Her Second Chance at Normal
"She's all yours," Olivia said as she handed the keys of OPA over to Harrison. "Promise me that you will treat her right."
"I will…" he replied with sense of smugness.
Olivia walked around her old office one more time. She ran her hand along the Victorian desk and fluffed the sofa cushions. "Well, if that's all you need Mr. Wright. I'll be leaving. I have a plane to catch, remember?" She reached out and grabbed his hands.
"I do…so, you are really doing this?" he asked.
She took a deep breath and looked at him begrudgingly. "Yes. He loves me and this our way of starting over." She said as she looked down and rubbed one of her hands over her growing belly. "I had chance at normal once. After Amanda Tanner, Fitz and I were going to be normal- mow the lawn, walk the dog, and fight over the dishes. The whole nine yards, but I sacrificed it. I thought America needed him more as a president than I needed him as partner." She took another deep breath. "I gave up so much to be with him, and…" She shook her head ferociously. It was as if she was trying to forget a bad memory. "It's doesn't even matter anymore. This baby is my second chance at a normal life, and I am going to take it."
Harrison stepped closer to Liv. "If this is what you want, then you have my support. Over a cliff, right?" he smirked.
"Over. A. Cliff." She repeated. "Plus, Langston is about to run this country into the ground anyways, so…" She joked. They hugged one more time and exchanged goodbyes. He walked her to the door and watched her step on the elevator for the last time. "Anything else?" She asked while pressing the "B" button.
"Yeah…any advice?"
She paused for a second to reflect on her life. She thought about of all of it-the journey, the clients, the felonies, and the sacrifices. "Life is hard," she said. "It's not a fantasy. People disappoint you, and you will disappoint somebody. Just remember, we are all trying to do the best we can, given the circumstances." Harrison nodded, and the doors of the elevator shut.
Olivia reached in her bag for her keys and her phone. "Two new messages" it said. She opened it and could not help but smile. It read:
"At the airport. I'm waiting near the terminal. Please hurry with snug bug. I miss her"
"Oh…and you too."
"We miss you too," she thought. The elevator dinged, and she stepped off without a care in the world. He was waiting for her at the terminal, and they were going to be family. He was committed to starting over, and that made her happy. For once, she was a priority. She unlocked her car door and slid inside. She was about to crank up when she heard a tap on the passenger window. She rolled down the window.
"Hi, can I get in?" he said. She unlocked the door, and he slid in. "Please don't do this," he said focusing on the dashboard. "We can fix this. Don't go."
She took a deep breath. This was the last thing she needed right now. "No, we can't. This is unfixable," she cried.
"Why? Because of the baby? I know I'm not the father, and I don't care. I want you back. I love you, Liv."
"It's not that simple." She interrupted. "It's not that simple."
"…and that allows for forgiveness. Love is bigger than some mistake somebody made."
"Fitz, I married him. He's my husband now…"
He reached for her hand and placed it between both of his. "It doesn't matter. You can petition for an annulment. I love you, and I don't know what I would do without you." He was crying now. "You are a part of me…" He was amidst a break down.
"You say that, but you've always shown me that it wasn't. Defiance…Jake…Verna…Amanda Tanner. Love does not conquer all, and you cannot use it to fix this. There is no reset button in life." She removed her hand from his and wiped the tears from his cheeks.
"Liv, I'm finally free. We can start over just like you're planning to do with him. We can move to different state or country. I have job offers from all over the world. I will stop traveling and be the husband you deserve." He grazed his cheek against her hand. "In this time, in this place, I things will be different." She closed her eyes and took it all in. She began nodding her head in agreement. "Say you will wait for me Livy…" he mumbled into her hand. "…just until after the inauguration, then I will be yours."
Olivia slowly pulled her hand away. "No," she said with such conviction. "Fitz I have a child to think about and I cannot bring him into a world filled with waiting and disappointment. I. Am. Done. No more. I deserve better, so I am going to the airport and starting over with a man who loves me enough to make me a priority. I'm sorry Fitz." Olivia turned her head and focused on the steering wheel. She reached for the ignition. "Goodbye Fitzgerald," she said, "You will find something else to make you happy."
Fitz wiped the tears from his cheeks and leaned over to kiss Olivia on the cheek. "I love you," he whispered, "and it does conquer all. I will wait for you. If it takes 5 weeks…11 months…or 25 years. I will wait for you." He opened the door and slid out. He walked over to the waiting black SUVs.
Olivia took a deep breath and started her car. She put the car in reverse and backed out of her parking space. She drove by the motorcade and waved to Fitz one last time. She was finally on her way to the airport.
Olivia walked through the airport on cloud nine. Nothing could bring her down. She was pregnant and glowing. She was finally married to a man that loved her and didn't ask her to wait for him. But most of all, she finally made a decision when it came to Fitz. She decided she was worth more and that love didn't always have to hurt.
