This is a first for me because, this fic is not finished. But I really wanted to get it out before Halloween. It's almost done and seeing as I started it a week ago, I think it is a little impressive. Got the idea doing my usual Halloween stint, watching horror films. As stated in the description and by the rating, this gets pretty racy. It is modeled after horror films so if you hate horror, you may not like this. However, this has a lot more romance in it than your typical horror film. So this is your warning people!

That said, I really hope you all give it a chance like you have with my other fics. I am currently working on a new fic, already finishing up part two of it. I would really like to get some high numbers in reviews and favs if not for this one then some day. Anyways, tell me what you guys think!

The Blood Countess

Ch. 1

"I read that every known superstition in the world is gathered into the horseshoe of the Carpathians, as if it were the centre of some sort of imaginative whirlpool; if so my stay may be very interesting."
- Bram Stoker, Chapter 1, Dracula

The warm glow of early morning light seems out of place on such a cold autumn morning. The leaves outside were turning beautifully, filling the sky line with bright yellows and oranges and deep reds. A lite breeze tossed them playfully around causing shadows to dance on the ground. It is the picturesque mid-October morning...soon to be shattered.

Still lounging in her bed, a beautiful young woman tosses her covers off of herself. In her hast, she tangles herself in the very comforter she just tossed and falls to the ground hard, face first. Righting herself, she then stumbles out of the pink and white room of a young girl, instead of the late teen that she was, and makes her way down the hall to the bathroom. Her reign of disaster continued there, as the "pop" of her big toe connected with the side of the tub and a stream of, not so well contained, curses spewed from her mouth.

The home was only again quiet when the tornado of wet blonde hair in pig tails and the blue, white, and red of her school uniform raced out of it. The mother of the strange child sat still and silent at their kitchen table. Shaking her head in a manner that all mothers do, ebony and, understandably, premature gray curls bounced on her head. Taking the last few moments she would have to relax before she had to begin her "stay-at-home-mom" duties, she stank deep into her chair and sipped her coffee while speaking out loud to herself,

"What the hell am I going to do with that girl?"

Her foot still ached from it's recent duel with the tub, making it harder than usual to run. It was such a beautiful day and it was the first time it was cold enough to wear her new coat. It was a double breasted, light pink pea-coat that she got at the beginning of spring when it was on clearance. She had waited all those long summer months and now that she had it on, she was determined to have a good day.

Forcing a smile on her face, she began to feel a little better. She made a point to go over all the good things heading her way. It was a Friday and not just any Friday, it was the Friday before a long weekend. She didn't have school again until Wednesday! That alone was enough to brighten her mood. Her parents were going out of town and had actually agreed to let her stay home alone! It took some serious begging, but with mid-terms coming up, it only stood to reason that she stay home to study. Not that she was actually going to study.

Feeling a bit more spring in her step, the toe that had been smashed hurt just a little less as she rounded the last corner before her school. Before she could take in the sight of her school, her view was blocked off by the brick wall she had just ran into. Although, the only thing that came into view was the nearing side walk, she knew what she had hit. Or rather who. To make matters worse, when he reached out and grabbed her to keep her from hitting the pavement, he stepped on her poor toe and she couldn't stop the scream that erupted from her mouth. His face twisted in pain and he looked at her like she was mad.

"Dammit! Are you trying to deafen me? Is assaulting me not enough any more?!"

"You jerk, you stepped on my toe!"

"Oh, yes of course you're welcome. I never mind saving you from plummeting to the hard cement below. I never realized you were so fragile since you use your body as a battering ram!"

"Me? You are the one who is ALWAYS in my way! This is my High School not yours."

"I think I can tell the difference between your school and mine. I am surprised to see that you do though, Meatball Brain."

She ignored the insult, "Good, I would hate to see all that fancy private schooling going to waist!"

"I refuse to apologize for going to my school. I don't know why you hold it against me or use it to start these fights all the time."

"That's your problem, you think it's about what school you go to. But you changed long before that! Ug, I don't have time for this. Go to whatever school you want I don't..."


That was the last bell, meaning she was late. So not only was her toe almost fully unusable, she would now have to stay late for detention for sure. Now her last day before the extended break would be even longer. As if the day wasn't long enough without the added hour.

"Oh my god! Thanks jerk! Now I'm late!"

"Blame it on me all you want Meatball, but it's your own fault and you know it."

He words rang out across the street as she ran away from him. She pretended that she hadn't heard him but deep down, she knew he was right. She was always late, for everything. Even things that she wanted to go to. Why did she do this to herself time and time again? And why did Darien have to be right? Was it too much to ask that once in a while she got the drop on him? To have him be the one who looks like a fool?

'Maybe people as beautiful as him never look stupid. What the hell am I thinking? Beautiful?! I must have hit my head hard this morning.'

Her mood had dropped again, so she began her new mantra; it was Friday before a long weekend, there would be no school again till Wednesday, and her family would be gone meaning she had the house to herself. By the time she reached the classroom door, her smile had returned. It only brightened at the sight of a substitute at the front of the class, who was so busy with role that she didn't even notice her as she slipped in the back.

