A/N: Heh, me own IZ? Not likely, I don't have that much power.. Yet.
**Insert evil laugh**
Mama say.. She's a Devil pt.6
"WAFFLES ARE DONE!!!!" Shrieked an overly excited Gir then inhaling the entire stack of waffles aimlessly that sat on the table before him. "I SAIID WAFFLS ARE DONE!" No answer. "MASTER? LADY? I GOTZ." he looked over at the now empty plate and gasped. "WHERED THEY GO??" he lifted up the plate to check underneath. Nothing. Under the table. Nothing. He shrieked and threw a tantrum for about thirty seconds then shrugged reluctantly and strutted over to the T.V., plopped himself on the couch and turned it on.
Zim's lower eyelids twitched, the room was in utter silence except for the slight cracklings of the ashes in Sadi's fireplace. She was still leaning on his shoulders eyeing the paper, getting a vaguely annoyed expression on her face. "You can trust me, Zim." She whispered, while slightly turning to him, a strand of her orange hair escaped from the grasp of the rest of her hair tucked behind her shoulders and hung gently next to her neck. His hand shivered hazily as his eyes started to blur. He hadn't realized what had happened, but when he looked back at the paper, three somewhat wriggly letters stared back at him ZIM. As if to say: "You moron."
"Excellent." Clicked Sadi, snatching the thick packet from his grasp. She stared at the signature for a few seconds; her cherry red eyes gleamed as the corner her lips started to curl upward. Still holding the pen, Zim eyed her with a quirked eyebrow.
"Eh.. Now what?" He finally said. Snapping out of her gaze Sadi shifted her head once, and then a second time and walked over to a black file cabinet in the corner of the office and opened a drawer. Zim scratched his head, feeling suddenly uncomfortable. Sadi slipped the packet into a crimson folder labeled 'ZIM6661000' and turned to him with a puckish smirk quirked on her glossy lips.
"Restless are we?"
Nervously Zim had started gnawing on his leather glove, he responded to her question by crossing his eyes.
"Okay here's the deal. I, Sadi, now am having your soul owe you, Zim, all your little Zim heart desires."
Zim crossed his arms. "Yes.."
"Mainly world domination." She continued. Zim perked his lower lip and nodded approvingly.
"For any of that to happen you have to commence with "I wish.""
Immediately Zim reacted, "I wish-"
"I'm not finished," interrupted Sadi, extending her index finger skyward. "The arrangement includes seven wishes in total."
"Seven? Why not eight?" Zim squinted critically.
"Why not six? I don't make the rules." She flicked an eyelash and shrugged. "But yeah, seven wishes and if anything goes wrong.." She opened her hand revealing a lustrously shiny red pager handing it to him. "Just dial '666' and you'll come right back to me."
"Why would something go wrong?" Zim questioned, observing the smooth surface of the pager. He hadn't taken his gloves off since he had been given them. The sense of touch was a feeling new to him as well as a few others. Now with the new fingerless gloves Sadi gave him, he could feel things now as they are rather than behind thick leather. He lifted his head and gave another signature eyebrow slant.
Sadi's eyes widened and darted a few times. "You know. Just in case!" She blinked somewhat timidly and changed the subject. "So. what's your first wish?"
Zim grinned and gave the pager one last rub and slipped it into his back pocket. "I wish.. You couldn't read my mind anymore."
"That's.." Sadi trailed off, Zim responded with an even wider grin, pride dripping through his zipper-like teeth. Sadi cleared her throat briefly, "That's your first wish?" Zim nodded.
"Well this is a first.." She shook her head downward and reluctantly snapped her fingers. "The deed is done."
Zim shifted his head and fluttered his eyes about the room. "Okay.. What am I thinking about now?"
Sadi shook her head sullenly and shrugged.
"Next wish?"
Zim wet his lips; his Cheshire cat smirk never left his face. "I wish. I had world domination.."
"That all?"
"You can wish for more you know. ANYTHING." She could tell the alien hadn't put much thought into any thing of this sort, so she added a bit of incentive. "Has there ever been someone that you've been absolutely in love with.. You know? Have you ever admired someone from afar, but never had the guts to approach her? Wishing to be with the person you've adored is always a popular one."
Zim tilted his head slightly and thought for a second. "Mm.. No. Never been in "love", don't think I ever will." He said, sounding pretty smug about it.
"Do you want to be?" Asked Sadi, folding her hands in front of her.
A little stunned by the question, Zim riposted with a snort. Then mumbled, "O.K.. Sure."
Sadi smiled, "So you want me to make someone up for you?"
Zim nodded, "Whatever."
