Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.

AN: I can't believe that I have let two months slip by without updating any of my stories. To be honest, I started this story not long after the last time I updated but I hit a brick wall creatively and I am just now starting to break through it. I hope you all understand.

Bella walked through the crowded terminal, hoping that her mom's flight hadn't come in early. There had been an accident on the interstate and she had been stuck in traffic for half an hour. She had been smart to give herself an extra forty-five minutes to get there. She arrived at the baggage claim just as Renee's flight was coming in.

Bella fell into a chair as she waited for her mom. Her heart felt like it was about to leap out of her chest and her breathing was ragged. Her mom's flight had come in early, but luckily she had been prepared for that.

After ten minutes the baggage claim was filled with people but Bella had yet to see Renee. She decided to give her a few more minutes before she texted her. She scanned the small crowd coming down the escalator and saw a familiar face. Renee saw her a few seconds later and waved excitedly. Bella chuckled as she waved back.

"My baby. Oh, it is so good to see you," Renee said, giving her a once over before clicking her tongue in disapproval.

"What?" Bella asked cautiously.

"Where's Jake?"

"He's working. He should be home by the time we get there."

"Well, I guess that I can let it slide then," Renee said haughtily.

Bella allowed her mom to pull her close then wrapped her arms around Renee's waist. Renee hugged her tightly as people moved around them.

"Come on, let's get your bag," Bella said before pulling away.

Ten minutes later they were on the road. The accident had been cleared so it only took half an hour to get back to Bella's apartment. Jake could be heard in the kitchen so Bella went to find him after showing her mom where to put her bag.

"Hey," he called over his shoulder as he stirred a pot of pasta.

Bella came up behind him, her hands on his shoulders before leaning in to kiss his cheek. Renee watched them silently from the door. Even with their backs to her she could see that they cared for one another. It was in the way Bella's hands moved from his shoulders to wrap her arms around his waist and rested her head against his back. Jake's free hand intertwined with one of hers, coming to rest at his side.

Renee cleared her throat just loudly enough to get their attention and Bella turned her head to smile at her mother. Bella pulled away from Jake, her hands touching him until she was far enough away that he was out of reach. Jake turned down the burner for the spaghetti sauce and removed the noodle pot from its burner before turning around.

Renee cast a slow glance over him, wanting to take everything about him in. Bella had been right when she said that words couldn't do Jake justice when it came to describing him. Jake smiled nervously under Renee's gaze as Bella tried to gauge her mom's reaction.

"Hi," Renee said to finally break the silence.

"Hi," Jake replied, still uncertain how the situation would turn out.

"It's nice to finally meet you. Bella has told me so much about you."

"It's nice to meet you too. She's told me a lot about you as well," Jake answered as his nerves finally settled down.

Dinner was ready a little while later and Renee peppered Jake with questions about his life, his family and his future goals. She was impressed when he mentioned that he would be starting medical school in the fall.

"That's wonderful! What field of medicine would you be working in?"

"Sports medicine, I've always been interested in nutrition and how to take care of the body and recuperative therapy."

Renee nodded in understanding as she went back to eating. He had answered all of her questions with ease and was glad to know that she cared enough to get to know him on a personal level. Bella cleaned the kitchen while Jake got into the shower. Renee sat at the kitchen table, chatting with Bella while she cleaned.

"He seems like a really great guy."

"He is. He's kind and understanding, he's funny and too smart for his own good. He's amazing," Bella gushed.

Renee smiled tenderly as Bella's face flushed. Bella wasn't one of those girls who went crazy over a boy. To see her like this meant that she cared a great deal for Jake and Renee was glad that Bella had found someone who made her happy.


Bella and Renee spent Saturday with Alice and Esme. Jasper had recently proposed and Alice was taking their wedding plans to a new level of extreme. They wanted to be married by the end of the summer, which meant that they had four months to plan. They went to four different bridal shops, three bakeries, interviewed a florist and went over an outline of what kind of food she and Jasper wanted for the reception.

By the time the two of them got to Emmett and Paul's for dinner they were so stressed out that Paul took over the cooking duties from Bella. He practically had to order her to stay out of the kitchen. She sat curled up in the love seat, listening halfheartedly to Emmett and Renee's conversation.

Renee and Emmett had a very special relationship. She thought of him as her own child and Emmett thought of her the mother he would have chosen for himself if he'd had the chance to choose. They had an easy banter that borderlined on flirting at times. Jake got there just before dinner was ready and was greeted by the sound of laughter.

"I kid you not. The two of them were caught trying to sneak back in. Bella was halfway through the window when she got stuck and Emmett was outside trying to shove her the rest of the way in when Charlie found them," Renee explained to Paul

"I told you that I wouldn't fit," Bella griped.

"I couldn't get the window up any farther!" Emmett said in defense.

Paul continued to laugh as Jake came into the room.

"Hi Jake, how was your day?" Renee asked with an easy smile.

"Busy and too damn long, I'm glad that it's over," he said with a sigh.

