Disclaimer to Legend of Korra and it's creators: Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko.

During this week of October 28th through November 1st will be a week for the crack pairing Red Sand Rabroos x Bolin. I hope you all will like it. The prompts will be listed on the forum known as Sokka is the Best! I hope people will read and review this and even perhaps participate with this event.

Prompt 1: Locker Room

Bolin was walking into the locker room as he suddenly saw darkness as he was drying off. He then groaned as he said out loud, "Seriously? Why did the power have to go out?"

Bolin walked to the door as he pushed on it's emergency handle. He growled as he then decided that he would have to wait this one out. There were voices coming from the communal hot spring as he looked up at the arch way. He saw three girls walk inside wearing bikinis like he was wearing board shorts.

Bolin looked at the three and recognized them from three years ago when he and the Fire Ferrets had played them. Now as the coach of Patola Mountains Port Pelican Owls, Bolin had to rely on the title that he and his old team the Future Industries Fire Ferrets had won against the White Springs Wolf Bats three years ago after their cheating was investigated.

They were the Red Sand Rabaroos: Adi, Ula and Umi. Last years championship runner ups against the second and last win the Future Industries Fire Ferrets had managed to win. Just barely, if it hadn't been the close to the chest tie break between Bolin and Ula then the Fire Ferrets would have lost. And Bolin would have lost the dexterity of his right knee for nothing.

Bolin grinned at the girls as he shot them index fingers with thumbs up, "Ladies, how's it going?"

Umi smiled as she said to him with a giggle and laugh, "Not bad, Nuktuk hero of the South."

Bolin let off a dry laugh as he said to her, "Yeah, yeah so what if I starred in a mover or two? Besides, what was wrong with my movers?"

Umi then said to him fanning her hand to him, "Nothing, nothing. Anyways, looks like we'll be neighbors for a while until the power can come on. Unless if you or Ula are metal benders."

Ula then shook her head at Umi saying, "You already know I'm not."

Bolin then said to her with a bit of humor, "That would be a negator Rabaroo defense."

Adi smiled as she walked up with a sashay as she sat down on one of the long cement seats that one would use while changing at the lockers. She then said to him making a fire ball above her hand, "Say, why don't we tell a ghost story?"

Bolin grinned as he said to her patting the two spots beside him, "Oh, I'll tell you the ultimate thriller."

Umi and Ula walked over as they sat at his sides and Adi across from him. He then said as he bent over a bit, "There was once a masked man, I'm sure you've heard of him before. His name was Meztli, perhaps one of the most powerful and feared men in the world. Also the former leader of the Red Monsoon Triad, often called 'Masked' Meztli.

It was all a long time ago a young man ran rumor control for the Triple Threat Triads. He was a young earth bender that had a fondness for animals and former probending champions. And this young boy was the person who allowed the authorities to capture, put to trial and sentence Masked Meztli.

It was a full moon night, so bright that you would think the Princess herself was dancing with the Warrior in the stars beside her. (Constellation named after Sokka called the 'Boomerang and the Warrior'.) And as the two were dancing the young boy was snatching yuans out of the back pockets of men and slipping his hands into the purses of women.

Until he took the yuan from the wrong man, a man known as at the time Nulfil. Nulfil water bent the boy to the ground with ice all over his hands and feet. Nulfil looked at the boy dead in the eye as he then made the boy's body tremble. Making a mask out of ice he placed it on a cop right beside him. The cop screamed in terror as his head began to freeze over and burst with blood appearing everywhere!"

Ula and Umi screamed at this as Bolin grinned a tad after placing his hands on their heads. They then water and earth bent him over to Adi. Adi caught him as he laughed a bit and said to them sitting back down, "Anyways. The ice triggered the cop's earth bending ability from so much pain to send a slab of building at the back of the cop.

The boy was arrested that day and he was an earth bender. And that was enough to put him on trial for being a cop killer. But the boy cut them a deal, he would give them the masked man that had walked away in the crowd.

The boy took them back to the area he was picking people's pockets. That's when it happened, two water benders leapped down from the statue of Sokka at the Southern Culture building. They water bent the three undercover cops in the crowd. There was a leak of intel.

The pair quickly attacked the boy as he had crossed their boss. A man in a blue fur made trench coat came out from behind a cloud of mist. He wore a clear mask of ice with a white hood and made an ice mask in his left hand.

The boy squirmed and moved trying to escape until fire came out. Agni Ki Triad came to attack the Red Monsoon Triad. It was a fight between the pair of the leaders. It was a fight between 'Burn' Curn and 'Mask' Meztli, the two sent their best fire and water at each other.

The boy saw fire and water about to hit him from both sides. He screamed as he looked down and the metal statue of Sokka holding his boomerang flew down. It hit the ground making large cracks in the icy bonds of the boy. The boy broke out as he earth bent at the two leaders.

Hands grabbed them around their bodies made of Earth. He then gripped as their arms were broken and the mask of ice on the face of 'Mask' Meztli melted with a shatter. He saw that it was police chief Ikan!"

Adi looked at Bolin and said to him, "Are you serious?"

Bolin nodded as he finished his story, "As the boy went to his home where his mother and father earth benders were. He felt safe that was until a man was seen outside the window. He moved his head as ice went over his face. And to this day the 'Mask' Meztli has not been truly caught. Only copy cats, none of them matching my father's description of the man that had murdered the cop that day. But, the fact that a water bender cop and chief of police at the time no less was scarier than the real 'Mask'. And that is the end of my tale."

Bolin then moved a hand to his face as if he was about to pull back his hair. He then swiped it fast as he had a mask and shouted at the three ladies, "Or is it!"

The three screamed as the mask cracked and Bolin began to laugh. He fell back as he then wiped a tear from his eye. He then heard silence as he looked up at the three pissed women. The power came on as he then said, "Gosh, golly the power's back on we might want to get out of here."

Umi then said water began to come out from the air behind her, "We will."

Ula said darkly as stone came to her hands grinding quickly into sand, "We just have some business to take care of."

Bolin then asked with a gulp, "And what would that be?"

Adi said making a large flame, "Just a bent coach."

Bolin's scream could be heard through out the building that day.