"Do you want her to be pretty?" Teased Sadi. Zim nodded again rolling his eyes in a "Duh" manner.
"Okay," Continued Sadi. "What about physical appearance? Any way in particular you've ever wanted to look like?"
Zim sighed, "I grow tired of your questions, just grant the wish and add whatever little "incentives" you want? Okay? Okay."
Sadi's eyes glazed, "Typical male." She stepped over to her desk and sat on its surface crossing her legs. "I'll do my best, since I can't see what's going through your head anymore I'll have to use my imagination."
"Magical." Zim stated sarcastically. "I'm sure you'll do great"
Sadi looked at his naïve grin one last time, "Enjoy your new life."
She snapped her fingers; a brief flash surrounded Zim and he could feel himself crossing through a wind of orbit. His person falling slowly to a peaceful float.
The it all went black, he could feel his body resting face down on a soft silk fabric, and a ray of sunlight warm his now bare back. A tingling sensation swam through his veins as he lay in an entirety of sedateness.
Dib raised his hand, "Ms. Bitters?"
"What is it NOW, DIB?" Hissed the malicious old woman.
"It's just.. Zim's been gone for three days now and his "parents"" He made quotation motions with his fingers. "Haven't even called to notify his absence.. Aren't you the least bit concerned he may be.. Up to something?" He shifted his eyes side to side. "No. No I'm not."
Zim rolled to his side, his eyelids slowly started to slide open, sunlight beamed warmly on them so he squeezed them shut again. Waiting a second, his eyes adjusted, opened again and peered around the room. He blinked and sat up, resting his arms on his bend knees. He examined his new surroundings; the bed he sat upon was draped with soft white silk, as were the two- balcony windows opposite sides of the large, off-white room. The floors were polished hazelnut wood, and he noticed a large flat screen hung on the wall, shut off.
He tiredly stretched his arms forward then widened his eyes at them. His arms were no longer thin and lanky, but now substantial and muscular. He looked down at the rest of his being and perceived the gray and black plaid boxers he was now wearing, he inaudibly gasped and scanned the room for his uniform.
He stopped when his eyes caught sight of another window. He slipped off the bed and walked towards it, he saw a tall attractive looking male, olive green skin, tight abdominal muscles on his stomach, a chiseled face contour leading up to baby blue eyes, and willowy, black hair atop his head that had a few thin, wavy strands that hung gently in a few places along the exterior of his forehead.
"Who.." Zim quickly covered his mouth and drew back to see that the man before him did the same. His eyes widened; so did his. Zim's head tilted to the side and examined the figure a little more, his lips curled into a smirk doing so.
"This is me?"
Allowing his eyes to glaze thinly, they began to drift towards the balcony; a warm wind gently blew the white transparent silk curtains that overlapped its entryway. Next to that, was an off-white bureau with a glossy golden trim. Curiously, he headed towards it and opened a drawer; inside was neatly folded articles of clothing, a black pair of jeans stood out from the rest and he took them out and slid them on.
"Good morning sunshine."
A soft, feminine, voice spoke up, somewhat startling him, but for some reason Zim's instinct to jump back flippantly and start ranting and yelling about startling the great Zim; he merely glanced towards the source of the voice. His breath stopped at the sight of the woman leaning in the doorway; her hair was a light, mahogany color and hung in short spiral curls that framed her rounded, cherubic face. Her eyes were a luminous silver-blue color that fulfilled her serene, calm expression. Zim's eyes drifted past her face and observed the finely defined curves of the woman's torso and abdomen, which was wrapped in a burnished, thin black robe with the same red dragon that decorated the shirt, Sadi "gave" to him. The robe only hung a little past the central point of the woman's thighs leaving it somewhat revealing to her slender green legs.
"I said: Good morning"
"Good morning.." He trailed off and was quickly cut-off by the buzzing vibration of the beeper suddenly sitting in his pocket. He took it out and read the small words scrolling across its rectangular screen:
A pair of orange sneakers swayed nervously forward and back, slightly nicking the surface of a dark concrete floor with their rubber soles. The owner of the shoes held a thick crimson folder upward on her lap, which blocked out her face. She wore slightly baggy white wind pants (I think that's what they're called, those Adidas pants with the two stripes down the sides) with two orange stripes down they're sides. Matching the pant stripes she wore an orange baby-t.
She sat among a few other people; most were around their young-old stages that made her stand out from them. A few looks went towards her, and eventually went back to a red glowing clock that hung on the wall. One man was gripping a pocket watch by its chain and was continually swinging it from his knee side to side like a pendulum.
