephew. Before he could embrace him Naruto looked up at him. His eyes filled with anger.
A tear slid down Musashi's face, he hated seeing his nephew like this. He felt guilty for not being able to be there for him earlier and anger towards Hiruzen. He looked down at Naruto and spoke softly.
"I know you angry Naruto and you have every right to be, but there is an explanation for this, just listen for a moment." Naruto didn't let up on his glare but Musashi could tell he was at least willing to listen.
"When I got word of your parents passing during the Kyubi attack, I came to the village to see if you had survived. When I found out you were alive I demanded that you be given to me to be looked after outside of the village. After some convincing I got Hiruzen to agree, but those damn elders wouldn't allow it, and said you were the village's property" Musashi spat with distaste.
Naruto clenched his fist and looked down. "I know the Hokage wouldn't stand up to the elders so I settled for the next best thing, I made him agree to let me take you after you turned ten. I knew the village wanted you to grow up in Konoha so you would stay loyal, but I made him promise that you would be taken care of. When I learned that old bastard didn't keep you safe like I asked, I decided that I would look after you myself. In the shadows."
Naruto walked down the alley, not caring about the rain that soaked his clothes. His mind started to wonder... thinking about how his life started to change for the better after meeting his Uncle. For the first time he had actually family. Someone who could look after him, love him, although only in the shadows. But that was more than enough for him.
It was surreal how one moment could change your life for the better then another reverse it.
After a long training session, Naruto, slumped down against a training log, exhausted. Musashi smiled proudly at him. His work ethic amazing. He started to train Naruto in the shinobi arts and discovered that he was quite the little genius, soaking up everything like a sponge. He thought his strong genes had something to do with it. Speaking of his heritage, it was time he filled Naruto in fully.
Musashi sat down next to him getting Naruto's attention.
"Naruto, its time I tell you the rest of your heritage."
Naruto looked at him curiously. "The rest of my heritage?"
Musashi nodded. "First let me tell you the history of the Uzumaki. The Uzumaki are blood relatives with the old Senju clan. They were allies before the founding of the great shinobi villages. Konoha has adopted the clan's symbol into their uniform as a sign of friendship. Unfortunately the Senju are no longer among us. The only one left is Tsunade Senju of the Sannin."
Naruto was surprised, he knew how prestigious the Senju were. The Shodai and Nidaime Hokages both hailed from that powerful clan. But he was truly unprepared for what his uncle had to say next.
Musashi's expression turned serious. "Listen closely. Although I'm not too fond of the Uchiha, I owe it to you to tell you the truth. You also have Uchiha blood running through your veins" Musashi said, shocking Naruto to the core.
The Uchiha unlike the Senju, were still around in numbers and were one of the most prestigious clans in Konoha. Why was he not with them? Why didn't they come and claim him? Unless he didn't want to think about that possibility.
"You said my mother was an Uzumaki and my dad was the Yodamine, I can't be an Uchiha." Naruto said flatly.
Musashi could understand Naruto's logic, it obviously didn't add up, but he could also sense that Naruto didn't want it to be true because he thought that would mean the clan abandoned him.
"Your right, your mother is an Uzumaki, however there is more to her blood, our blood that many people don't know about.
Long ago our great grandmother married into the Uchiha clan. She married, Imizto Uchiha, the brother of the renowned Tajima Uchiha."
Naruto looked confused, and decided to voice it, "I don't understand I thought the Uchiha felt they were above every other clans, so why would they marry an Uzumaki?"
"Your right, but some Uchihas noted the Senju's relationship with the Uzumaki clan, and thought highly of the clan, so they decided to spread their influence through marriage."
Musashi paused for a moment then continued "Not all Uchiha clan members supported this idea. In fact most of them didn't. And of course many in the Uzumaki clan members didn't want anything to do with the Uchiha either."
"Then how did this marriage come to be?" Naruto asked.
"Simple true love" Musashi said while chuckling at how cliché it sounded. But love was something that could still be found in the dark shinobi world.
"What first was a marriage to strengthen the clan, became true love between them. The marriage was kept secret because they wanted to avoid the chaos the opposition would bring.
Musashi looked Naruto seriously. "Now listen, the bloodline of the Uchiha, has been very recessive throughout your family. No one in our family as far as I know has been able to awaken the sharingan, so the chance of you doing it are extremely slim."
Naruto sighed as he looks up at the pouring, graying sky. Thinking about his uncle made his heart ache. The last thing he wanted to do was open up old wounds. He didn't need that. Musashi taught him better than that. He taught him how to be strong. A shinobi had to endure. He knew he would need to become a stronger to complete his goals.
His relatives were dead... but he knew that wasn't entirely the case. He felt mixed emotions about that, and it confused him, but deep down he knew what he was. He pulled his hood on and made his out of the alley. If one was to look into his hood, they would see a pair of red sharingan eyes staring back at them. For he was an Uchiha.