Disclaimer: I do not own Free!
But, I would very much like to own a MATSUOKA RIN Unit. Santa, if you hear me, this is my wish for this year's Christmas. You still have a couple of months left, so. . . I am counting on you!
You are now the official owner of a MATSUOKA RIN Unit.
By following the recommended guidelines of our Manual, you will soon be able to turn this wild, sour shark-boy into a harmless –for the most part- but nonetheless passionate young athlete, a smoking hot boyfriend, a prince inspired by your craziest dreams.
To enjoy the full extent of your MATSUOKA RIN's abilities you have but to follow our instructions closely and use your newly purchased Unit with love and care.
Basic Unit Information
Name: Matsuoka Rin
-Nicknames: RinRin, Rin-chan
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: February 2
Sign: Aquarius
Age: 17
Height: 1,77 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Eye Color: Deep Red
Hair Color: Purplish Red
Occupation: High school Student, 2nd Year, Samezuka Academy, Samezuka Academy Swim Club
Specialty: Freestyle (Front Crawl), Butterfly
Package Contents
Your favorite MATSUOKA RIN Unit is shipped with the following accessories:
-2 pairs of Black long leg swim-pants, Red Pattern
-3 Swimming Caps
-Swimming Goggles
-1 Samezuka Academy's School Uniform:
White Jacket with Samezuka Academy's Insignia
Black T-shirt with Samezuka Academy's Insignia
White trousers
Formal black shoes
-Arabian Attire (Locked)
-Normal Teeth(Optional. You might need this accessory after unlocking Boyfriend Mode)
-1 Personal Bed Pillow
-Now, only with our SPECIAL EDITION, you get a unique sexy SPEEDO for your new MATSUOKA RIN Unit.
Before opening your MATSUOKA RIN Unit, make sure to have prepared:
-A basin of fresh water to hydrate him/wash him etc.
-An Olympic Games Medal Replica, in order to lure him out of the box.
Upon activation, make absolutely sure that your MATSUOKA RIN Unit makes contact with the aforementioned objects. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee your Unit's safe operation.
Warning: Do not allow your new MATSUOKA RIN Unit to make contact with any other Unit (especially NANASE HARUKA) during the first week.
In case of damage due to failing to adhere to our guidelines, the IWATOBI COMPANY holds no responsibility.
Your MATSUOKA RIN is programmed with the following Modes, aiming only to your satisfaction.
Athlete Mode (default) : The most basic Mode of your new Unit. Enjoy your MATSUOKA RIN swimming more masterfully, elegantly and powerfully than the Mermen of the deep in his favorite swim-pants and more.
Options Available
Freestyle, Butterfly Crawl
Student Mode: Our -and now officially yours- MATSUOKA RIN Unit is famous for its magnificent academic abilities, scoring at the top ten of our IWATOBI COMPANY. Your new Unit can be especially helpful in English and Math. He is, though, not recommended for Literature and Old Japanese
Friend Mode: (Locked) Requires at least 4 weeks of operation. After unlocking, this Mode allows you to spend quality time with your MATSUOKA RIN daily; includes attending Festivals, Parties etc. If operated carefully, your MATSUOKA RIN may be soon willing to even cosplay as a Maid for you to feast your eyes, provided that you let him visit Samezuka Academy's Cultural Festival!
Brother Mode: You can activate this mode after contact with a MATSUOKA GOU Unit. If you chose this mode, you can enjoy a slightly Tsundere Older Brother, who will want to protect you and keep you company.
Options Available
Brother of Gou, Brother of the Owner
Warning: Do not attempt to date other guys while your MATSUOKA RIN is in this mode. He may activate Overprotective Older Brother Mode and stalk you and your friend with possibly severe consequences. (Refer to page 85 of this Manual)
Boyfriend Mode: (Locked) Details Still Classified
Arabian Nights Mode: (Locked) Can be unlocked only after Boyfriend Mode. Enjoy your MATSUOKA RIN, sexy as ever, clad in revealing Arabian attire, that tingles your insides in mirth, blurs every sense of logic, and activates your salivary glands; it takes you to new fairytale-like levels of enjoyment.
Warning: Not for the light-hearted. May cause Heart Attacks.
Shark Mode: If angered, your MATSUOKA RIN''s teeth can pose as a rather dangerous weapon. He may yammer, holler and punch nearby walls. His performance in Athlete Mode may be affected as well.
Warning: In this mode please keep away from young children.
-Never neglect to offer your MATSUOKA RIN Unit a chance to dive into a pool in order to train, especially when on Athlete Mode. Your new Unit's special sensitivity demands daily training and hydration.
-Regularly shave your MATSUOKA RIN Unit's body, in order to reduce water resistance. This will also greatly improve his performance in Athlete Mode.
-Never leave your MATSUOKA RIN Unit to sleep without his pillow (included in package). Otherwise, he may activate Shark Mode.
-Since your MATSUOKA RIN is a very passionate swimmer, it's completely necessary to regularly bathe him in a clean bathtub in order to properly get rid of any remnants of chlorine he might have acquired from the pool.
Your Unit is programmed to clean himself after each training session, but ,as a responsible owner, you have to make sure to closely rinse him yourself to examine and keep track of your Unit's health and body state. Make sure to clean every bit of your MATSUOKA RIN's body, especially his private areas, to prevent any infections. Bathing with him will also increase your chances of unlocking Boyfriend and then Arabian Mode.
Warning: IWATOBI COMPANY cannot be held responsible in case of extreme, life-threatening nosebleeds or sexual harassment.
-Do not submit your MATSUOKA RIN in NITORI AIICHIRO's company for an excessively long period of time. May activate Shark Mode.