It had felt like she had been sitting there for days, for all she knew, it had been. The girl flattened the folder on her lap and her red eyes shifted uneasily to the clock on the wall opposite of where she sat. A fleck of yellow hair slipped in front of her eye as she examined the folder.
This was it. All the work, guilt, and desolation were about to pay off.
Sadi appeared different from the presentation she arrived to Zim with. She wore no makeup; her clothes did not show off by any means of stomach, leg, or breast. Her hair hadn't even appeared as flawless as before either, it now was pulled back into a slightly messy bun, but not messy enough to be considered sloppy.
She yawned and leaned her head against the gray painted cement wall. Her eyes scanned the room for a form of distraction from the sheer boredom of the room. It was then that she noticed the other eyes upon her. Cold, red eyes scattered about the room that stared critically at her presence. This wasn't something that was new to her; her entire life had always felt like one big displacement in this world.
After a moment of passive staring back at those who dared to keep a motive for her examination, the eyes were soon removed. When she felt safe to, Sadi allowed her head to drop to the side but immediately straightened back up when she heard her name called over the speaker for the next conference. Or at least, "name" was what they referred it to; it was more like a cluster of numbers after a few letters. Actual names were so hard to keep track of, why even bother?
Sadi strode towards the steel door and turned the knob. She peered inside, the room like always was dimly lit, she spotted the desk her "boss" sat behind. His silhouette was engulfed in darkness, except for his eyes, that even though they had to be the coldest, cruelest eyes she had ever looked into, glowed red through the darkness.
"Come in. Sit."
AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I've have got to leave it here!! **Dodges pigs by bending her back to an extreme extent backwards like in the Matrix.** Okay, I really, really hope that was worth the wait. I slap my hand for lack of motivation and not working on this sooner. Hey can I blame that on almost going blind by the ENORMOUS writing ff.net has now? No? Okay then, I'm just lazy. -I am extremely grateful to all my reviewers, if it wasn't for you, I would have ditched this a long time ago.. THANK YOU! ^_^-
P.s. Here's a link to images of the movie Bedazzled I mentioned before, this story isn't entirely based on it, but I did get some motivation to start it from the movie's idea of selling your soul to the devil, and the devil being a free spirited, somewhat slutty girl. If you haven't seen it yet, which I know most of my reviewers haven't, I think it's a definite I'm- bored-tonight-I'll-rent-a-movie-and-watch-it-with-some-friends type of movie, it's really funny. Okay I'm rambling again I should go now. Peace out.
Mama say.. She's a Devil pt.6
"WAFFLES ARE DONE!!!!" Shrieked an overly excited Gir then inhaling the entire stack of waffles aimlessly that sat on the table before him. "I SAIID WAFFLS ARE DONE!" No answer. "MASTER? LADY? I GOTZ." he looked over at the now empty plate and gasped. "WHERED THEY GO??" he lifted up the plate to check underneath. Nothing. Under the table. Nothing. He shrieked and threw a tantrum for about thirty seconds then shrugged reluctantly and strutted over to the T.V., plopped himself on the couch and turned it on.
Zim's lower eyelids twitched, the room was in utter silence except for the slight cracklings of the ashes in Sadi's fireplace. She was still leaning on his shoulders eyeing the paper, getting a vaguely annoyed expression on her face. "You can trust me, Zim." She whispered, while slightly turning to him, a strand of her orange hair escaped from the grasp of the rest of her hair tucked behind her shoulders and hung gently next to her neck. His hand shivered hazily as his eyes started to blur. He hadn't realized what had happened, but when he looked back at the paper, three somewhat wriggly letters stared back at him ZIM. As if to say: "You moron."
"Excellent." Clicked Sadi, snatching the thick packet from his grasp. She stared at the signature for a few seconds; her cherry red eyes gleamed as the corner her lips started to curl upward. Still holding the pen, Zim eyed her with a quirked eyebrow.
"Eh.. Now what?" He finally said. Snapping out of her gaze Sadi shifted her head once, and then a second time and walked over to a black file cabinet in the corner of the office and opened a drawer. Zim scratched his head, feeling suddenly uncomfortable. Sadi slipped the packet into a crimson folder labeled 'ZIM6661000' and turned to him with a puckish smirk quirked on her glossy lips.
"Restless are we?"
Nervously Zim had started gnawing on his leather glove, he responded to her question by crossing his eyes.
"Okay here's the deal. I, Sadi, now am having your soul owe you, Zim, all your little Zim heart desires."
Zim crossed his arms. "Yes.."
"Mainly world domination." She continued. Zim perked his lower lip and nodded approvingly.
"For any of that to happen you have to commence with "I wish.""
Immediately Zim reacted, "I wish-"
"I'm not finished," interrupted Sadi, extending her index finger skyward. "The arrangement includes seven wishes in total."
