My Best Friend

Hey I'm back again with another story. Will since I saw episode 6 and 7 of All Stars it was very intresting now. So I decided to write a story about Mike and Mal and after doing a RP with my friend Tybeaniebabyalvin I decided to write this because of it, and also I had thoughts of it. I hope you enjoy.

Note: Takes plces after episode 7.

Note 2: If this story gets good reviews I'll write another chapter to the story after episode 8 airs on Cartoon Netowork.

Disclaimer: I don't own Mike or Mal.

Mike was still trying to get out of his own subconscious, after Mal trapped him there. Mike even tried to call out to his personalities, to see if they where their as well. "Chester! Svetlana! Manitoba! Vito! Anyone!" Mike yelled. After trying to get out, Mike just sat on the floor holding his knees. Mike then started to tear up, and remembered him and Mal.

"Why?" Mike questioned. "Why are you so evil Mal?" Mike said to himself. "You never have been this way before." Mike then started to cry.

Flashback: Mike age 5

Mike was in his room sobbing; he was covered with bruises and cuts all over his arm. He was just beaten up by his father again. Mike's mom knew about this, but kept quiet because she was also beaten as well. After crying for almost half an hour, Mike fell asleep, but then he woke up in his subconscious.

"Hello?" Mike called out.

Just then Mike saw a figure it looked like him, but only one eye showed the other eye looked like it was covered. The figure started walking to Mike, scaring him.

After the figure was seen closer, it was Mal. Back then he looked the same but not dark circles in his eyes. "Hi Mike." Mal said.

"Who- who are you?" Mike asked.

"Names Mal." Mal introduced smiling.

"What do you want from me?" Mike asked again.

"To help you. You're in pain so you need some help. And that's why I'm here." Mal said. Mike smiled and hugged Mal. Mal then left to take control of Mike's body.

A little later Mike found out his dad has been arrested, and it was all because of Mal. "See Mike I told you everything will be ok." Mal said. Mike then smiled and hugged Mal again, this time with tears of joy.

"Thanks Mal." Mike whispered.

"Any time Mike." Mal said still hugging Mike.

End Flashback

Mike then started sobbing after that flashback. "Mal I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Mal." Mike said sobbing. He remembered him and Mal being best friends, his first best friend.

Mike remembered the fun he and Mal used to have; pulling jokes on Chester, Making fun of Svetlana since she is a girl, and even Mike teaching Mal how to sound and act like him. He and Mal had a very strong friendship, but it started to fall after Vito and Manitoba arrived.

Flashback Mike age 10

After celebrating Mike's 10th birthday, the personalities then went into their rooms inside Mike's subconscious. The only person Mike didn't see was Mal, he didn't know where he was or what he did. Though a little later he saw Mal his eyes looked tired and a bit red like he was crying. "Mal?" Mike asked going to him. "You alright?" Mike asked again grabbing Mal's hand only to have his hand be slapped.

"You idiot." Mal said in a sad voice. Mal had his hands in a fist.

"Mal? You ok?" Mike asked walking closer to him.

Mal just glared and punched Mike in the face. Mike then had a huge mark on his face, and some tears in his eyes.

"Mal why?" Mike said starting to cry.

"I should have never been a friend to you Mike. Your so malevolent I'm just a person you leave behind am I." Mal said his voice sounding demonic.

"Mal." Mike said again crying. "I can't believe you!" Mike screamed.

Mal then looked at Mike, and Mike then slapped Mal harder then he did. "Your so Malevolent!" Mike screamed walking off so he could take over the body.

End of flashback

After that one Mike just cried harder. "Mal I never meant it I'm sorry. I'm the one who is evil!" Mike said crying. "I'm sorry Mal. I'm sorry!" Mike yelled again crying.

In the outside world. Mal who was disguising as Mike was in bed in the cabins, he was able to here Mike's crying. Mal then started to feel guilty about this, but then shook it off.

"No I made it this far." Mal whispered. "It's too late now. Time to put my plan into action first thing tomorrow." Mal said as he went to sleep.

Plz review if you want another chapter of this story after episode 8 airs.