She walked into the terminal and began looking for him. "Where is your father?" she asked her belly. She circled the check in desk and that is when she saw him. The curve of his face…the short brown military cut…and the sparkling gold band. She walked over to him and took a seat. "I can do this," she exhaled.
"Yes. You can. We are doing this." He replied. "I love you, and I love snug bug, and we are going to be family."
"But is that enough? Is love ever enough?" she asked while her eyes began to glaze over.
"You saw him, didn't you?" He shook his head in disbelief.
"He came to OPA, and we talked. He said that he loves me and asked me to not do this. The end was near, and just to wait…" she took a deep breath. "It doesn't matter. I chose you. I chose us. You are all I need, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." She leaned over and kissed him.
"You're such a smooth talker, Mrs. Ballard, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you too." They smiled at each other.
"Now boarding Flight 15647 to London," the clerk announced.
"That's us," he said. "Ready?'
"Of course, over a cliff, right?"
"Over a cliff." Jake responded as he reached for her hand. Then, they stood up and walked towards the gate. "So, have you thought of any names?'
25 Years Later…
Olivia looked out the window and thought about the last time she was at the Grant ranch. It had not changed a single bit since Fitz's campaign. She reflected on her life up to this point. How did she end up here again?
"Mom!" Eleanor screamed bringing her out of her thoughts. "The caterers are here, but they don't have the cake. You can't have a wedding without cake!" She exclaimed.
"Stop screaming." She said rubbing her brow. "I will go and find out why there is no cake. You need to calm down; everything will be fine." She pulled Eleanor into her arms and began rubbing small circles in her back. "I've had a wedding before, you know?" she joked. "And consider it handled." Olivia released her daughter and began walking towards the kitchen. She was wrapping up her conversation when she saw him. He walked by the kitchen and stopped to look at her. He wasn't supposed to be there. Last night at the engagement party, he promised that he wouldn't see her until the wedding. She thanked the caterer again and walked out onto the porch.
"Hi," he smiled.
"Hi Fitz…" she smiled. They stared each at other for a moment. "Aren't you supposed to be off with the groomsmen, giving advice about love and marriage." She joked breaking the silence.
"I should, but I forgot something." He took a step towards her, and she took a step away from him.
"Fitz…we can't, especially not right now. You have a house full of guests."
He looked down defeated. "No, it's not like that. See, Teddy forgot a groomsman's gift," he explained, "Instead of forcing him to come back and interrupting the festivities, I decided to come grab it."
"Oh." She exhaled. Fitz side stepped Olivia and began walking towards the house. "Do you think this time will be different?' she asked without turning around. Fitz stopped dead in his tracks. She could feel the anxiety rising in her stomach. "Can love really conquer all? Or, is this one big mistake?" she finished.
Fitz pondered the questions for a minute. "Yes, it will be different" he replied, "…because the odds are in favor now, instead of against." He took another deep breath. "…and no love doesn't conquer all. It destroys it all." He closed his eyes and began shaking his head.
"Fitz…" she closed her eyes and rubbed her thumb over her wedding band.
"Olivia, love and marriage are complicated. They take work, and they put you between a rock a hard place." He took another deep breath. "I don't know if this is a mistake. Only time will tell.
"Will they make it?"
"No, they will not make it. They are too naive to see what marriage and love really are." He took another deep breath. "The truth is…life is hard," he said. "It's not a fantasy. People disappoint you, and you will disappoint somebody. We are all trying to do the best we can, given the circumstances, but sometimes that isn't enough to allow for…forgiveness." He started walking towards the door again.
"I forgive you." She said, and he stopped again. "I forgave you a long time ago." She clarified. "I was wrong. You are wrong. Love does allow for forgiveness. Jake taught me that. He forgave me," Fitz cringed. It was the first time she had mentioned his name privately. "They will make it because unlike us, they're not broken. They're not hoping that the other one will fix whatever is broken. They are two whole persons joining together because they want to, not because they need to."
Fitz took a deep breath. "Olivia, I wanted you…"
"Mom!" Eleanor called pulling Olivia and Fitz out of their thoughts. "Dad can't find his tie. He doesn't know where he left it. He's not walking me down the aisle without a tie. Can you help him?" She yelled while rolling her eyes.
"Yes, consider it handled." Olivia replied.
"Oh, Fitz I didn't see you there. Wait…aren't you supposed to be with groomsmen? Is Teddy here? He can't see me in my dress; it's bad luck" She started to hide behind Olivia which caused Fitz to giggle.
