
disclaimer: i do not own fairy tail

dedicated to: my pyromaniac friend. and to the person who always calls me mona lissa. thanks for being a friend.

this is a chapter story. each chapter will be about 300 words or so. might be looking for a beta.


She doesn't like the hot oily fire they use in the kitchens.

She doesn't like the charcoal fire that they roast marshmallows over.

She doesn't like the warm fire roaring in the gold-encrusted fireplace.

These are all the types of fire she has ever known, because living in a palace with golden gates and a fearsome father doesn't exactly give her many chances to get close to fire, especially when it is something that can hurt the "princess". (it isn't like her father even cares but she herself is worth a fortune so he does)

It's funny how her first celestial key is Aquarius, the opposite of fire. At first she thought she would like Aquarius, cause Aquarius was water and she didn't like fire anyways. Oh, how wrong she was. She and her spirit had gotten off on the wrong foot, it seemed. That's how she came to hate water too.

Over the years, however, she came to realize that maybe Aquarius wasn't all that bad. After Aquarius nearly drowned her half a dozen times, though, she decided that she still hated water, still hates water. She thinks she hates fire more, though. The fire burns her - it causes her pain, and at least water is open to touch and swim in. Water could be used to quench thirst, but isn't as essential to life as water is. It's not like she doesn't want humankind to use fire - actually, she hopes they do because how else could the chefs cook? - but she herself would rather not touch it or get close to it.

Living a sheltered life makes sure she doesn't anyways, and she doesn't think her life will change soon.