Ms. H must have rushed away with her boyfriend; she left very little work for them all day. Ami of course spent the free time studying and it was impossible to get her attention. Lita wasn't in her first period so she took a nap instead. The rest of her classes were about the same, but the day went by relatively fast. After school, she stopped at home to see her family off. She had to promise to keep her phone on her at all times in case they needed to call. It was as if they had forgotten that she was 16 and not 6. Then she quickly changed and was off to the arcade; the girls were all meeting there to figure out what they were going to do for the weekend. She was hoping to do something for Halloween like a haunted house, but one that wasn't too scary and had a lot of candy.

Her dark brown boots thudded against the side walk and even though the space between the boots and her skirt was small, the patch of skin was chilled in the late autumn afternoon air. She pulled her wool, gray, knee highs up a little higher on her thighs to combat the cold. The thick material of her gray and pink checkered skirt kept her butt warm until the wind picked up. Even though her pink sweater was a little thin and the neck line was a little low, she had her new coat to keep her warm and a thick scarf around her neck. She didn't feel that the outfit was risque at all but she still waited till her father wasn't around before she dared to go out in it to be safe. She felt cute and that put even more spring in her step.

She was running late as usual, but when she arrived at the arcade she was the first one. Staking her claim on their booth with her coat and scarf, she made her way to the counter. She was looking good, Andrew was working, it would be several days before she had to don her uniform again; take away her morning blunders and it had turned out to be a good day.

The day was fading away to night, flooding the arcade with it's last legs of bright orange light. Darien sat in his usual stool with his coffee and paper, being pretentious, but she didn't let him stop her from claiming a stool herself and placing her order.

"Hot cocoa pleeease!"

"Hehe, sure Serena. Nice to have someone in a sunny mood around. Maybe you will rub off a little on him." Andrew said as he gestured towards Darien.

"Like anyone could effect him!"

Darien let out a gruff of disapproval that was suppose to give a sense of uncaring, but aired more on the side of hurt. Andrew simply shrugged his shoulders and left the two of them to themselves.

"So no detention huh? How did you manage that?"

He kept his attention deep in his paper, adding to his arrogance. It took her a few seconds to even realize that he was talking to her.

"And just how would you know if I had detention or not?"

He turned the page, but yet again didn't even look in her direction. An action that irritated her to no end.

"It's called observation Meatball Brain. You are not as late as you usually are to the arcade, which tells me that you did not have detention."

"Sooooo you've been paying attention to when I show up to the arcade? What's the matter Darien? Your life too boring without me?"

"No. I just like to know when to take cover from the tyranny of disaster that is you, Meatball Head."

"Ooooh you are SUCH a JERK!"

"So much for that sunny disposition..."

"No, you know what? You are right. It has been a great day, save for the moments spent around you! I'm not going to let rain on my umbrella."

"It's parade! Rain on my parade! Man you are such a..."

She looked over at him to see that he had finally taking his eyes away from his newspaper and was staring at her. Looking down, she was sure by the way he was looking at her, she had something on her shirt. She was frantically searching, but she saw nothing.

"What? Do I have something on my shirt?"

Her words broke him out of his little trance and suddenly he looked angry, "Where is your uniform?"

"Huh? Oh, I went home and changed. Those uniforms are so uncomfortable plus this looks a lot better. Do you like it?"

"Of course I don't!"

"Well it's a good thing I'm not wearing it for you then! I think I look nice."

"You shouldn't be wearing it for anyone! It's inappropriate! I can see your...everything!"

"Calm down, you can not! If you think this is inappropriate, you should see some of the other girls from my school. 30 degrees and their in mini skirts..."

"I don't care what the other girls are wearing, I care about...I'm talking about you. You should go home right now and change."

"I will not! You long lost your rights to any kind of say in my life. I think I look good."

"You look like a slut!"

She could feel the burning of her tears before she even knew she was going to cry. How dare he talk to her like that, it wasn't any of his business how she dressed anyways. She needed to calm herself before she broke down in the middle of the arcade.

'Okay, it's Friday. No school till Wednesday. Plenty of alone time. And fun with the girls tonight.'

What was his problem? The outfit barely showed any skin. He was seriously over reacting.
"I think she looks fantastic."

They both turned to the strange voice to find a tall, dark, and handsome man. His deep black hair was a contrast to his almost sickly, pale skin. Other than being in desperate need for some sunlight, he was by all means attractive. But it was his eyes. Something about them seemed to be drawing her in and at the same time screamed danger.

She couldn't help but notice his lingering eyes. She should have felt complemented but really she just felt more like a piece of meat. She really didn't think her outfit was that revealing but maybe Darien was right. Darien inched forward, closer to her and gave the man an evil glare in an unexpected, protective manner. Darien was by all means someone to fear. He was the same height as the stranger but Darien had a bit more muscle than the man. However, the man only smiled in response causing her to feel oddly calm.

