So I know it took me like forever to update, but classes and homework just keep piling up on me. But here I am, and with a new chapter! Yay! But, on a side note, I am sick, so if there's some errors, don't hold that against me. I did what I could.

Well, this is the final chapter.

Ended: 2/1/2014


Ethan was standing with Lucas while the two of them waited for class to start. They were talking quietly, their hands intertwined, when Ethan felt like something was off. Looking up, his eyes narrowed at what he saw.

Benny and Rory were talking; no, not talking... "arguing". His jaw squared when their conversation met his ears.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Benny exclaimed as they stopped at Rory's locker. "Catwoman would totally take Wonder Woman."

"Really? You still believe that? Your nerdy self is showing Airhead," Rory retaliated with a roll of his eyes.

"Hey, I'm just admiring the female form; she just happens to be a superhero," Benny said, placing a hand on his chest. Benny flicked his eyes up, briefly connecting with burning brown ones before he looked at Rory again.

"Uh-huh. What about Wonder Woman? She's got a form to be admired."

"Not as much as CatWoman."

"You've got to be kidding me!"

"Um, Ethan?" Ethan looked away from the two teens and their conversation to his boyfriend, who was looking at him with concerned eyes.


"You're kinda hurting my hand…" Ethan dropped his hand and sighed. "What's wrong?"



"Don't-" he stopped himself from bursting out at Lucas and looked at him. "I'm sorry. It's just-"

"You're know what they're doing right?"


"Benny and Rory. They're just trying to rile you up."

"How would you know?" Lucas shrugged and looked at the two teens, who were heading their way, still talking.

"Because it just seems like something Benny would do. Good thing you already promised me, your boyfriend, that you would stay away from Benny."

"Ah… about that…"

"No E."

"But what if-"

"I said no." Ethan looked at Lucas, who was just staring at him now.

"What happened to you? When I met you, you were like my own personal best friend sent from heaven to help me get over losing my old friend. But now…" Ethan trailed off, shaking his head. Lucas just watched him before he looked at his feet.

"I've liked you since we became friends E. But all you did, day and night, whenever we were together, was talk about him. I was… I was supposed to be your friend, but there was only him. Only Benny, for the last two years... And now you know how I feel, and I thought you felt the same, but obviously you don't, considering the whole time I've been talking your eyes have stayed on him." Ethan looked at Lucas now, who looked sad.


"Ethan. I'm done. Me or him."


"Me. Or. Him."

"Lucas. Don't make me-"

"You'd still choose him. After all the crap he's put you through, after everything he's done… after breaking my fucking arm. You'd still choose him." Lucas looked at Ethan as he spoke, shaking his head. "Un-fucking-believable. You are such a stupid nerd! The shit I did for you! I became everything you wanted in a best friend and more! I HATE NERDS! But you- I gave up my hockey career because I thought there was something between us. But then you go and fucking screw me over! And what do I get in return? My fucking arm broken and a boyfriend that doesn't even want to be with me. I was straight until I met you! You made me question myself! I moved to this ho-dunk town to be the next hockey star and date cheerleaders!" Lucas lifted his good arm up and pulled back, hand balled tightly in a fist. Ethan was in too much shock to actually move back from the oncoming fist. As it came towards him, it was stopped by a hand grabbing it.

"Some boyfriend you are," Benny said, pushing Lucas away from Ethan. Ethan stood there, still in shock, unsure how to respond to everything he had just found out about his so-called friend. Benny turned his back on Lucas and looked at Ethan. "You okay E?"

"Yeah," he said kinda shakily, looking at Benny. "Thanks."

"Anytime," Benny said with a light smile. Lucas scoffed and pushed Benny out of the way with his good arm.


"Lucas," Ethan said, shaking his head, "You… you've lied to me our whole friendship… In case it wasn't obvious, we're over." Lucas looked at him, and then Benny, before he shook his head.

"You can't break up with me!"

"I can, and I did," Ethan said slowly, as if talking to a child. "And you're an asshole Lucas. I thought Benny was bad, but damn." Lucas stared at them once more, jaw open in shock, before he walked away from them, shaking his head and muttering 'fucking nerds' under his breath as he walked away. Benny watched him go with a satisfied smile before he turned to Ethan.

"So, E, about us-"

"No," Ethan said, shaking his head. "Just friends. Maybe… if we become more in the future… but we gotta start out as friends."

"I'll take it."

"Good. Now, you two," he said, his eyes moving between Benny and Rory, "what's going on?"

"We were just fucking with you."

"Of course you were. Let's go to class."

Months Later ~ Graduation:

Ethan sat there, applauding with the rest of the senior class as their class song began to play. He rolled his eyes as the students around him began to sing dramatically. He laughed as arms were slung around him and loud voices began to sing in his ears.

"You guys are annoying," Ethan said, pushing Benny and Rory away from him, who were both swinging off the other now as they loudly sang with the end of the song.

"You love us for it though," Benny said, making Ethan roll his eyes.

"Only a bit." He watched as the rest of the class threw their caps into the air, cheering everything on; as this was happening around him and he was being hugged by his friends, he thought about everything that had transpired over the last few months. He and Benny had worked their way back into each other's lives, and Benny still got to keep being the popular nerd that he had always wanted to be; not only that, but Benny told him he was still waiting for him to be ready to be with him. He looked around the crowd of laughing, cheering students to find a pair of eyes that he had avoided for these months. Making his way over there, he slowly approached him.

"Hey," Lucas spoke first, arms crossed as he watched him.

"Hey… listen, Lucas-"

"I know," is all he said, a grim smile playing on his lips. "But maybe… we can start over? As friends?"

"Can I get to know the real you this time?"

"I'd like that." They smiled at each other before Ethan heard his name called. "Wanna hang out sometime? I'd like to get to know Benny too, if that's okay."

"Yeah… yeah, we should all hang out sometime." They waved awkwardly at each other before Ethan made his way back to Benny and Rory, who were waiting for him.

"So… what happened there?"

"We just had some unfinished business to talk about," Ethan said with a shrug. "Hey, B?"

"Yeah E?" Ethan pulled him close to him and pressed his lips to his in a brief kiss before he pulled away. "Oh."

"Yeah." Benny smiled and wrapped an arm around Ethan's shoulders.

"It's been one hell of a year."

"Ain't that the truth."

"Totally worth it, don't you think?"

"I sure hope so."


"Hey Aunt Laura," Lucas said, approaching a blond woman, who smiled at him.

"Hi Lucas. How's it feel to be a highschool graduate?"

"Good," he said, looking over at Ethan and Benny, who were talking happily together. "We did a good job this year, didn't we?" he asked her, making her nod.

"That we did," she said, pulling on a light jacket and dropping her ID badge. "Can you get that for me?" He nodded and picked it up, smiling at it.

Dr. Laura Bishop, Whitechapel High Psychiatrist.


The End.

Thanks for reading, and see ya'll next time.
