Hey guys, whats up? Xdrone coming to you live-
Percy: Shut up! By the way he doesn't own me
Xdrone: I wanted to say the disclaimer!
Yukon: oh well sorry
Percy :who's that?
Xdrone my magic dog and… I need another pet!
Random bird : how bou't me lord?
Xdrone: YAY! I'ma call you dave.
Dave: o.k. lord
Xdrone: Yukon ,dave… Get percy and beat him up
*percy getting beat up*
Percy: noooooooooooooooo!
Ria's P.O.V.
Finally that self ritchechous puke asked me out I've been waiting since I met him. Any way back to the action.
"Perseus Jackson!" Posiedon called. Percy seemed nervous so I kissed him on the check for reasurrence. I got a glare from a couple goddesess and a certain gray eyed witch, but I just stuck my tongue out.
Anyway, Percy walked up to Posiedon with new found confidence and stood infront of Posiedon.
"Take care of the seas my boy. I love you, make sure to visit me at calypso's island." Posiedon said sadly.
"I will father, I will." Percy stated tears brimming his eyes. Posiedon placed his hand on his shoulder and said, " I Posiedon give up my title as god of seas to my son Perseus Tyler Jackson." As soon as Posiedon said that, a sea green light enveloped us and we all closed our eyes except for the former Olympians.
When I could see again I almost drooled on instinct.
Percy's hair grew to his shoulders his short bangs the color of the sacashian sea. His eyes were even more sea green then before and had blue specks swimming in them. His facial features became so cute I couldn't help but drool. He put on a lot more muscule but not so much that its disgusting. They were just right. He was wearing a blue jacket that famous people wear and a 'just do it' shirt underneath
He wore red skinny jeans and sea green addidas. All the girls, and I mean ALL of them in that room, including a certain maiden stared at Percy with lust in they're eyes. He must've seen my anger cause he said "Don't worry, your they only one for me sunny," he said as he kissed me on the lips. 'so salty' I thought before he pulled away and walked to my father and kneeled infront of him.
"Lord Apollo, I respect you except when you have peanut butter with you, but I'd like permission to date your daughter." He said nervously. Father laughed then said " Percy man, that would be awesome! The hero of Olympus, 2 times no less, asked permission to date my daughter. Never saw that comin'. Yeah percy you have my blessing to date my FAVORITE daughter." He said with an edgy tone
After that percy had another bright light, and then Apollo said " Since your dating my favorite daughter you get half my power of the sun and etc; .
"Thank you lord Apollo."percy said excitedly.
"No problem and by the way, if you want you can have sex with her because if your over 16 and you're a god, then you can have it, soooo…."
"Father!" I yelled, embarrassed. Percy just chuckled and cat back down with me on his lap. Everything else went by quick as everyone else turned into a god, including me. Everyone looked like this ( insert how you would amagine people.)We even through a party after telling the demigod's about it and after they stopped throwing peanut butter we partied. After that we all went to Olympus and went our separate ways to make our temples.
"I think we should combine our temples and live together, then have 1 other templeseperated, for when we want to be alone." Percy stated.
"Yeah totally." I said. Then froze. "Percy weren't you gonna ask the gods if your brother can become a god?" He Froze then flashed away to the gods- well the former ones.
I sighed. We called his brother t.t. but his real name is Valnetino Bishop the 2nd. His mother once tried to have sex for a living and she loved the sea and caught Posiedon's eye. He paid her at least 100,000 because she quit that and got a boyfriend. She knew it was Posiedon's child because she asked the doctors to look for it's blood line. Her bo friend was born February 13 and was named Valentino, and the baby was named Valentino cause it was born February 14, 1998.
I made the 3 temples we wanted in settled in the one for both of us. Around midnight I was laying down reading a book called into the light when Percy popped up telling me about after a long peanut butter fight with the gods they agreed to let t.t. be the 15th Olympian. "He will be the god of time, animals, hero's, peanut butter, and tides." I laughed. Everyone except for a select few loved peanut butter here.
"good for him!" I exclaimed "I think you deserve a reward."
"you mean like us doing the stuff?"He asked nervously.
"No! I mean, unless you want to." I said since I was excited and nevous.
"Ready when you are." Percy said with new found confidence.
"Then come over here and let's get started" I said in my most seductive voice.
Percy walked over and crashed his lips on mine . I pushed my tongue to his lips, asking fo permission. He opened his mouth and our tongues battled for dominance. I won and explored his mouth. He took of my top and started to unclasp my bra, while giving me hickeys on the way my bra fell he started sucking on my c cup breasts while I moaned pushing his head he snapped his fingers and all our clothes were gone. Then things started to get serious…..