
So, okay this isn't a chapter, it's a rant.

But basically, this story has begun to stress me out; I feel like AMiTC and AtC aren't going where I wanted them to go, and there are so many important details that I have neglected along the way (Prefect duties, Quidditch for god's sake!) and I want more than anything to rewrite the entire fic as a new and improved version.
However, I really don't have the time or energy to do so. And I'm just wondering if this is even worth continuing, or whether I should start a new story.
I don't have a beta or anything, maybe if anyone would like to take a look at the first fic and point out any problems with details and plot holes. (Or, if you really wanted, rewrite certain things to improve them)

I didn't realise just how difficult it is to write a story which is now at over 230 pages total, I never had a plan or anything and now I feel like that has backfired on me completely.
More than anything I want this to be a great fic, but as of right now, I don't see it being that; the plot is going around in circles and its boring to write, never mind read. To me, the characters are melodramatic and my worst fear is that I have made the amazing Lily Evans into nothing more than an annoying mary-sue. (...shiver)

To the people who do review after every chapter, thank you; it's the reviews that keep me writing. However, I'm contemplating giving up on this one and starting afresh; with proper planning, characterisation and research.

Please tell me what you think of this, and PM me if you'd be interested in Beta'ing or trying to fix this fic.