-Massage your MATSUOKA RIN, regularly, especially before sleeping and after training, in order to relieve him of any muscle cramps.
-Allow your MATSUOKA RIN to take his favorite walks and jog, even daily, if possible. It keeps his health status excellent and adds up to his swimming training.
Warning: Do not allow him to overexert himself.
Useful Information
-Your MATSUOKA RIN's favorite dishes are meat and kamchi. However, keep in mind that you need to maintain a balanced and healthy diet, in order to harness your Unit's abilities to their full extent. (For more instructions about your Unit's diet refer to page 70 of this Manual)
-Your MATSUOKA RIN Unit usually prefers bottom bunks.
-Should you wish to see your MATSUOKA RIN swim Freestyle more impressively, allow him to train along a NANASE HARUKA Unit.
Warning: If misused your Unit may activate Shark Mode. Treat carefully.
-If you want to meliorate his performance in Butterfly instead,use only a RYUGAZAKI REI Unit. Alternatively, have your MATSUOKA RIN swim in a Relay Mode with NANASE HARUKA, TACHIBANA MAKOTO and HAZUKI NAGISA Units. In which case, keep any RYUGAZAKI REI Units away.
- HAZUKI NAGISA Units may irritate your new MATSUOKA RIN Unit if used improperly –He initially despises being called RinRin-. To prevent accidents, we advise you to let your Unit make contact with any HAZUKI NAGISA Units, only after at least a month of uneventful operation.
-In the company of our NANASE HARUKA, TACHIBANA MAKOTO, HAZUKI NAGISA and RYUGAZAKI REI Units, your MATSUOKA RIN may display the need to sing "SPLASH FREE!". In which case, do not try to prevent him. This is a healthy reaction and indicates that you are handling your Unit with care.
Q: My MATSUOKA RIN successfully met a NANASE HARUKA Unit, but only a few days after, he started murmuring sinisterly" "I'll show you a sight you've never seen before". And he now wants to take his pants off in front of me and my friends. What do I do?
A: It may have been a complication of Boyfriend Mode. In which case, your best choice is to purchase our excellent NANASE HARUKA Unit and have them spend time together (For more instructions and details for a healthy NANASE HARUKA and MATSUOKA RIN relationship, please refer to page 50 of this manual). If you follow our Manual's Guidelines we guarantee that this strange obsession will soon stop. But, it may affect Boyfriend Mode irrevocably.
Attention: To prevent unnecessary complications do not leave your MATSUOKA RIN and NANASE HARUKA Unit alone for a long period of time, upon first meeting.
Q: My MATSUOKA RIN Unit met a RYUGAZAKI REI Unit and started blabbering "All-Out, Perfect Body" with a ridiculous accent. And, to top it all, he is now obsessed with Butterfly and won't swim Freestyle when I ask him to. What do I do?
A: Normally, making contact with a NANASE HARUKA Unit may relieve the situation.
Warning: If your MATSUOKA RIN has not been properly operated, various problems may arise after contact with a NANASE HARUKA Unit. In such case, please refer to this Manual. If complications continue to arise, contact our IWATOBI COMPANY's specialists.
Q: My MATSUOKA RIN was getting along just fine with every MIKOSHIBA SEIJUIRO Unit. But, suddenly, he started fuming and growling, despite that the other Unit only playfully smacked him in the back. He now refuses to hang out with him. What do I do?
A: Did you check if any MATSUOKA GOU Units were nearby? If the MIKOSHIBA SEIJUIRO Unit is used to a MATSUOKA GOU Unit's company, you better keep your MATSUOKA RIN away. It probably has self-activated the Overprotective Brother Mode.
Q: I am trying to keep my MATSUOKA RIN in a healthy diet, but he suddenly refuses to eat any mackerel.
A: It may be a complication of his relationship with a NANASE HARUKA Unit. Check the status of their relationship and refer to this Manual's Instructions on page 35.
Q: My MATSUOKA RIN wants to keep a stray kitten in his room! He even lets it sleep with him! I hate cats!
A: Calm down! Your Unit has probably spent too much time with a TACHIBANA MAKOTO Unit. Calmly explain him your hate for cats and try to –very discreetly- prevent him from hanging out with TACHIBANA MAKOTO Units for a short while.
Q: I was bathing my Unit with care, and then, he turned and bit my neck with his sharp teeth. He even left bite marks! Should I go see a doctor?
A: Yes, we advise you to seek a specialists' opinion for your marks. His sharp teeth are quite dangerous. Maybe, also visit a vet, for your MATSUOKA RIN Unit. This abnormal behavior may be the preface of Shark Mode's activation. It might also be a form of excessive behavior of Boyfriend mode. In either case, be careful!
With proper care your MATSUOKA RIN Unit can become a successful Olympic Athlete, a gorgeous Friend, a kind Older Brother, a dreamlike Boyfriend, even a Prince of the Desert, ready to make your every romantic –or not romantic- fantasy into reality.
It's up to you to decide his role in your life.
If you were satisfied with our MATSUOKA RIN Unit, you will also enjoy the company of the rest of our Company's Units. Do not hesitate to purchase our other successful new products.
And our newest addition: NITORI AIICHIRO
Newest Product: Iwatobi-chan Phone Chain with Several New Swimsuits!
Thank you for purchasing IWATOBI COMPANY's products. Guaranteed Premium Quality and Service.
Author's Note
I have stumbled across many Units Manuals before in other categories, but I have yet to spot any in Free! So, I said to myself, let's give this a try . . . I hope it was of your liking ^.^
Reviewers will get 50% discount! So, please, do not hesitate to kindly review.
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