I do not own any of these characters, I just borrow them and play with them and then put them back in their box...i swear!

Chapter one

James walked up to Zara's office, he couldn't think of a reason why he would be in trouble but he still felt nervous. He knocked on the door and entered.

"James, take a seat, no need to look so nervous you are not in any trouble at all!" Zara said taking a seat behind her desk

"What are your thoughts on children James?" She asked

"I like children" he replied dumbly feeling very confused

"So you would have one of your own." Zara enquired

"Of course" James replied "being a dad is all I have ever really wanted to be honest"

"You see James, a government spy has been arrested and wishes to give her baby up for adoption to someone here, I thought you were the best candidate, you are fantastic with Joshua and Tiffany, I think it would be great, but it is up to you of course"

"How old is the child?" James asked curiously

"The mother is six months pregnant with a baby girl whom she wishes to be called Scarlett" Zara said.

"She does not wish for the baby to know who here mother is, and I cannot divulge any details to you about her either."

"I would love to Zara, but I don't have the money to look after a baby" James said looking downcast

"You will get £5,000 pounds from the money we have seized to buy all of the equipment, and whatever is left you may wish to put in a trust fund for her. You will also get £500 a month for supplies, if you wish to get some extra money, then you can always carry out some small jobs on campus"

"Brilliant!" James said grinning, "where would I stay, my room would not be big enough"

" you would get the apartment on the top floor, and you will also get £10,000 to decorate and furnish it, and prehaps your friends would be kind enough to help decorate it?"Zara responded

"I'm in!" James said "wait, what about lessons"

"You have already got your maths and Russian A level, and I know you are 16, but if we made you do one a level subject this year and one next, the work load will be much more manageable and you wil have the same qualifications as everybody else after the two years."

"That's brilliant." James said

"If you know which A levels you wish to do and in which year you wish to do them, I can get the ball rolling?"

"Could I do biology this year as my a level and English language next year" James asked

"I will get that arranged" Zara said writing it down on a piece of paper. "Now then I will show you your new apartment, and then whilst you buy some items online for it I will tell Cherub in an assembly that you are going to be a daddy, however only your closest friends will be told previously that the child is not biologically yours, all the others must be told you are the actual father"

They walked up to the apartment which was bare, there was no furniture. "The money for the apartment is on this credit card" Zara said handing it to him. "If you and Kyle and Lauren meet at my cottage at 5 pm tonight, we can buy a few items from the nearest Ikea." She said handing him the keys and James pulled his laptop out of his bag and made a quick list:

To buy online - sofa, T.V, wardrobe, microwave, kettle, toaster, lamps, fridge,

To buy tonight - Scarlett's stuff, chairs and table, crockery, cutlery, rugs, beanbags

He set about ordering a 40" TV, a three piece leather sofa, a microwave and a DVD rack as well as some paintings he liked on EBay, he bought a selection of children's books to read to Scarlett and then some shelves.

He then saw the empty food cupboards and decided to walk down to the local shops and buy some food.

He bought a variety of tinned fruit, some long life UHT milk, tea bags and coffee, crisps, noodles and pasta sauces, bread and crackers, he bought soups and condiments, soft drinks and juices as well as tinned beans.

He then walked back up to his apartment and packed the food away. Even food shopping made him feel like he was an adult. He heard a knock on his door and saw Ewart in the doorway holding a large box.

"It's a flat pack cot" he explained "we never used it, we also have a few toys we never used, i shall bring them round later but first lets get this cot made up."

An hour later the cot was finally made up, with Ewart grumbling about vague instructions and diagrams.

"Thanks Ewart, it means an awful lot" James said smiling

"No problem mate, I'll be taking you shopping with your friends later, so I'll see up you then okay?"

"Sure thing" James said going down to his room and packing his magazines, books, CDs and CDs player in a box as well as his spare duvet and spare pillows and taking them back up to his room to unpack before repeating the process with his second mirror, spare clothes and various grooming items.

He was back down in his bedroom when Lauren came bursting in with Kyle and Rat

"Here's the dad to be." Lauren said giving him a huge hug. "I'm so happy for you, and I'm going to be an auntie" she grinned.

"I'm chuffed for you mate, however Kerry is not happy, I would consider yourself dumped if her rant in Zara's office is anything to go by!" Kyle said sadly

James sighed "what did she say?" He said sitting on the bed

Rat grimaced. "She said that you were a selfish arrogant stuck up loser who should have asked her before making such a life changing decision, she then went on to ask Zara how she ever thought you could be a good dad when you are so angry and immature, and surely she should have made the decision with you" rat answered.

James looked shocked

"I didn't even think to ask her" he whispered.

"You didn't need to" Kyle said forcefully, "she's being stupid, it's your money, your life, your child"

"Yeah" Lauren agreed "the offer was for you, you and Kerry aren't good for each other, if she had made you say no and thn you split up in a few weeks then you would have regretted saying no, plus she was only your girlfriend, it wasn't as if you were married, and you will make a great dad, everyone knows it, when it comes to children, you are amazing with them, Joshua adores you, and you care about him, you are so patient and understanding with him, I think you've made the right choice!" Lauren said

"Come on then, we've got my apartment to decorate" James said bounding out the room.

They each got a trolley and James picked tea cups and mugs and plates and a load of other stuff, ranging from a cute ornament to put in Scarlett's room to a beanbag and light shades, all in all the shop took hours and James spent over three hundred pounds. In the car on the way back Ewart stopped at a baby department store and James stared in wonder at all the products for babies.

"Let's choose a pram" Lauren urged, so they all trooped over to the pram section. James looked baffled at all the categories and types so Ewart talked him through, and eventually James picked a lovely red and black pram,

"Ooooh let's look at the cute little clothes" Lauren squealed, becoming broody, as she took control of the pram and pushed it over to the clothes section. "Oh James can I choose a few?" She pleaded and smiled when James nodded.

After all of the clothes had been picked they had dresses, romper suits, onesies, coats, shoes, socks, and hats.

"She is going to look so adorable" Lauren said smiling happily, a smile that was also mirrored on James's face.

When they got back to cherub, they put all the purchases in James's apartment and then everyone went to bed exhausted.

please please reviewwwwwww (*_*)