Princes Light Wishes
First of many
Two years after Light and Bright tie the knot, there were living the perfect life in Canterlot but Bright still hasn't got use to his prince title or the ponies bowing at them where ever they went.
"Good morning, Prince Bright and Princess Light" said a unicorn mare as she bowed
"Good morning" said Bright as he bowed his head
Light and Bright continue their walk of Canterlot with the frequent bowing of ponies
"I'm still not use to this, all this prince stuff! I always forget that I don't need to bowed at Princess Celestia or anypony from the royal family any more" said Bright
"You'll get use to it, Bright" said Light as she smiled at him
"But we've been married for two years already" said Bright
"It's alright, Bright" reassured Light as she kissed him on the cheek
"Light!" as they heard a mare's voice
Light and Bright followed the source of the voice and saw it was Rainbow Twister with a colt following right behind her
"Rainbow!" said Light as she went to greet her
"Light how have you been?" ask Rainbow as she closed her wings
"Just fine" said Light
"Bright is that you? What are you doing over there?!" ask Rainbow
"About to see you" said Bright as he smiled at her
"Mommy!" said the small colt
"Thunder!" said Rainbow as she went to her son, who just sat on the ground and waited for his mother "What's wrong?"
"I'm hungry and tired" said Thunder
"We'll get something to eat but first I want you to meet my friends" said Rainbow while she place her son onto her back
The small baby blue Pegasus, with a dark brown red eyes and a navy blue mane just stare at them
"Don't be rude, Thunder" said Rainbow as she pushed him with her muzzled "Says hello"
"Hello" whispered Thunder as he hid himself in his mother's mane
"He's adorable" said Light as she waved at him
"He looks like you" said Bright as he smiled at the young colt
"You think so? I think he looks like Neon" said Rainbow as she thought about it for a moment
"He's the cutest thing" said Light
"Mommy can we get something sweet?!" ask Thunder
Rainbow just smiled at her son and nuzzled him
"Well I have to go" said Rainbow as she open her wings "This little one needs something sweet in his belly"
"Bye Rainbow" said Light as she hug her once more
"We will see each other again" said Rainbow as she smiled at her
Light and Bright watch as Rainbow flew off with her son looking back at them
"Well since we're talking about foals right now" said Light as she smiled at him
"Wait!!" ask Bright as he had an idea what was going on
"I'm pregnant!" said Light as her smiled grew bigger
"Preg...!" said Bright as he was in complete shock
"I'm caring your foal!" said Light as she smiled at him
Bright just stood there speechless
"You don't want the foal?!" ask Light as she feared the worst
"I've...I've never been so happy in my entire life" said Bright as he held her in his hooves
"I thought you wouldn't want the foal" said Light
"Never!" said Bright as he removed himself and stared at her "Light having a foal with you, with the mare I care the most in my entire life! I would never reject our foal!"
"I would never to it either" said Light as she wrap her hooves around him
"I can't believe we're going to be parents!" said Bright as he still couldn't believe it
Eleven months came in a blink of an eye, next thing Bright knew Light was going into labor! He quickly rush her to the hospital and notify the family, who came as fast as he did.
"What's taking so long?!" ask Bright as he anxiously waited for news
"Bright giving birth takes time" said Rainbow as she held her son in between her front hooves "It's differently not easy"
"It's normal to be worried" said Neon as he smiled at him "All first time father are worried when their first foal is born"
"Do you think she going to be alright tho?!" ask Bright
"Bight if I know my sister, which I do! She going to be fine, birth not so bad" said Night as he smiled at Skyangle
Skyangle just stared at him and gave him the death glare
"Nighty I would love to see you carry a foal for eleven months and then give birth for hours on end!" said Skyangle as she punch him in the shoulder
"Aw! Skyangle!" said Night as he rub his shoulder
"Hahahah! Night you may be a match to an enemy of Equestria or the kingdom but your no match against Skyangle! Hahahah!" laugh Solar as she fell of her chair and held her ribs
"Solar your just like your mother" said Twilight as she smiled at Flash
Many hours of waiting later, a nurse came out with a gentle smiled on her face
"Prince Bright Star please come with me" said the earth pony nurse
Bright walk towards her and followed her towards the maternity wing
"Your wife and foal are in here" said the nurse as she push the door open
Bright entered the room with excitement to see his new son or daughter
"Light!" said Bright as he entered the room
"Bright come and met your son" said Light as she turn the small bundle to show to his father
A beautiful unicorn colt, with the same coat as his father, with his lime green eyes and his orange mane with of course the blue of his mother's mane and smile. Smile back at him and held out his little hoof at his father, Bright took the small hoof in his and just smiled.
"Light he's so beautiful" said Bright as he nuzzled her
"He's wonderful" said Light
"What should we name him?" ask Bright as he couldn't stop staring at his new son
"Mythic" said Light as she held her son closer to her chest
"Our little Mythic" said Bright as he nuzzled him
(Had to rewrite twice and I'm very pissed right now! Stupid pages! And there will be no sequel to this story maybe I might changed my mind later on but for now I don't have any planes)