Okay, looks like I'm back to my usual one or two updates per weekend. Happy belated Halloween to you all! I hope yours was great! Anyways, here's Flora's story. Please excuse it's lame name.

"Alright Flora, terrify us." said an enthusiastic Harper.

"Believe me, you guys won't be disappointed." promised Sam.

"Alright then." Flora cleared her throat and commenced the story telling. "On a dark and stormy night, three little kids were taking an innocent walk in the forest when suddenly...

"Check it out!" gasped Calvin in awe of the pitch black looking area. "We've never been there before. Let's go explore!"

"Are you crazy?" snapped Billy. "It looks dark and scary."

"Don't be chicken Billy." the arrogant little saber cub taunted his little brother. "I've heard that there's a ghost haunting that place and I want to check it out."

"No way, no way, NO WAY!" Billy shook his head. He has always been scared of the dark and well, everything else. "You couldn't pay me to go into that creepy place. Plus if Mom and Dad find out, they're gonna get so mad."

"Wow." Calvin rolled his eyes. "You really are chicken."

"You leave him alone!" scolded Florence, the youngest of the litter. "If Billy won't do it, then I will!"

Calvin said nothing. Instead, he just burst out laughing.

"You?!" cackled Florence's horrible older brother. "What makes you think that you can do it pipsqueak?"

"Never call me pipsqueak again!" snarled Florence. "And I'll give you three reasons as to why I can't go there. One, I'm smart, two I'm quick, and three, I know that there's no such thing as ghosts, so when I go to the dark place, I'm so coming back to say 'I told you so'."

"Fine." huffed Calvin at his sister's stubbornness and arrogance. "Go ahead. Prove us wrong."

"Wish me luck." smirked Florence as she took a deep and slightly trembling breath.

"Are you scared?" taunted Calvin.

"No way." Florence shook her head, even though she was. The little girl marched into the woods with great confidence. Poor little girl. She was about to get a lot more than she bargained for.

"I'm not afraid, I'm brave. I'm not afraid, I'm brave." Florence would constantly repeat to herself. Every time she heard something out of the ordinary she just dismissed it as some annoying creature messing with her, or just the wind. Little did she know that she, an innocent, unsuspecting and vulnerable cub, was being watched. And it had horrible intentions. A pale, see-through ghost chimp flew out right in front of Florence.

"Not a great time to be wandering out here at this time of night, is it Florence?" asked the ghost.

"How do you know my name?" Florence trembled. "And you can't be a ghost, that's impossible, ghosts aren't real!"

"Yet here we are now." mocked the ghost. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Yet."

Doing what her instinct told her to do, Florence ran away as quickly as she could, but it was no use. The ghost caught up with her and flew into her nose, starting his process of possessing his host.

"And just where do you think you're going?" the ghost taunted her with his question.

"Get out of my body!" wailed Florence.

"Nah, I'll just stick around and enjoy the show."


Meanwhile, Billy was pacing in circles and hyperventilating at what could possibly be taking his sister so , even though he didn't show it, shared Billy's concern over her missing.

"Calvin, what if we lost Florence?" Billy's voice trembled.

"I'm sure she's fine." Calvin tried to be brave but his voice started to break as well. He suddenly lost it. "What if she got eaten by cannibals?! This is all my fault, if I would never-Florence!" Calvin stopped his sobs as if nothing happened and ran to his sister relieved she was okay.

"How did it go?" asked Calvin. "Did you see anything?"

"Yes." replied Florence plainly.

"What was it, was it a ghost?" questioned Billy nervously.

"It was things beyond our innocent imaginations." retorted Florence in a monotone voice.

"Are you okay?" Billy was starting to get concerned that something happened to his sister and left her traumatized.

Suddenly, Florence's eyes started glowing red and her face turned into a malicious scowl.

"I'LL BE OKAY WHEN YOU TWO DON'T SEE THE DAY OF LIGHT AGAIN!" she snarled. With so much unimaginable strength, she pounced at Calvin and Billy and pinned both of them down at once.

"Florence, what happened to you?!" cried Billy.

"Have you gone crazy?!" added in Calvin. "We're your brothers!"

"I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE TO ME!" hissed Florence has she swooped her unsheathed claws at her victims...

"And neither of the three were ever seen again." Flora finished with a spooky tone. "So what did you guys think?"

"Not bad." nodded Harper, partially impressed.

"Not bad?" Flora lowered an eyebrow. "I put a lot of thought in twisting the ending, I could get a little more feedback from you.

"Well I'll admit, I like the plot and characters, but the ending was, how should I put this? Oh yeah, kind of predictable."

"Yeah, what Harper said." agreed Bobby.

"Are you just saying that because you two-" Cash began but Sandy slapped his mouth shut.

"Don't spoil it for the viewers!" she said quickly.

"Why not, it's not like they don't know, they probably already got the hints."

"Okay, back to the point." Bobby continued. "Yes. But for someone who had something similar happen to them, this story sounds kind of familiar. At least to Cash and I."

"Well on the bright side, nice use of the ghost possessing Florence." counseled Sandy.

"I think it was a great story." Sam smiled reassuringly. "And I'm not just saying that because you're my girlfriend. I really did get chills down my spine."

"Thanks sweetie." Flora gratefully rubbed her head against Sam's cheek.

"Okay, let's see who's next." Sam spun the arrow and waited for it's next stop.


Sandy huh? Even though scary stories are not really her thing...

Sandy: I'll give it my best shot, don't worry.

Atta girl Sands. Anyways, see you all soon! :D