A/N: Okay, I know it's been a while since my last update but I've just been regrouping my thoughts and figuring out what I want to happen next. Anyway, here's the next instalment of this story. ENJOY!

Ch 11 Awkward Confrontations


(SCENE: Rory is at her locker at Chilton. She closes her locker door to find Tristan leaning against the locker next to hers. Rory frowns.)

Rory: (Bitterly.) What do you want?

Tristan: Mary, Mary, Mary, why are you never happy to see me?

Rory: Because whenever I do something bad always seems to happen.

Tristan: I resent that. You know Mary, words can hurt.

Rory: How many times do I have to tell you my name's not Mary.

Tristan: (Smirks.) Whatever you say...Mary.

(Rory sighs loudly and turns to walk away nearly running into Paris.)

Rory: Great, just great.

Paris: Watch where you're going Gilmore!

Rory: Gladly.

(Rory walks past the Paris as well leaving her and Tristan behind her. As she exits the school she notices Lorelai, Lane and Jess all standing outside by the jeep. She smiles broadly and approaches them.)

Lorelai: Aww...she's happy to see us!

Rory: I'm just glad that I no longer have to put up with Tristan and Paris or have to take the bus.

Lane: So, this is hell? Not too shabby.

Rory: What are you three doing here anyway?

Lorelai: (Putting her arm around Rory.) We came to rescue my baby!

Jess: Speak for yourself I got to miss last period.

Lorelai: It's not like you weren't skipping anyway.

Lane: How you convinced Mama Kim that there was a Christian convention at the church is beyond me.

Rory: That's just the wonders of Lorelai Gilmore.

(The three laugh and then turn to get into the car. Tristan approaches them.)

Tristan: Mary! I think you forgot something.

Rory: (Rolls her eyes. Annoyed.) What might that be Tristan?

Lorelai: (Coos.) So, that's Bible Boy huh?

Lane: You made him out to be a monster.

Tristan: Mary, you talk about me, I'm flattered.

Rory: What is it you want again?

Jess: (Mumbles to Lane.) What doesn't he want?

(Lane jabs Jess in the ribs with her elbow.)

Tristan: (Noticing Jess.) Ah, yes the trusty bodyguard. You see Mary, you forgot my kiss. (Glances at Jess.) Unless that's a problem with your bodyguard here...

(Jess clenches his fists together and steps forward, Tristan smirk preparing for the hit. Rory groans and intercepts Jess.)

Rory: Jess, get in the jeep.

Jess: (Gives Rory a pleading look.) Rory, come on! The guy is getting on my nerves.

Rory: As much as I would like to see you beat Tristan up (Tristan scoffs. Rory turns to look at Tristan.) And I know you would. You don't need to stoop down to his level.

(Jess sighs and steps away. Tristan now has a smug look. Rory shakes her head and walks around the car. Lorelai and Lane are still examining Tristan.)

Lorelai: (to Lane.) I would not mind him tormenting me.

Lane: (Laughs.) He's everything Mama Kim would disapprove of.

Jess: (Teasingly.) And I'm not?

(Lane and Lorelai sigh in a hopeless manner and each open one of the doors to the jeep and climb in. Jess follows.)

Tristan: What? No goodbye?

(Lorelai and Lane roll down their respectful windows, one in from and one in back and each stick their heads out.)

Lane/Lorelai: Bye Satan!

(Lorelai starts the car and drives off leaving Tristan standing in the parking lot of Chilton.) 

(Scene: Lorelai stops in front of a strafe building and gets out. Jess climbs into the driver's seat and Lane into the passenger's seat. Rory looks at the two of them, confused. Jess unrolls the window so they can hear what she wants to say.)

Lorelai: Alright, Jess I swear if there's a scratch on this car you're dead.

Rory: What's going on?

Lorelai: I've got a date babes. See you tonight.

Rory: A date with Mr. Medina now?

Lorelai: (Happily.) What? He wanted to see me after school and since I was going to be in Hartford I thought I'd bring you're companions along so you can frolic.

Jess: That doesn't sound right.

Lorelai: Well, you have a sick mind. It was my word of the day!

Lane: Have fun Lorelai.

Lorelai: You three stay out of trouble and Lane, Jess be nice to my baby.

Rory: They better!

Lorelai: (Jokingly.) I was talking about the jeep.

(Rory pouts a little before smiling waving to her mother who turns and approaches Mr. Medina's house. Jess pulls away from the house and drives off down the street. Rory sits back in her seat and adjusts her schoolbag on the floor away from her feet. Before loosening her seatbelt and sliding to the edge of the back seat.)

Rory: So, where we going to go?

Jess: I don't know Gilmore. Where would you two ladies like to go?

Lane: The mall!

Jess: (Groans.) Really? The mall?

Rory: We're girls Jess what do you expect?

Jess: How about the record store Lane and I went to on our "date"?

(Lane and Rory pretend to consider the offer.)

Lane: (Matter of factly.) There's a music store at the mall.

Rory: And food!

