"Legend has it that there was two boys born a long time ago, powerful ones at that, these two boys weren't related and had only ever met in their dreams, now even though they were born from their parents, legend has it that Satan had been waiting for two boy's to be born with a dark soul, technically Kol here is…the son of Satan and he'll stop at nothing to find and awaken his brother if they're both awake it could become hell on earth" Havana finished staring at the now standing Kol.

Kol listened carefully to watch she was saying and something in him clicked, he needed to rise his other brother and he would stop at nothing and will kill almost anyone that got in his way, now to just get rid of this stupid barrier that's keeping him from doing so, Kol looked directly into Havana's eyes she tried to turn away but it was too late, she dropped to her knees screaming in pain, his voice echoed in her head "Break the barrier, BREAK THE BARRIER!" he screeched inside her head, "Okay I'll do it" she cried out.

Kol smirked as he stopped burning her from the inside out, she choked out the spell and Kol felt the barrier fall, he stepped out before looking around his eyes landed on Elijah "Kol…" Kol eyes softened as he looked at his older Brother "This is something I have to do, I have to find Shilo" Kol smiled before disappearing into the wind.

Meanwhile a nineteen year was trapped inside a tomb, for over a thousand years "Don't worry son, your brother is coming for you" A voice whispered in the back of his head. Shilo was encased in this stupid tomb when he turned nineteen by his Mother, she claimed that he had not been his son, but yet the son of evil and that if he was to walk free, hell on earth would rise, and when he gets out of this tomb he might just do some hell on earth.

It had been three weeks, and Kol had finally found out where his brother was being kept, and surprise, surprise it was just a few kilometres from Mystic Falls, of course the pathetic Salvatore's, and the stupid Gilberts had found out about his true form and who he planned to raise and they had been trying to stop him, but to no avail, and surprisingly tons of vampires had teamed up to try an kill Kol, but their heads had rolled, now all Kol needed to use to open the tomb was the little doppelganger bitches blood because he already had the Bennett witch.

Kol watched silently as Elena left the safety of her house, as she started to jog that's when Kol made his move, he flashed towards her covered her mouth with his hand and flashed towards the tomb throwing her against the wall as she groaned Kol just laughed before turning towards the Bennett witch and a couple of girls he had compelled for his brother to drain and one for himself.

"Break the spell Bonnie Bennett and I might just let little Elena here live" He sneered as he grabbed Elena by the neck and slowly started twisting her neck painfully to the side "Okay! Okay..." Bonnie shouted, she began to chant the spell after she finished she looked at Kol, "Now for the fun part" he whispered to Elena before tearing into her neck as he let her blood spill into the tombs door.

Kol lazily bit into his wrist before shoving it into Elena's mouth once she had, had enough he pushed her over to Bonnie, before gliding over to the door as he watched it open, he shoved the walking blood bags in as he walked in and over to the desiccated form, he ripped into the girls wrist before shoving her hand over his brothers mouth as the blood slowly seeped into his brothers mouth.

Shilo began to feel blood move throughout his system and he could move even though he was stiff still, his eyes shot open and he latched onto the girl's wrist bringing it down to his mouth draining her. Kol smiled as he ripped into another girl and bring her bleeding neck down to his brother, he continued to do so with the rest until his brother sat upright fully and turned to stare at Kol who smiled a bloody smile as he through the lifeless girl to the floor "Welcome back to the living Brother" he smirked as he licked the blood off his lips and held out a hand, Shilo smiled as he too licked the blood from his mouth as he latched on to his brothers hand as he stood up.

They were the same height and together they walked out of that hell for saken tomb, Shilo looked over at his brother "You know I could use with a little bit of destruction and spilled blood, don't you?" he grinned maliciously, Kol mirrored his brothers face "You just read my mind brother", "Well then let the games begin" they chorused before shouting "Farzm (Raise)" as the black veins raised to the surface of their skin and left through their mouths to cause destruction at their masters orders.

"I say we wipe out a few towns, what do you say Shilo?" Kol smirked tilting his head at his brother raising an eyebrow, Shilo pretended to think about it for a few seconds "I say, let's do it" he grinned as they flashed towards the nearest town which happened to be a small bunch, they began walking into the town with the shadows of souls, people began to scatter and scream, they grinned at each other before raising their arms unleashing the souls of the damsel's in distress.

Shilo smiled as he watched the life drain from the young boy's life, the boy helplessly tried to claw Shilo's hand, the boy became weaker and weaker until he finally stopped moving and fell limp. Shilo threw him to the side amongst the rest of the bodies of the boy's family, Shilo turned towards Kol who was speaking to a young woman, she was obviously crying and shaking her head, Shilo walked closer interested to see what was going on.

He walked up beside his brother and watched as the young woman walked towards her Mother, Father, three sisters and one brother, before grabbing a long knife and mascaraing them, while she pleaded for Kol to make her stop, Kol glanced at his brothers smiling but confused face "You're wondering what I'm doing right? Well this here is one of my favourite games, you go for the weakest family member and compel them to murder their whole family whilst their aware of what they're doing and they can't stop and I like to keep them alive and compel them to not kill themselves or ask to be killed, It's quite fun" Kol grinned as his tongue swiped over his bottom lip as the last body dropped to the floor in front of the sobbing girl.

Shilo laughed as he watched his brother toy with the broken girl, "Brother, I'm bored already" Shilo sighed watching as Kol shoved the girl off into the trees, "Same, how about we pay my other siblings a visit" Kol winked.