"Here, here," Bella said in agreement.

"Alice drove you crazy, huh?"

"You don't know the half of it."

"That girl is a woman on a mission. It was like she was possessed or something," Renee explained.

"Yeah, I've never seen her like that before," Bella agreed.

"Getting married is the easy part, planning it is what drove me crazy. I'm glad that Phil and I eloped. I couldn't put myself through that again," Renee explained.

They talked all throughout dinner and the conversation was light and easy. Bella was glad that Renee had a chance to see Emmett while she was visiting. He had a special place in Renee's heart, just like Bella did. Emmett and Jake cleaned the kitchen while Renee got to know Paul a little better one on one. Bella sat at the kitchen table watching two of her favorite men interact.

The five of them talked late into the night before Bella decided that they needed to get home. Renee's flight was leaving early the next afternoon and she wanted to spend a little time with Renee on her own before she left.


Nine came to early the next morning. Bella forced herself to get out of bed and walked to the kitchen in a fog. The cobwebs were finally starting to go away as the smell of coffee filled the apartment. She went to the guest room with a cup of coffee fixed just the way her mom liked it in an attempt to wake her mom up. She tried several different tactics which either got her a groan or a swat on the arm in response.

"If you get up, I'll take you to Marshall's," she sang.

"Can I order anything I want?" Renee asked, poking her head out from underneath the blanket.


"Hand over the coffee before I really hurt you," Renee grumbled.

Bella handed over the cup of coffee before saying that she was going to get dressed and that Renee needed to be read in twenty minutes. With a travel mug of coffee for the both of them they set out without waking Jake up even once.

Bella knew that if she promised to take her mom to her favorite restaurant that she could get her to do whatever she wanted. Marshall's had been their special place ever since Bella was a little girl. Renee ordered pancakes and an omelet while Bella had French toast. They were almost done eating when the subject of Jake was brought up.

"I'm so glad that you found a guy who treats you right. That's all I've ever wanted for you besides wanting you to be happy, which apparently he does too."

"He does," Bella confirmed with a nod.

"I like him and you should consider keeping him around permanently."

"I had planned on it," Bella said with a light laugh.

"He's perfect," Renee marveled.

"I have to agree with you, it's not easy to find a flaw in him."

"And Paul, I like him. Our boy finally settled down decided to give up the Peter Pan lifestyle."

"Thank God for that," Bella said with a deep sigh.

"I know you worry about Emmett the way that I worry about you but you don't need to. He'll be fine."

"I know," she agreed quietly.

Renee patted her hand gently as their waiter came by with their bill. Bella picked it up before rummaging through her bag for her wallet. She put some money on the table and they left. The weekend was coming to a close and Bella was reluctant to let her mom leave, just like she was every time that Renee came to visit.


When Bella's phone rang at six o' clock that night she knew exactly who it was without looking at her phone.

"Hey Dad," she said in greeting.

"How'd you know it was me?"

"We go through this every week. You call me every Sunday at six."

"Well, at least you know that I'll always call you," he grumbled.

"So how was your week?"

"Okay. I've got some news that I want to share with you."

"So share it," she encouraged him.

"The house is getting to be too much for me to take care of on my own, so I'm thinking of renting it out and moving some place smaller."

"Where would you live? Up until I went to college you'd never lived on your own," she questioned.

"Sue has offered to let me move in with her since Seth has finally moved out."

"So you and she are serious enough that you're considering moving in with her? That's great, dad."

"You're okay with it?"

"More than okay. If you want to live in sin than who am I to judge? I mean, I am doing the same thing."

"Very true," Charlie agreed.

"Other than moving, what else is new?"

"My doctor says that I have high cholesterol."

"Dad…" Bella said with a sigh.

"I know, I know, you saw this coming. I have to change my diet and he's got me on medication."

"Which you had better take. I would like to have you around for a long time," she informed him.

"I am," he promised.

"Anything else going on?"

"Did you know that Leah's pregnant?"

"No, I didn't. I haven't talked to her in almost a week. We keep missing each other. I'll call her later."

"Other than that my life has been pretty dull. How'd it go with your mom this weekend?"

"Good. Jake and Paul got Mom's seal of approval. She's doing okay. She's wrapping up her school year and preparing for kindergarten graduation."

"Glad to hear that everything went okay. I've gotta be at work early so I'll have to cut our call short. I love you, Kid."

"I love you too. I'll come down next weekend and help you pack up the house. You shouldn't be doing that on your own."

"It's a date. I'll see you then."

She hung up, glad that she had gotten a chance to talk to him, even if it was for only ten minutes. She was sad that she wouldn't be able to go to the house whenever she wanted after he moved; she had been raised in that house. There were notch marks in the kitchen alcove where he had documented her height on her birthday every year until she was thirteen. Just because she wouldn't be able to visit the house anymore that didn't mean that she would lose the memories that had been made. She knew that the decision to move couldn't have been an easy one for him but she was happy that he was moving on.