AN:/Okay I realise it has been months...
But here it is!


The narrow alley way was dark, shrouded by twisting branches that prevented the night sky from shining through. A young boy, no older than 17, plundered nervously along the alley, tripping occasionally on the crooked pebble stones.
He halted a few steps from his destination, his breaths shaky.
This was it. His last chance to turn back…run away.
But, wasn't that always what scared little Peter Pettigrew did?
He was a coward, and he knew it.

Was this his only option? Perhaps.
Last month, a group of Slytherin boys from his year had approached him, and told him, that he had…potential.
Never in his entire life had Peter been told anything like that. He was a follower, a shadow to his popular friends. And Peter knew it.
One, Mulciber, had told him that a meeting would be taking place during the summer. And then they had left him alone with his thoughts. Peter had eventually tried to push the thought to the back of his mind, what with the exams and his friends to be thinking about.
Only, since Lily and Marlene and Hestia had sort of joined their group, Peter was finding it even worse. He could feel them drifting away from him, moving on with their lives. The immature pranks and jokes that had taken up their entire junior days were being forgotten in the midst of talks of the NEWTS and getting jobs and, Merlin forbid, love.

A girl had kissed Peter just once. And even that had been the result of a game of truth or dare, which had included Sirius begging every girl participating to give his sad friend a peck to make him feel better.
Seeing James and Lily, who clearly had feelings for each other, made it difficult for Peter not to grow jealous of her. Lily Evans was a know-it-all, she talked to Peter like he was a baby. In his opinion, she was completely wrong for his best friend.
Of course, Peter would never say that as he knew quite well that James would pick Lily over him any day.

Peter's mother was ill, and his father was already long gone. What he had never told his friends, was that he had little money to live on; his mum with barely a room over her head. She was dying, Peter had been told by a doctor at St Mungos.
The Slytherins told him that if he joined, he would receive a huge income of galleons each month. A new home, perhaps even a potion that could heal his mother.
As each day passed and more and more reasons to join Lord Voldemort appeared, Peter was finding it difficult to concentrate on anything else.

And just yesterday evening, Peter had received a letter; a letter telling him a time and a place.
So here he was.
With minutes to spare, and thoughts spinning around in his mind, Peter stepped closer to the door, the only one on the alley. It was painted dark red, and there was a brass doorknocker shaped like a snake.
This was the right place.

His foot found the step and, as instructed, Peter took out a small knife.
He settled the blade on his arm and, squeezing his eyes shut, dragged the edge across his skin.

Peter opened his eyes and stared at the blood oozing out of his arm. With bated breath, he let it drip onto the door.
For a moment, nothing happened. And Peter felt rather foolish. Almost relieved, Peter turned to step away from the door. But some invisible force stopped him. He was stuck.
Frantic, Peter turned back to the door, which was still firmly stuck. Was this a joke? Would he be stranded here all night with a bleeding arm and his dignity stripped?

Peter banged on the door.
"Let me in!"
Suddenly the door opened and Peter fell forward, tripping on the ledge.
Peter cursed. His hands were clenching a black boot. His eyes trailed up the body until he reached the snarling face of Lucius Malfoy.
Peter yelped and jumped up.
"…Sorry," He stuttered out, his cheeks burning red.
Malfoy regarded Peter with distaste.
"I have no idea why you are here, Pettigrew."
"I was invited!" He said boldly.
The blond haired man rolled his eyes. "Yes, I do know that you idiot."
He turned and headed back into the house. "Well?" He said slowly. "Come along."

Peter glanced back once at the empty street. He could see a glimmer of the moon, piercing through the darkness.
Peter closed the door gently, blocking off the light. He followed Malfoy down the hall.

Twitter; emilyrose_1