Jess: (Sighs.) A true Gilmore, always thinking of her stomach but remember I'm driving and there's no way I'm going to step foot in a mall.

Rory: (Semi-serious.) We could always stop and see my grandmother. I'm sure she'd love to see me.

(Jess' eyes widen as he looks in the review mirror to see if Rory is joking.)

Jess: Blackmailer!

Rory: (Smiles triumphantly.) Hah! Hartford Mall here we come!

Lane: Woo-hoo!

(Jess has a defeated look as he turns onto the exit for the Hartford Mall. Lane and Rory give each other high fives.)

(Scene: Rory, Jess, and Lane are walking through the mall. There are crowds of people all around them. Lane and Rory are walking a little way ahead of Jess enthusiastically pointing to different stores. Jess looks miserable as he trudges behind them. A little while off at a chic boutique we see Louise, Madeline and Paris. Rory obviously doesn't notice them yet.)

Lane: (Staring longingly at a shirt in the window.) I want it!

Rory: Mama Kim would hate it.

Lane: (Smiles) I love it!

Rory: Do you have any money?

Lane: (Sadly.) No.

Rory: (Sighs sadly.) Neither do I. (Beat) We really need jobs.

(Jess laughs behind them. Rory and Lane turn to glare at him.)

Lane: Why is that so funny?

Jess: You two wouldn't last a day at a job. Lane might, but Rory no.

Rory: Why not?

Jess: You'd get bored too easily.

Rory: I help out at the diner now and then.

Jess: And drink half the coffee while you're at it too.

Lane: (Quietly.) He's right.

Rory: No, he's not! We could work!

Jess: Alright, then get a job and keep it for two months.

Rory: Fine! I'll ask Luke to hire me.

Jess: (Smirks.) Perfect.

Lane: (Surprised.) You're really going to do it?

Rory: (Nods.) Yes!

(Rory, Jess and Lane continue to walk through the mall and bump into Paris, Madeline and Louise who where walking towards them.)

Paris: (Angrily.) Watch it!

Rory: (Bashfully not realizing it is Paris.) Sorry.

Paris: (Looks at Rory. Mutters.) OH god!

Madeline: (Giddy.) Hi!

Louise: (Elbows Madeline. Whispers.) We don't like her remember?

Madeline: (Frowns.) Oh, yeah.

(Madeline and Louise now notice Jess and begin to examine him.)

Paris: (To Rory.) What are you doing here?

Rory: Shopping with my friends and you? Don't you have something to study for?

Paris: Madeline and Louise dragged me out.

Louise: (Nods her head at Jess.) That your boyfriend?

Rory: No, that's just Jess.

Louise: Really. (Smiles and bats her eyelashes approaching Jess.) Hi.

Madeline: Hey! I saw him first!

Paris: That's a disaster waiting to happen.

Lane: Uh-huh. (Notices the music store at the corner of her eye) I'll meet you at the music store later ok?

Rory: Sure, let me just get Madeline and Louise off Jess.

(Lane nods and walks off quickly.)

Paris: (Curious but still cautious.) Who's that?

Rory: (Curtly.) Lane.

Paris: OH.

Rory: She's my best friend, one of my best friends.

Paris: Alright.

(There's a brief silence as both Rory and Paris glance towards Jess, Madeline and Louise.)

Rory: I should probably go save him.

Paris: Yeah.

(Rory approaches the other three. Madeline and Louise are asking Jess all sorts of questions. Louise links her arm with Jess' and begins to lead him down the mall. Madeline pouts and watches them, not following before spotting another target and running off.)

Paris: Looks like he doesn't mind Louise.

Rory: (Abruptly.) Why do you hate me?

Paris: Because, you're smart and are the only one who challenges me for having top grades.

Rory: Oh.

Paris: And because Tristan seems to like you.

Rory: Oh.

Paris: I've known him for years and he has never given me any attention and the minute you walk through those doors you have all his attention.

Rory: I don't want it. I have a boyfriend, well, I think he's my boyfriend and I like him a lot.

Paris: So, you have no interest in Tristan?

Rory: (Shakes her head.) None what-so-ever.

Paris: Ok. Good.

Rory: Now can we at least be civilized with each other?

Paris: Maybe.

Rory: Good. You want to come to the music store with Lane and me?

Paris: Sure, but shouldn't we get those two first?

(Rory looks to Jess and Louise who are a little further down.)

Rory: Nah, I could do without some sarcasm for a while.

(Paris nods and follows Rory into the music story as they join Lane who is filing through the CDs.)

(Scene: Rory, Lane, and Jess sit out front of the Gilmore porch eating marshmallows. A car pulls into the driveway and parks, turning off the lights.)

Lane: Should we let her know we're here?

Jess: And miss this show?

Rory: Jess! That's my mom and English teacher in that car!

Jess: So, you might learn something.

(Rory and Lane throw some marshmallows at Jess. He blocks them off.)

Jess: Your abuse it getting old!

Rory: I'm going to stop them! I can't watch this anymore.

