Disclaimer: Do I really have to say it every time? Obviously, I don't own it. Rockstar does.

A/N: Hello! I hope you enjoyed the first chapters! Here's the next one~ :D Review, please~ (Oh and one more thing..are you guys okay with this whole thing? Because I could put back the chapters and all but...you know, it's really you guys. I'm still going to bring some of the situations and all that from the previous chapters(That I had deleted so if you're new, ignore all of this. :3) So yeah, I really need to know if you're as satisfied as I am.

Chapter 3 – Alright

"Wake up!"

"Hng...", I groaned. That didn't stop the annoying voice, though.

"Wake up, young lady! You're going to be late for class!"

"Shut up...", I mumbled, half asleep. Whoever the annoying voice belonged to pulled the covers off. "No...", I muttered as I curled up in a ball. "Leave me alone...5 more minutes..please...", I begged.

"I'll give you 2 minutes and when I come back, you'd better be ready."

I slowly got up and went to the bathroom. There were two girls in cheerleader outfits. When they caught sight of me and my bed hair, they started whispering to each other. I ignored them and opened one of the stalls' door to see Lola and some guy making out. The cheerleaders screamed and giggled, yelling "Oh, my God! A boy!". I quickly closed the door and used the other stall. After finishing up, I washed my hands, brushed my teeth and went back to my room. I brushed my hair and put it up in a messy bun. I took out my uniform that I had received this morning and examined it. It wasn't bad or anything...It consisted of a white dress shirt, a dark teal sweater vest and dark teal skirt. Personally, I'm uncomfortable with skirts...especially when I don't wax/shave. Thankfully, I had before coming here. But I still decided to wear leg warmers. I would have worn leggings, but I hate clothes that stick to me skin. I looked pretty good. Though, I think my aqua hair was too much because of the outfit...meh, it's fine. I took out my schedule and...I had Art class. Okay, then...If I remember correctly...it's...

Okay, I got lost, but I found Beatrice and it turns out she and I had almost all the same classes together. We got to Art class, quickly. Sadly, all of the seats were taken except for two. One beside some fat kid that smelled of...something and the other beside some guy. Beatrice took the one beside the smelly kid and I took the other. She looked at me like she was sorry...I should be thanking her! I'd rather sit here than there. The bell rang and the teacher started her "welcome" speech.

"Alright, then! Your first assignment is to take a picture of something you find interesting and...intriguing.", she said as she handed us the cameras. "You'll be paired up by two. And since it's your first day, I'll let you pick."

I looked around to see that everybody was already paired up.

"Well, I guess we'll be partners."

I turned around to see the guy that was sitting next to me. "Er.. yeah. Hi, I'm Nancylin."

"I know.", he said. That confused me..how did he know?

"How did you know that?"

"Well, your pretty much the first girl here to have dyed her hair turquoise.", he eyed my hair like it was the weirdest thing ever.

"Oh...right. Yeah. So, um...let's go."

We got out of school. He seemed to take pictures of nerds getting beaten up by some bullies..."Shouldn't we go help them? Or tell the teachers?", I said, worriedly. He just laughed.

"Ahahahahha...you...pfftahahahahaha. You wanna go help them? Be my guest." That pissed me off. "I will.", I said as I stormed off to the bullies' direction. "Hey! You big guys over there!". They either ignored me or just didn't hear me. "HEY!", I raised my voice. Finally, they turned around to look for the source of my voice. "I'm right here!". Gosh. It's not like I'm short. They're just big. So, when they finally looked my way, I told them to stop. They laughed. My partner came to save the day, though he was laughing too. And instead of helping me, he just grabbed me by my arm and walked away. "What are you doing? We should help them!"

"Shut up. You're annoying. But that was a good laugh. So, we have 50 minutes left. Let's go into town."

I decided to shut up—NOT because he told me, but because I knew that he wouldn't do anything. He let go of my arm and walked behind the school. "Err...I thought we were going into town."

"We are."

We went to the garages and he opened one of them to take out his bike. It reminded me of Zoe's. Wait...Zoe! I had totally forgot about her! I face palmed myself and he eyed me, confusedly. I laughed awkwardly and mumbled a sorry. We were about to get on his bike when a boy came out of nowhere. He was adorable. He was, for some reason, wearing a pink dress shirt instead of a white one.

"H-hey...", he stuttered.


"Femme-boy? What kind of name...?", I asked.

"Huh? You haven't met the school's most feminine boy?", he asked me.

"Err, no."

"Hi, my name's Pete Kowalski. It's nice to meet you!", he said kind of shyly.

"Hey, I'm Nancylin Raymon- Why is your nickname "Femme-boy"?", I blurted out.

"Well..-", he was cut off.

