Danny slowly packed his school bag. The dreaded day had arrived. He, hero of the world was being punished. He had to go back to school.

Sam and Tucker decided that it would be best to go separately. Danny had decided to be invisible until he was in his seat.

It seemed like the safer option. Danny quickly changed into his trademark white top with the red oval, jeans and trainers. He quickly put his bag on his back, ruffled his hair and headed downstairs.

In the kitchen, Danny grabbed a apple and looked at the table where his mother was reading the newspaper, his father was stuffing his face and Jazz was reading a book.

"Good luck Danny" said his mother as she looked up.

"Thanks mum" smiled Danny as he took another bite of his apple.

"Danny-boy, I was wondering if we could have a chat when you got home" said Jack, his mouth empty at the table for the first time Danny could remember.

"Sure, I'll try to be home as soon as possible" said Danny, before he turned invisible. He transformed, and flew up in the air. He smiled as Jazz kept reading but waved in his general direction.

Danny flew through the roof of his house and straight to school. He quickly put his bag in his locker, and looked around.

Decorating the walls were signs like ; "Welcome Back Danny!", "Phantom for President" and a creepy pink one that Danny believe Paulina to have made. He made a mental note to avoid her. He check the clock at the end of the hall and saw that there wasn't long until first period so he quickly flew to his class.

Danny sat in his seat, and while still invisible, turned back to his human form. It seemed like the majority of his class were early. But he saw that Sam and Tucker had managed to get a seat between them. Right at the back of the room.

Danny believed them to be the best friend and best girlfriend ever.

They shivered a little when he sat down. The bell rang and the whole class looked at the door. Danny turned visible again and looked at his friends. They shrugged.

Mr Lancer walked in, looked around the class, saw that everyone was there and closed the door.

"Wait, Fenton isn't here yet" said Dash. Mr Lancer looked at him and closed the door. The class gasped.

Mr Lancer ignored them and went to his desk. He placed his case there and faced the class.

"Okay, tell me three facts about ghosts" he said.

"Their hot!" yelled Paulina.

"But that."

"They can fly" said Mikey.

"Very good, anything else."

"They can go invisible!" yelled Dash. Mr Lancer nodded.

"They can through solid objects" said Star.

"So why would Mr Fenton need to walk through the door when it would seem obvious that he would want to avoid everyone, do the three things you told me, and sit at the back of the class where no one would think to look."

The class all looked at the back and saw Danny, who blushed and waved.