(Rory gets up and approaches the car just as Max pulls Lorelai onto his lap.)

Rory: (Rushing back to the porch.) Oh my god!

Lane: Are they going to do it in the car?

Jess: Don't they need air?

Rory: (Covers her face.) Make it stop!

Jess: I'm not going over there.

Lane: Count me out. I've got to get home.

Rory: Knock on the window while you go by!

Lane: No way! I'm going the long way! Bye!

Rory/Jess: Bye!

(Lane leaves cutting across Babette and Morey's lawn being sure not to trip over the gnomes.)

Rory: (Turns to Jess and pouts.) Please!

Jess: No way! (Looks over to the car.) Look! They're getting out of the car!

Rory: (Looks.) They're still kissing.

Jess: I don't think they see us.

Rory: She's talking off her coat. (Disgusted.) Couldn't they have done this at his place?

Jess: They probably did.

Rory: I can't do this. I'm staying at Luke's! Let's go!

(Rory grabs Jess as they quietly run off the porch just before Max and Lorelai come up.)

(Scene: Rory and Jess are sitting in the diner eating breakfast. A cheerful Lorelai enters the diner.)

Lorelai: (Happily.) Good morning darling daughter!

Rory: Morning mom.

Lorelai: What'd you guys do yesterday?

Jess: (Unhappily.) They dragged me to the mall.

Rory: Oh, don't complain you got to make out with Louise.

Lorelai: Really? Some random girl you picked up?

Rory: Louise goes to Chilton. She's part of Paris' threesome. They were there.

Lorelai: Oh, so Jess made out with Rory's enemy's friend?

Rory: Actually Paris and I called a truce.

Lorelai: (Teasingly.) So, Jess you going out with Louise again?

Rory: At least Louise is brighter than Madeline.

Jess: (Changing the subject.) So, Lorelai what did you do last night?

Lorelai: Nothing.

Jess: Sure...

Lorelai: What do you know?

Jess: (Smirks.) Only that you know how to manoeuvre yourself around a car very, very well while making out.

(Lorelai's eyes widen as she looks between Rory, who is staring down at her plate, to Jess then back at Rory.)

Lorelai: You were there?

Rory: Lane, Jess and I were sitting on the porch when you pulled up.

Lorelai: We didn't see you when we went into the house.

Rory: Because I decided it would be better if I stayed here and ran off.

Jess: Dragging me half way.

Lorelai: I mean...all the lights were off in the house and the jeep wasn't in the drive way. I just assumed...

Rory: Jess parked the jeep at the diner and we didn't feel like driving home after supper.

Lorelai: I mean...I wouldn't have if I had known...

Rory: It's alright really.

Jess: Yeah, I mean Luke loves to be woken up by Rory tripping over the table.

Lorelai: (Confused.) What?

Rory: It was dark and hard to see...

Jess: Oh, yes very hard to make out a large figure of a chair.

Luke: (Approaching their table.) Jess, back to work. The customers are waiting!

Rory: (Pipes up.) Oh, I forgot. Luke can you give me a job?

Luke/Lorelai: (Shocked.) A what?

Rory: (Sighs.) A job.

(Lorelai leans over and feels Rory's forehead.)

Lorelai: Are you sick?

Rory: No, yesterday Jess said that I couldn't keep a job for a day. I'm trying to prove him wrong. So, Luke, can I have a job?

Luke: Sure.

Rory: (Grins.) Great. When can I start?

(Jess hands Rory an apron.)

Jess: Now.

(Rory takes the apron and the coffee pot and looks around for someone to serve. Lorelai hold up her mug.)

Lorelai: Oh Ms. Waitress can I please get a cup of java?

(Rory nods and pours Lorelai a glass.)

Rory: Anything else?

(Lorelai contemplates this.)

Lorelai: Hmm...I'll have pancakes with a side order of fries and a cheeseburger.

(Rory shakes her head and walk away.)

Lorelai: Oh! No! Wait! Scratch the cheeseburger and fries.

Rory: Okay. So you only want the pancakes.

(Lorelai nods and Rory walks away again.)

Lorelai: Oh! Wait, wait! I want...eggs too.

Rory: You still want the pancakes then?

Lorelai: Yeah, and make it a double order. I'm starved.

(Rory turns around once more.)

Lorelai: Is it too late to change my mind?

(Rory returns to the table and sighs dropping her hands with the pen and pad to her sides. She looks at Lorelai exasperated.)

Rory: Mom! Come on!

Lorelai: Hmm...Are you giving me attitude? Luke! Your new waitress is giving me attitude!

(Lorelai and Rory then begin to bicker about Lorelai's order as Luke and Jess scurry around taking orders.)


A/N: Alright, it took me a lot of time, I know it's just I was trying to figure out where I wanted this chapter to go. I know that it seems odd that after his whole confession to Lane about loving Rory he would go and "make out" out with Louise but remember he doesn't think he has a chance with Rory. I don't think this is one of my better chapter but tell me what you think. Please review and I'll have the next chapter up as soon as possible.
