It's been too damn long. Far too long to be honest. I'm surprised to find people still follow this thing. It's about to address a few things though. Been almost four years already and I gotta tell ya… I'M NOT A FAN OF BLEACH ANYMORE. Realistically I've just lost interest in it. On another note this fanfic was spawned from an rp that has changed significantly over the years. Like it's WAY different from what's written here now. I must also add that I don't post here anymore. I post anything I write over on Archive of Your Own. Has a nicer feel to it to be honest. Currently I'm working on a My Hero Academia fanfiction over there. Name's Kindred_Primer on the site. If you're interested follow me there. For those who only follow me for this story, I do apologize. I've lost the inspiration for this story, but I may write it into something different one day. I know y'all love your evil Ichigo (I'm surprised there isn't more stories like that) fix, so if I ever get around to it I could rewrite this story into something truly out there. Change some plot elements, add some characters, etc. Right now I'm focused on my current fanfiction so it won't be anytime soon. (Still got a Pokémon one to write.) So there you have it. If you get upset by this I'll understand. It is what it though. Better to tell you all this than to keep you waiting. Take care everyone...