"Because that's what he is and it secretly turns him on...". That made Pete blush so much that his whole face and even neck was red! I had the urge to hug him—he was just so cute—, but I didn't because right then, Jimmy came out of nowhere—well obviously, not nowhere, but yeah.

"Gary...", Jimmy growled.

"Hopkins...", Gary replied. Okay, um...what is this? Some kind of old dramatic scene where the rivals growl each others' names? I could have laughed, but it was so stupid I was actually listening carefully. Unfortunately, they just glared and scowled at each other so...I had to break it up- I mean who wants to see young men behaving like children? We see that way too many times.

"Okay, okay. That's it for now. Gary and I have to go and finish our project. So, bye-" I was cut off by Jimmy throwing eggs at Gary. Gary dodged the first two, but the third managed to land, beautifully on the side of his face. I wanted to laugh, I really did, but he looked extremely pissed.

"You...shit.". Yeah, now was definitely a good time to back away, slowly. Jimmy looked pleased. That is, until Gary took out a slingshot and ran after him, shooting every two seconds. They were running around while Pete and I stood next to Gary's bike. Pete looked worried and nervous. I just stood there, thinking 'Should I laugh now or wait until Gary is at a good distance away from me?'. They kinda looked like they were having fun...lots of fun. Jimmy had a "Oh, shit!" kind of face and Gary had an angry expression, but they were definitely having fun. I raised my camera and took about 2 or 3 pictures of them.

"Okay, that's enough!", I called out, "Get back here, already."

Gary had hit Jimmy with his slingshot about a gazillion times and came back. Jimmy was laying on the ground, groaning, while Pete carefully poked him. I checked my phone to see that we didn't have much time- 20 minutes lefts before class is over.

"Err, Gary. I really think we should hurry up and take a pictu-".

Chicka/Flash/What ever sound a camera makes.

Gary took a picture of Jimmy lying on the ground, in pain and laughed. He closed the garage's door and started walking back to school. I was about to run after him, but he suddenly stopped and looked like he was trying to remember something...then, he saw me and mumbled an 'Oh, right...'. Wow. He forgot about me. He forgot about me- How could he even forget while I'm standing right he—You know what? I don't even care. Nope. Don't care at all.

We went back to class and handed our cameras to the teacher, then sat back down in our seats.

"Alright! So, next class, we're going to review the pictures and talk about the meaning behind them.", she smiled excitedly and everyone. The bell rang and everybody got up to leave and go to their next class. I turned around to talk to Gary, but he had already left so I just left and got out my schedule. I had...Shop class? What is a shop class? Like...shopping? I doubt it.

I couldn't find the Shop class, so I asked whoever was in the hallway. That person just happened to be Angie. She replied, nicely until some redhead cheerleader(I found out later her name was Christy) came into view.

"No probl- loser.", Angie said before walking away. I got confused, but realized why she did that...Christy wasn't even paying attention so...I don't think it would have mattered.

I got out of the main building and went to where Gary, Jimmy, Peter—I think that was his name— and I had spent the morning class at. I opened the door and stepped inside. There was a car where some guys were working on and another hanging from the ceiling...well not exactly ceiling, but whatever the thingies are called.

There were tables,(A/N: I know in the game, there aren't...-or are there?- but I kinda need to make things up to make the story err...flow...?) each had a bicycle on them and some students were behind them. Only students attending were the Greasers, Jimmy and I. I walked up to Jimmy and when he caught sight of me, he smiled—Or maybe smirked...I don't know.

"I see you've finally come to your senses.", he winked. I could have laughed, but decided to play along.

"Oh, baby~ I'm so sorry; If only I had realized our love sooner!". Jimmy's expressions went a little like a little boy that just arrived to his surprise birthday party: Surprise. Confusion. Realization. Content. Okay. I couldn't hold it anymore. I laughed. Just as the bell rang and the teacher stepped in. I hurried to an empty table and went behind it.

"Well, class. Do what you gotta' do.". Then, he went to work on a car.

"What?". I was really confused, until I heard a snicker coming from my left. I looked up to see some guy, wearing a leather jacket—isn't that against the dress code? –but he just went back to working on another car.

I looked at Jimmy, hoping he'd explain, but he was busy screwing up, so I just waited...and tried stuff. Nobody really seemed to care.

After shop class, I went to my other classes. Then, it was LUNCH! Yes, finally. I was so hungry!

Okay. I am so f*cking sorry. I can't apologize enough. I feel so guilty right now and...if you're expecting a reason/an excuse for the lack of update, you're not getting one because I have no excuse. Well...unless writer's block can count as one. I honestly thought like whoever enjoyed this- thank you!- just gave up on this story! I really am sorry and I hope you guys will bare with my bleghness...3 C: