Even Usopp, couldn't help but laugh, though he desperately tried to.

As Sanji had slowly, moved along the tables, singing, blinking at the people around him and now.. had sat himself right down on Zoro's lap, holding his left arm around Zoro's neck, rather seductively, while singing into the mic he held in his other hand.

Usopp was practically having his arm around Luffy, as Luffy had his arm around him, and they were both laughing their guts out.

"Shut up." Zoro hissed. "At least I am not the one wearing a bloody dress!"

That though, just made the two young men laugh even harder.

As Sanji finished a few last notes, and the entire hall, started to clap and whistle, as Sanji gave them a nod and a smile.

"Get.. Of me." Zoro hissed dangerously to Sanji.

"How rude." Sanji blinked. "You sound like some-one about to attack me."

At that, Zoro slipped up one of his swords with his finger.

"Easy Zoro-kun." Sanji hissed, then whispered. "I just wanted to get a few words in." he told. "Captain, i'm sorry about the dress, I know you forbade it."

"It's fine." Luffy grinned.

"Listen, i'll be done here in five minutes, they are asking I do three different songs. Will you stay put for so long?" Sanji asked.

Usopp blinked. "Is some-thing wrong?" he asked.

"I'll say there is." Sanji whispered. "Ivankov samas lovely darlings, isn't just here for fun. There are world nobles and their body guards in town." he told.

"Eh!?" Usopp's eyes widened.

"And they got their eyes on Luffy." Sanji sighed. "Being the revolutionary dragons son and all, they are spies right in here as we speak, as well as some new-world marines. The nobles weren't after us, but now that they run into us." he sighed deeply.

"Then what are they waiting for?" Luffy asked.

"For us to set sail, so they can shoot the ship to sink from afar." Sanji whispered. "Uh!" he blinked in a high squeel.

"What!? WHAT!" Luffy shouted.

"Nami darling!" Sanji exclaimed. "that dress looks simply devine on you! You go girl!" he beamed giving Nami a thumbs up.

"Oh." Nami blinked, for a moment having forgotten that Sanji wasn't entirely himself. "Thanks, Sanji-kun." she whispered.

And Sanji nodded, as he stood up, to much applaud of the room. "DARLINGS!" Sanji shouted to the room. "Thank you! Thank you all!" he cheered sending out air kisses. "I was thinking, my good friend and crew-mate here, Brook, is afraid I'll be taking his job as musician on the ship."

"Sanji-san, I didn't mean it." Brook blushed deeply. "In my old crew we were many musicians, the more the better."

"It's also silly, you are much more talented than me." Sanji chuckled, holding a hand to his mouth. "I was wondering if you would do me the honour and do a duet for the crowd?" he asked.

And all the okamas went amok with cries.

"Argh! I don't know what to say." Brook blushed, holding his face with his two hands. "Me, performing for such an audience? Why I am just a humble skeleton!"

"Get at it Brook!" Usopp laughed amused, hitting the tall skeleton on the back, so he almost fell off the chair.

"I would like to see that as well." Robin smiled amused.

At that Brook halted. "Ah! If it's for you Robin-san. ANY-THING!" he stated. "THEN MAYBE YOU'LL SHOW ME YOUR PANTIES!?" Brook shouted as he stood up.

To suddenly receive a pair of pink panties, with white thrills right in the face.

"Huh?" Brook blinked looking at the panties in his hand, as he had removed them.

"I LOVE YOU SOUL KING!" a shout suddenly sounded, from one of the Okamas in a pink dress.

Brook seemed like he had turned into a statue as he looked at the man, holding the panties in his skeleton hands.

Until Sanji cut in with a small laugh. "haha, thank you darling!" he air kissed at the Okama.

And Brook seemed to snap out of it as he shook his head, and threw the panties over his shoulder, before he headed right for the piano on the stage. "May I?" he asked the piano player.

"By all means!" the piano player exclaimed. "Could I maybe ask for your autograph to?" he asked excited.

"OF CAUSE!" Brook exclaimed taking out a pen, and then with a swing of his arm, made a big signature, right on the piano players book of sheet-music. Before he sat down, and stroke a chord on the piano.

"Hmm." Zoro frowned as he rubbed his chin down by the straw-hats table.

"You seem troubled Zoro-san." Robin softly pointed out.

