Disclaimer: I do NOT own Bully or their characters. They all belong to Rockstar EXCEPT for my OC(s)!

Summary: Read it. It's above. ._. I'm too lazy to rewrite it/copy&paste so yeah.

What else...err, I think that's about it. BTW, if you don't know already, I'm rewriting this story and those who have reviewed ( I always forgot before...probably still will forget) THANK YOU FOR REVIEWING LIKE OMG! IT'S SUCH AN AWESOME FEELING TO HAVE SOMEBODY READ/REVIEW SOMETHING YOU CREATED! TT – TT Continue to review, please because they're like...a HUGE motivational...thing..o.e ANYWAYS, I'm going to stop saying stuff you probably don't care about...

Chapter 1 – Well, shit


"Dad! Phone's ringing!", I cried, hoping my dad would get off his ass and pick the phone up. I hadn't bothered calling for my sister because I knew for a fact that she wouldn't get off her lazy ass, either.

"Why don't you pick it up?", he responded from the living room, downstairs.

"I'm about to take a bath! Just pick it up! God damn...how hard can it be to get up, walk a couple of steps and pick the phone up?", I muttered the last part, though there was no need to do so because he couldn't hear me; he raised the TV's volume. Sighing, I put my shirt back on and went downstairs to answer the phone.


"Hey, Nancy. Took you long enough.", my dear sweet laughed.

"Oh, sorry! Why didn't you call me on my phone, though?"

"I forgot your new number..."

"Hah! I told you to save it. Your phone's caller list is crap."

"Whatever...", she muttered. "So...did you...tell your parents? Or one of them...?", she hesitantly asked.

"No...not yet. I promise I will! I just...well, I don't think they're in a good state to...take it well..."

"No, no. I understand! It's fine. I'll wait for as long as you need, okay?", she reassured me.

"Yeah...thanks.", I smiled. "So, anyway-"

"I'm going to attend Bullworth Academy.", she cut me off.

"Wait..what? Why? Well, I guess I know why but...why there? It's so FAR!"

"Because ''It's the best school that will get you straightened up.''", she mimicked a high-pitched voice. I knowing who it was that said that, did my best to restrain myself from giggling.

"You can laugh, ya' know." , she said.

"Pfft-ahahaha! Eheheh, I'm sorry! You caught me! Ahahaha, you nailed it, don't worry!"

"You can continue laughing in a second because I gotta' go. Bye, I love-like you~!"

"Oh, awn. Bye!", I quickly pressed the Off/End button. Why? Because she said that she loved me and...as much as I think I do too, I can never say it.

I went back upstairs to take my bath.

After taking my bath and blowing my hair dry. I went to my room and turned my laptop on. I scrolled through PewDiePie's videos and watched him and his girlfriend, AKA Zoe's dream girl, play on the Wii. I can't blame her. CutiePie's so friggin' adorable and awesome.

"Hey, whatcha' doing?"

I didn't bother looking up, knowing who it was. "Watching Pewds."

"Hn.", she replied before looking around the room, as if looking for something—or...someone—well, are hamsters considered as people?

I sighed. "CutiePie or Ru—" I cut myself, remembering Ruby's death.

"CutiePie...he was there a second ago."

"Hm. Check somewhere else. I would have caught him if he came this way."

"Ok...", she said before leaving. After a couple of seconds, I heard a "Aha! Found you." coming from my parents' bedroom. Suddenly, my dad called out my name.

"What?", I said as I went down the stairs.

He handed me the phone.


"Nancy, hi."

"Hey, mom. How's your trip?"

"Great. How are you doing? How's your sister?"

"Good, good. So...what do you want?"

"Ahaha...honey, why would you ask me that? Can't a mother call to see how her daughters are doing?"

"A mother can, indeed. You haven't acted that motherly part, though—"

"Hey! That's no way to speak to your mother!", my dad yelled. I went in the kitchen so he wouldn't hear me much.

"Anyways, um...how would you like to...change schools?"

"What? Why?"

"Well, honey. You know, mummy has to work and she has to travel around to do so and your dad...well...he can barely support himself at the moment..."

"Uh, huh...", I said slowly, not fully understand where she was getting at.

"And um... well, we just thought it'd be better if you transferred to a new school and I know for a fact that you'll love it, there! "

"...I don't want to...I finally made good friends...", I said.

"I know...but you'll make even better friends there—and I forgot to tell you...it's in New England!"

"Wait...what?! So...we're MOVING?", I almost yelled, whether in excitement or disbelief, I don't know.

"Yes! Well...only you..."

"Wait, what? Why only me?"

"Well, maybe your sister too, but obviously, I'm not going to be there much and your father...well...Look, we'll talk about it later, okay? Bye, I love you!"

"...Bye. I love you too..."

Well...that was...confusing.

After that call, I decided not to think about it...too much. I left the kitchen to go back upstairs, but I turned around and walked into the living room, where my dad was sitting.

"Dad...I have something to tell you..."

"Tell me later, I'm watching TV."

"It's important.", I said, getting slightly irritated.

"What?", he turned to look at me.

"I'm...well...I'm...interested in both genders...like..I'm..I'm bisexual.", I said, my voice trembling a bit. Just a bit.

"What?..WHAT?", he got up and slapped me before I could dodge or do anything at all. I felt a stinging and familiar feeling in my eyes. I couldn't hold myself and cried.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! WHY CAN'T YOU EVER SIT DOWN AND LISTEN?!", I cried.

He yelled back, I yelled and so on. I don't remember much after that. I think I went out to get fresh air or maybe I just went back to my room...I don't know but it was in the middle of the night when I woke up, in my bed, to the feeling that something was moving.

"Ugh...", I sat up and looked around my room. Nothing was moving any more, but when I had lain back, I felt something under my head. I knew it was CutiePie because 1. What else would it be? And 2. His fur was NOT turquoise like my hair. I got up and put him back in his cage, then went back to sleep.

The next morning, my dad woke me up and said something like "Get up and pack your bags, you're leaving in a couple of hours."

"Wha...", I asked, but before I could finish, my dad drew the curtains and the sun came, blinding my eyes. "Ughhhhh...", I groaned. "What do you want?"

"You are going to get up, pack your...well everything, because in about two hours, you're going to New England.". Then, he left.





My sister came running, excitedly.

"OMG! You're finally leaving!", she joked.

"What's going on?"

"You don't know? You're going to go to your new school. AND IT'S A FRIGGIN' DORMITORY.". She's always liked dorms and all, but never got to go to one.

"...Why? Why wasn't I informed of this PROPERLY?"

"I don't know but you have...2 hours or less before you have to take the bus to go to the airport!", she clapped her hands and brought my suitcase.

I'll save you the boring and the long details about how I was confused, pissed off and Not. Happy. At. All. I said my goodbyes and to my dad too though, it wasn't as...lovingly as it was with my sis.

"Bye, Lailyn...I'm going to miss you so much!", I hugged her one last time.

"Come on, it's not like we'll never see each other ever again..."

"Mhm, you're right. Well...goodbye...", I said before taking the bus to the airport.

I kinda got lost, but luckily, found my way and got on the plain. I took my seat which was on the 5th row, second seat to the left, where a guy was sitting. He was pretty cute. Curly coffee-coloured hair...pale skin...green eyes. Yep, he was definitely cute. He turned around and smiled.

"Hello, ma'am.", he said. IN. A. FRIGGIN'. BRITISH. ACCENT. Now, you see..I have this obsession with accents. Be it British, French, Spanish...I LOVED THEM ALL.

"Hey! How are you?", I smiled back.

"I'm great, and you?"

"Perfectly fine. My name's Nancylin Raymon."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Raymon. I'm Caleb McQuillen.", he smiled sweetly.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeep! Such a cute and...English name! I couldn't help but giggle.

"The pleasure's all mine!" Literally. All. Mine.

"So...Why are you going to England?"

"Oh. I went on a trip and now, I'm going back home. What about you?", he asked, "If you don't mind telling me, that is!", he said quickly.

"No worries. I don't mind sharing with a cutie like you. I'm moving. I'll be going to a new school..."

He blushed at the "cutie" part—I guessing, at least.

"O-oh...um...", he stuttered. How cute!

"Mhm...well, welcome back, I guess! Did you have fun?", I asked.

"Yes! America's really great! I loved it there...Canada was also nice! I'd say-"Okay, I'll stop there. Because I stopped listening and just stared at his beautiful face...He was wearing a black turtleneck and a grey blazer with a pair of grey-black pants. He was pulling it off really well...reeeeeeallly well. He then said something about his dog...then something else...and so on.

"My nanny's funeral-", he had stopped as I giggled. He stared at me in confusion.

"Oh...um..." What was he saying? Funeral?"Oh, my God...that's terrible! I'm so sorry to hear that your pet died..."

"Nanny...My nanny died...", he said slowly...Shit...

"Yes! That's what I meant...I just...I just couldn't bring myself to say...", I looked away, slightly down and boom. Crocodile tears.

"Oh! No...I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up. I'm so very sorry! I wasn't thinking right-"

I cut him off, "No, no! It's... I should be the one to apologize! I didn't think of how you felt...I could only imagine how painful it must be for you to talk about your cat.

Okay...so, it didn't go very well but being the sweetheart he was, he went along with it. God, I think I'm in looooove~!

Anyways, we arrived there after a couple of gazillion hours- or at least, that's how long it felt. But I didn't mind...Caleb was there to keep me company~ Caleb had to go somewhere and I took the cab to take me to Bullworth.