
Chapter 1


Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time with Fionna and Cake. No copyright intended. I however own the story line, because I made that all up with my brain.

"PG you can't just tell me where and where not I can live." I said annoyed crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm sorry Fionna but the law says anyone under 18 years old must have a guardian. You cannot live alone." He said in that stupid proper voice of his.

"I don't care! I'm 16, I should be old enough to take care of myself! Besides it's not like I asked Cake to leave me for weeks on end so she can take care of her new family, a family that I'm not even part of." I said replacing my own sorrow with anger.

He sighed then looked at me for a long time, then he came near me to give me an envelope. "Fionna, I'm sorry. But please do consider coming to the Palace. I assure you that I'll take care of you." He said, kissed my forehead then left.

I hate when he does that, it's like something a protective father would do. Funny cause I'm the one who rescued his butt countless times from the Ice Queen.

"So… that was, um interesting." A voice said coming in through my window.

I sigh "Yeah tell me about it." I said plopping on to my couch reading the letter PG gave me. Marshall hovered behind me reading over my shoulder. The letter read:

My Dearest Fionna,

Please come to the palace to spend your days. I promise to meet your every need, whatever you desire just simply ask. The law says you cannot live alone under 18, and as Prince I must honor that law. I can only ask, it's up to you to make the decision. Do make the right one.

Yours Truly,

Prince Bubba Gumball

"Seriously?" I whisper to myself, then do a half snort half laugh thing.

"Is it me or do you think he's bribing me?" I ask Marshall turning to look him in the eye.

"Yeah, kind of. I mean he said "I promise to meet your every need, whatever you desire just simply ask." It sounds like a bribe to me." Marshall said grinning.

"Yeah, but I don't know. Maybe he's right...looks like I'm moving." I said.

I mean living all alone or living among the people who look up to me. The latter sounds better to me. Marshall looked like he was deep in thought.

"Marsh, what's up? Whatcha thinking?" I ask.

"This might sound crazy. But how do you feel about being roomies?" He asks a grin creeping on his face.

"Like me living with you in the same house, sharing the same bathroom, are you sure?" I ask emphasizing the word 'same'.

"Well it was an idea, unless you really want to live in a place where everything is pink." He said, I made a disgusted face

Ew. Pink. Don't get me wrong I like pink but not too much pink. Ya know?" I say.

"Yeah well that's what's going to happen if you decide to live there." He said shrugging.

I sighed thinking it over. Well I don't really have that many options, either live with Gumball in the Candy Kingdom which will probably be boring most of the time, or live with my buddy Marshall Lee where we'll always find a way to have fun. Either way I won't be alone.

"Do you even have an extra room?" I asked, he smirked and nodded.

"Yep. And a laundry room that's in the basement that I rarely use." He said with a wave of his hand. I look to him shocked and questionable.

"How is it that you have so many rooms that I don't know about?" I asked. I mean really after being best buds for like 5 years I'd know about this stuff.

He shrugged and grinned "Well, will you be my roomie?" he asked.

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah. It might be fun besides it beats living in a pink world." I said with a small laugh.

"Awesome, I'll be back tomorrow night. I'm going to get your room ready." He said gave me a quick hug then left. I sighed and laid down on my bed and took a nap. This is making me very tired.

Marshall Lee's P.O.V

I gave Fionna a quick hug then left. I guess an out-of-the-blue suggestion was worth it. When I got home I started cleaning up my spare room that was filled with all kinds of my junk from over the years and basically shoved everything in my attic, which took 2 hours. I cleaned the 2 windows that were in the room until they could be seen through like crystal, which took about 45 minutes. You never know how dirty something is until you clean it with a white paper towel and you used at least 4 ½ rolls of paper towels. Then I washed and repainted the walls a soft blue color, something I know Fionna would like. That took me at least 4 hours. It's now 2 o'clock in the morning and I just started cleaning and vacuuming the carpets.

This room smells like cleaning products by the time I'm done, and I'm completely exhausted. So I toss my sweaty clothes off leaving just my boxers and collapse on my bed and as soon as my head hits my pillows I'm out.

End of Marshall Lee's P.O.V

I started packing boxes after I got up at 9:30am, after breakfast. That was 2 hours ago. PG came up and said.

"Fionna, may I come in?" he said at the door.

"Yeah sure PG, I'm up in my room." I called down to him.

I heard him climb up as I am still folding and putting my clothes in a trunk.

"Ah, so I see your packing. So you have decided to come join me at the palace, how delightful." PG said smiling.

"Um… I'm not coming to the Candy Palace. I'm moving in with Marshall Lee, were going to be roomies." I said.

He looked shocked and taken aback. "F-Fionna, I highly think that is not the best place to go. Marshall is irresponsible-" I cut him off.

"And he's my best friend who is helping me out in a time of need. Besides it could turn out to be fun." I said shrugging.

But Fionna, Marshall is not qualified to take care of you." PG argued, I got frustrated I mean what is he trying to do? Dictate my life, like hell that's happening.

"Not 'qualified', are you kidding me? You said I can't live on my own because I'm not 18, well Marshall just so happens to be 1,000 years old and capable guardian. I think that's qualified enough." I said voice rising in frustration.

PG sighs and shakes his head defeated "Fionna I cannot make decisions for you. I just hope you know what you're doing." He said kissed my hand then left. I stop what I'm doing hearing him leave.

I wish he wouldn't do that to me. Make me feel like I'm doing something wrong when I know its something right. I shake it off, whatever Marshall will be here tonight and I'm going to live in my new home.

Home. That's a funny thing, home. I've thought this tree house was my home, I thought home was wherever Cake and I were, and we'd be together always. A sister promise, to hold on to each other and never let go. I guess we broke that promise. I guess Marshall's home will be my home from now on. I guess home is wherever shelter is. Hours pass. And it's now 8:30pm when Marshall comes over.

"Hey Fi, you all ready?' he asks.

"Yep." I say nodding. I had a trunk full of stuff that I put on a wagon. My trunk was filled with girl necisities and my clothes.

"Well lets go." He said hovering over me as I pull the wagon.

I heave the wagon up to Marshall's porch and into his house following him as he leads me to my new room.