"Seven? Why not eight?" Zim squinted critically.
"Why not six? I don't make the rules." She flicked an eyelash and shrugged. "But yeah, seven wishes and if anything goes wrong.." She opened her hand revealing a lustrously shiny red pager handing it to him. "Just dial '666' and you'll come right back to me."
"Why would something go wrong?" Zim questioned, observing the smooth surface of the pager. He hadn't taken his gloves off since he had been given them. The sense of touch was a feeling new to him as well as a few others. Now with the new fingerless gloves Sadi gave him, he could feel things now as they are rather than behind thick leather. He lifted his head and gave another signature eyebrow slant.
Sadi's eyes widened and darted a few times. "You know. Just in case!" She blinked somewhat timidly and changed the subject. "So. what's your first wish?"
Zim grinned and gave the pager one last rub and slipped it into his back pocket. "I wish.. You couldn't read my mind anymore."
"That's.." Sadi trailed off, Zim responded with an even wider grin, pride dripping through his zipper-like teeth. Sadi cleared her throat briefly, "That's your first wish?" Zim nodded.
"Well this is a first.." She shook her head downward and reluctantly snapped her fingers. "The deed is done."
Zim shifted his head and fluttered his eyes about the room. "Okay.. What am I thinking about now?"
Sadi shook her head sullenly and shrugged.
"Next wish?"
Zim wet his lips; his Cheshire cat smirk never left his face. "I wish. I had world domination.."
"That all?"
"You can wish for more you know. ANYTHING." She could tell the alien hadn't put much thought into any thing of this sort, so she added a bit of incentive. "Has there ever been someone that you've been absolutely in love with.. You know? Have you ever admired someone from afar, but never had the guts to approach her? Wishing to be with the person you've adored is always a popular one."
Zim tilted his head slightly and thought for a second. "Mm.. No. Never been in "love", don't think I ever will." He said, sounding pretty smug about it.
"Do you want to be?" Asked Sadi, folding her hands in front of her.
A little stunned by the question, Zim riposted with a snort. Then mumbled, "O.K.. Sure."
Sadi smiled, "So you want me to make someone up for you?"
Zim nodded, "Whatever."
"Do you want her to be pretty?" Teased Sadi. Zim nodded again rolling his eyes in a "Duh" manner.
"Okay," Continued Sadi. "What about physical appearance? Any way in particular you've ever wanted to look like?"
Zim sighed, "I grow tired of your questions, just grant the wish and add whatever little "incentives" you want? Okay? Okay."
Sadi's eyes glazed, "Typical male." She stepped over to her desk and sat on its surface crossing her legs. "I'll do my best, since I can't see what's going through your head anymore I'll have to use my imagination."
"Magical." Zim stated sarcastically. "I'm sure you'll do great"
Sadi looked at his naïve grin one last time, "Enjoy your new life."
She snapped her fingers; a brief flash surrounded Zim and he could feel himself crossing through a wind of orbit. His person falling slowly to a peaceful float.
The it all went black, he could feel his body resting face down on a soft silk fabric, and a ray of sunlight warm his now bare back. A tingling sensation swam through his veins as he lay in an entirety of sedateness.
Dib raised his hand, "Ms. Bitters?"
"What is it NOW, DIB?" Hissed the malicious old woman.
"It's just.. Zim's been gone for three days now and his "parents"" He made quotation motions with his fingers. "Haven't even called to notify his absence.. Aren't you the least bit concerned he may be.. Up to something?" He shifted his eyes side to side. "No. No I'm not."
Zim rolled to his side, his eyelids slowly started to slide open, sunlight beamed warmly on them so he squeezed them shut again. Waiting a second, his eyes adjusted, opened again and peered around the room. He blinked and sat up, resting his arms on his bend knees. He examined his new surroundings; the bed he sat upon was draped with soft white silk, as were the two- balcony windows opposite sides of the large, off-white room. The floors were polished hazelnut wood, and he noticed a large flat screen hung on the wall, shut off.
He tiredly stretched his arms forward then widened his eyes at them. His arms were no longer thin and lanky, but now substantial and muscular. He looked down at the rest of his being and perceived the gray and black plaid boxers he was now wearing, he inaudibly gasped and scanned the room for his uniform.
He stopped when his eyes caught sight of another window. He slipped off the bed and walked towards it, he saw a tall attractive looking male, olive green skin, tight abdominal muscles on his stomach, a chiseled face contour leading up to baby blue eyes, and willowy, black hair atop his head that had a few thin, wavy strands that hung gently in a few places along the exterior of his forehead.
"Who.." Zim quickly covered his mouth and drew back to see that the man before him did the same. His eyes widened; so did his. Zim's head tilted to the side and examined the figure a little more, his lips curled into a smirk doing so.
"This is me?"
Allowing his eyes to glaze thinly, they began to drift towards the balcony; a warm wind gently blew the white transparent silk curtains that overlapped its entryway. Next to that, was an off-white bureau with a glossy golden trim. Curiously, he headed towards it and opened a drawer; inside was neatly folded articles of clothing, a black pair of jeans stood out from the rest and he took them out and slid them on.
"Good morning sunshine."
A soft, feminine, voice spoke up, somewhat startling him, but for some reason Zim's instinct to jump back flippantly and start ranting and yelling about startling the great Zim; he merely glanced towards the source of the voice. His breath stopped at the sight of the woman leaning in the doorway; her hair was a light, mahogany color and hung in short spiral curls that framed her rounded, cherubic face. Her eyes were a luminous silver-blue color that fulfilled her serene, calm expression. Zim's eyes drifted past her face and observed the finely defined curves of the woman's torso and abdomen, which was wrapped in a burnished, thin black robe with the same red dragon that decorated the shirt, Sadi "gave" to him. The robe only hung a little past the central point of the woman's thighs leaving it somewhat revealing to her slender green legs.
"I said: Good morning"
"Good morning.." He trailed off and was quickly cut-off by the buzzing vibration of the beeper suddenly sitting in his pocket. He took it out and read the small words scrolling across its rectangular screen:
A pair of orange sneakers swayed nervously forward and back, slightly nicking the surface of a dark concrete floor with their rubber soles. The owner of the shoes held a thick crimson folder upward on her lap, which blocked out her face. She wore slightly baggy white wind pants (I think that's what they're called, those Adidas pants with the two stripes down the sides) with two orange stripes down they're sides. Matching the pant stripes she wore an orange baby-t.
She sat among a few other people; most were around their young-old stages that made her stand out from them. A few looks went towards her, and eventually went back to a red glowing clock that hung on the wall. One man was gripping a pocket watch by its chain and was continually swinging it from his knee side to side like a pendulum.
It had felt like she had been sitting there for days, for all she knew, it had been. The girl flattened the folder on her lap and her red eyes shifted uneasily to the clock on the wall opposite of where she sat. A fleck of yellow hair slipped in front of her eye as she examined the folder.
This was it. All the work, guilt, and desolation were about to pay off.
Sadi appeared different from the presentation she arrived to Zim with. She wore no makeup; her clothes did not show off by any means of stomach, leg, or breast. Her hair hadn't even appeared as flawless as before either, it now was pulled back into a slightly messy bun, but not messy enough to be considered sloppy.
She yawned and leaned her head against the gray painted cement wall. Her eyes scanned the room for a form of distraction from the sheer boredom of the room. It was then that she noticed the other eyes upon her. Cold, red eyes scattered about the room that stared critically at her presence. This wasn't something that was new to her; her entire life had always felt like one big displacement in this world.
After a moment of passive staring back at those who dared to keep a motive for her examination, the eyes were soon removed. When she felt safe to, Sadi allowed her head to drop to the side but immediately straightened back up when she heard her name called over the speaker for the next conference. Or at least, "name" was what they referred it to; it was more like a cluster of numbers after a few letters. Actual names were so hard to keep track of, why even bother?
Sadi strode towards the steel door and turned the knob. She peered inside, the room like always was dimly lit, she spotted the desk her "boss" sat behind. His silhouette was engulfed in darkness, except for his eyes, that even though they had to be the coldest, cruelest eyes she had ever looked into, glowed red through the darkness.
"Come in. Sit."
AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I've have got to leave it here!! **Dodges pigs by bending her back to an extreme extent backwards like in the Matrix.** Okay, I really, really hope that was worth the wait. I slap my hand for lack of motivation and not working on this sooner. Hey can I blame that on almost going blind by the ENORMOUS writing ff.net has now? No? Okay then, I'm just lazy. -I am extremely grateful to all my reviewers, if it wasn't for you, I would have ditched this a long time ago.. THANK YOU! ^_^-
P.s. Here's a link to images of the movie Bedazzled I mentioned before, this story isn't entirely based on it, but I did get some motivation to start it from the movie's idea of selling your soul to the devil, and the devil being a free spirited, somewhat slutty girl. If you haven't seen it yet, which I know most of my reviewers haven't, I think it's a definite I'm- bored-tonight-I'll-rent-a-movie-and-watch-it-with-some-friends type of movie, it's really funny. Okay I'm rambling again I should go now. Peace out.