"I'm sorry. Let me introduce myself. I am Nicolas de Lenfent, but a lovely lady such as yourself can call me Nicolas."

He loved the small gasp she gave when he took her hand in his and kissed it. Girls of this generation are so starved of chivalry, it was truly a crime. However, it did tend to make them easier targets. This one would truly prove to be one of his greatest conquest. Especially with the other male trying to claim her. She reeked of virginity, it was so intoxicating that he found it hard to control himself as soon as he first saw her.

"Hello...Nicolas. This is Darien and I'm Serena. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too. I always enjoy meeting beautiful ladies, but being new to this country makes your acquaintance especially sweet."

The man called Darien took another step forward in an attempt to frighten him away. He released Serena, for a fight would only scare the poor girl and probably blow his cover. Either Serena welcomed his protection or she was oblivious to it, he couldn't tell for sure but her obvious innocence had him leaning towards the latter.

"So where are you from? I have never heard an accent like yours before." Serena asked.

Darien looked as if he wanted to tell her not to talk to strangers or something equally cliché. It was quite amusing watching him squirm.

"I come from many different places, but I was born in France. That is where this accent is from."

"There you are Serena!"

He turned to see more beautiful ladies making their way towards the three of them. Each of them were delectable, such a variety! He imagined that each of them would be amazing in their own way; the spicy ebony haired girl, the cool and refreshing girl with the blue hair, the electric brunette, and the passionate blonde. Absolutely delicious, but he had a feeling that, none of them would compare to Serena. However, they would be a nice appetizers.

The blonde was the first to take notice of him, "Whoa, Serena, who is your new friend?"

"Guys, this is Nicolas. He is new to the area."

The dark haired girl eyes him suspiciously, "New huh?"

"Yes, well my whole family is. Actually, we are having a bit of a house warming party tomorrow."

He pulled the small invitations out of his coat pocket and passed them out. After spending the day finding as many attractive new "friends", those were his last.

"Bring whoever you want. It's a costume party in honor of All Hallows Eve. You should all come, it will be a lot of fun."

The strange girl with blue hair looked at the address, "This is the old Robinson house. It's like a castle, I have always wanted to see the inside of it. Did you guys know it is one of the oldest houses in Tokyo? It's a historical monument and you live there?!"

"My whole family does."

The brunette's protective aura melted a bit at that, "Aw, your whole family lives together? That's nice."

"Yes, well I should be getting back to them. Lots to do for the festivities tomorrow. I hope to see you all there. Serena, it was a pleasure to meet you, all of you."

He knew that they all watched him leave, he could feel their eyes on him. His family would surly approve of all the new blood he was bringing them and if they were lucky, he might share.

They all stood still watching him leave. None of them were sure when, but Andrew appeared behind them, startling all of them.

"What are you guys looking at?"

Lita gave him a smack on the arm, "Don't sneak up on us like that!"

"Hehe sorry. Don't you guys think it's a little early to getting so jumpy? Halloween is still a week away."

"Which reminds me, do you till want us to come over tomorrow to help decorate?"

"Oh yes please Lita. All of you are going to come right?"

All but Darien answered, "YES!"

Mina added, "As long as we can do it and have time to get ready for the party!"

Rei shook her head, "You aren't seriously going to that party are you?"

"Yes, we are all going. Especially Serena!"

"What?! Why do I have to go?"

"Come on Serena, you saw how that guy was looking at you. The only reason he invited us was because of you!" Lita argued.

Rei still wasn't convinced, "Really? Does anyone even know how old he was?"

"What does that matter Rei, he was gorgeous. And gorgeous people always have gorgeous friends."

"I really want to see the house myself." Ami said loudly.

"Ami?! You too?!" Serena was clearly losing this fight.

Rei laughed, "Leave it to Ami to find a responsible reason for going to a party."

"He is probably some pervert or a serial killer. I mean there has to be something wrong with him if he invited Serena." Darien added.

She shot him a dirty look, but soon turned it to a smirk, "Fine, I'll go."

Mina jumped high into the air, "YES! Then we are all in!"

Darien frowned at her only causing her to feel even more victorious. To her surprise, he soon returned her evil smirk and turned to Andrew.

"Hey Andrew, wanna go to a party tomorrow night?"

"Noooo! You can't go!" she squealed.

"Hey, he invited me too, remember? So what do you say Andrew? Be my wing man?"

Andrew looked at her and then back at Darien, "I have never known you to go to a party Darien."

"Come on, you are always trying to get me to go to those stupid parties..."

"Alright, alright. If Darien Shields is going to a party then I will have to go as well."

"Great. See you ladies there."

He left with one last smirk at her and all she could do is stare dumbly. Her mouth hung wide open as it tried to come up with something to say, but it was no use. There was nothing else she could do and he was already out of sight. 'Friday, off till Wednesday, home alone...dammit!'

Review quickly if you want chapter posted soon!