"No," he said as he stepped closer. "He forgot a groomsman's gift, and I decided to come grab it. Everything is fine. It will be fine." He said as he reached out for her hands and pulled her in closer for a hug. "Listen to me. You love him. He loves you, and that is all that matters at the end of the day." His gaze held with Olivia's. "If two people are meant to be together, they will find a way to be together...unless one of you gives up." he continued, "but Teddy's not a quitter, neither are you. You two will be fine" he finished.
She tilted her head back and awkwardly played with her shirt sleeves.
"Thanks Fitz." Eleanor said as she turned back towards Olivia. "Mom… you okay?'" she asked.
"I'm okay. Now, let's go find Dad's tie." She said while pulling Eleanor away from Fitz. "It's probably in my suitcase or your brother's. Don't worry; he will walk you down the aisle…in a tie." She joked. The two women walked in the house without a look back. Fitz leaned against the brick wall for moment. He needed time to process what just happened. She wanted what? He thought to himself. After a few more minutes, Fitz walked into the house closing the door behind him.
After the Wedding…
The wedding went off without a hitch. Eleanor looked gorgeous in her gown, and Teddy was dressed impeccably as always. The ceremony was moving, and now, everyone was having a wonderful time at the reception. "They look so happy," Olivia whispered in to Jake's ear. "Our snug bug has finally grown up." She smiled.
"Let's dance?" he asked. "We never got a "first dance.' This can be our redux." He smirked. Olivia reached out for Jake's hand, and they headed to the dance floor. They were just getting into their rhythm when the music stopped.
"Sorry for the interruption, but the fathers of the bride and groom have a few words." The wedding planner announced. "Mr. Grant? Mr. Ballard?'
"Shit. Do you have your remarks?' Jake asked Olivia.
"Yes…do you?"
"No…can you do the speech?" He whispered.
"You're lucky that you're cute." She joked as she walked up to the stage. "It's Mrs. Ballard, actually." She corrected as she took the microphone. She took a deep breath and began speaking from her heart:
Ellie, you are the greatest blessing that your father and I have received. You were our hopes, dreams, and fears wrapped up into one seven-pound package. You were our lives. Now, you've grown up, and it's time for you to start your own journey with Teddy. You two meshed so well, and he compliments you. Use him. Depend on him. He's your husband and your best friend now. You father and I will always love you, and you are always welcome in D.C. Hugs and kisses snug bug.
Olivia handed the microphone over to Fitz and joined Jake at their table. Fitz began his speech:
Teddy, my miracle child, I am proud of the man you have become, and if your mother was alive, she would feel the same way. You are strong, compassionate, and smart. You have traveled \to terrible places without an ounce of fear. As you start your new chapter, please keep that in mind. You two found each other. Seven continents…hundreds of countries…and thousands of miles away from home…and somehow you two found each other in a small Taiwanese village. That was the easy part. Marriage is work and filled with obstacles, so when you run into your first obstacle, just remember the man you are. To Teddy and Eleanor.
Fitz raised his glass and toasted the new couple. He walked of the stage and headed back to his table. After another hour of dancing and eating, the reception was finally over. Teddy and Eleanor were at the W Hotel and kicking off their honeymoon. The caterers had been paid and cleanup was well under its way. Fitz sat at the bar drinking alone when Olivia walked up behind him.
"Nice speech," she said. "Love the advice."
"You didn't do too bad yourself." He replied. "You want a drink?" He offered as walked around the bar.
"Bourbon neat." He poured her a drink and handed it to her.
"Where's Jake?" he interrupted.
She tilted her head and looked at him. "He got called away. It was a work thing."
"Ah…B613. Still protecting the republic, I see. Does the new president know they exist? Or is it still a secret?" he joked.
"Still a secret., but Jake has cleaned up the organization. He's a better command than my father. Hell, he's a better father than my father." She laughed.
"Yes, Rowan was a terrible man. I was relieved when he died. No offense."
"None taken," she said as she shrugged her shoulders. " I can't lie and pretend he was an amazing man when he wasn't."
Sensing her guilt, he changed the subject. "So, what are you and Jake going to do now that Eleanor is moving out?" he asked.
"I don't know. Jake wants to retire and move to Connecticut with Teddy and Ellie. He wants to 'rediscover' us and be normal. He wants be real grandparents to their kids. Bake cookies…spoil them with gifts…and take Disney cruises…"
"Disney cruises? Really Liv?"
"Yes." She replied as she shook her head. "You?"
"I'm moving to Texas to spend more time Gerry and Sarah. Gerry is being deployed to South Korea, and I'm moving to Texas to help Sarah with the kids. I leave in a couple of weeks." He smiled.
"Fitz, that's great. You will love Texas. Jake and I lived in Dallas for a while, and …." She started.
Fitz stared at Olivia and listened to her talk about their time in Dallas. The conversation went on like that for hours. It was almost seven in the morning when they finally realized what time it was. As the sun rose, they sat on the porch and looked out at the ranch.