"Huh?" Luffy blinked. "Zoro, some-things wrong."

"I'm just wondering what the heck shit-cook is up to." Zoro frowned. "Why did he pull Brook up there as well, it can hardly be without reason."

"Who knows." Usopp sighed deeply. "He is not himself these days remember."

Nami though as well frowned. "He did seem kind of calculating though." She pointed out. "It was like he had a purpose this time, so he changed and wasn't so silly. He is still Sanji you know." She informed. "When it matters, he does get serious."

"You still don't have me entirely convinced." Usopp admitted, swirling the content in his glass, looking at the sing duo on stage, singing 'Can any-one explain.' Up there.. Sanji of cause singing the part of the woman. "Man it's frightened how naturally good he actually is at that." He pointed out, looking at how good and elegant Sanji looked up on stage in his dress.

"And kind of funny." Zoro at last found out in a smirk. "So he is a queer-cook after-all." He smirked in a devilish grin.

"He is a natural." Robin smiled looking at the stage.

As the number ended, to much applause, and Brook took a bow, to join his crew-mates by the table.

"Wonderful Brook." Nami smiled.

"Thank you, Nami-swan." Brook bowed his head. "How-ever, from up there, I did suddenly realise." He told.

"Huh?" Usopp blinked.

"There, there, and there." Brook pointed around, at three different tables. "Those men don't look or behave like the rest, and the table right there." He pointed over the shoulder behind himself.

"Marines?" Nami asked.

"Does it matter?" Luffy asked. "Marines or what-ever, they are hoping to get to ivan-chan through his nakama."

"And then we just happened to be caught in the cross-fire." Nami sighed, putting a hand towards her forehead. "Well, I guess we could just sneak out. They don't have to know that we know we are here."

"Who says they don't all-ready know?" Zoro asked in a snort.

"Huh?" Nami and Usopp blinked at Zoro.

And Zoro merely pointed up, to where Sanji was blushing and deeply apologising to a man.

"Did you walk into me queer!?" The man sneered as he stood up.

"No, no, it was an accident." Sanji squealed as he stood up. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you." He told.

"That's not enough." The man hissed as he stood up raising a fist.

"But." Sanji swallowed.

The fist though, was up, and ready to come down.

"Luffy, we gotta do some-thing!" Nami exclaimed, grabbing Luffys robe.

"Man, it's weird seeing Sanji being helpless like that." Usopp quivered. "I don't like it."

And then the fist, zoomed down-wards.

Only for a big clash to sound, a man being send flying through the room, and right into the wall, through several tables.

And a blond cook, looking after him with wide opened eyes, looking at what had happened after he had kicked them man through the room. "Ups." Was all Sanji could say in a swallow.

"Well." Zoro sighed as he stood up. "Was fun as long as it lasted." He told in a slight shrug.

Just as several more men came towards Sanji. "You.." one of them hissed. "You're going to pay."

"Hehe." Sanji smiled a little embarrassed. Then he stood up and sighed, pulling out a ciggerate. "I'm sorry darling, violence is really not my style, but you are leaving me very little choice." He told.

And then in the next moment, Sanji jumped up, with dress and every-thing, to make a spinning kick, and kick even more men out in the room, to land a little awkward, tripping, as he tried to flatten down his dress over his leg.

"Well." Usopp as well sighed as he stood up, pulling down his hat, then grabbed Namis arm. "Time to go!" he stated and pulled Nami with him towards the exit.

"Wait Usopp, shouldn't we fight?" Nami asked.

"Our fighting styles, inside of this place?" Usopp asked looking at Nami. "We would end up destroying the entire building, worst case scenario, being buried under the brigs. Plus we could way to easily end up hurting our own inside of this mess." He stated, bowing down just as a chair came flying, and Nami glanced at the big brawl, to realise it was now just a mess of people, entangled in each other. Usopp was right, if Nami attacked in here, she would undoubtly end up hurting some-one she didn't intend to.

Usopp could probably make some precise shoots, with simple led bullets, but it wouldn't amount to much.

"Beside." Usopp sighed. "Zoro, Sanji, Robin and Luffy can handle themselves." He mumbled. "Lets just get to Franky and tell what we learned." He encouraged, pulling Nami with him out-side.

Though, on his way out.. a hand was slipped in, and gave Usopp's but a good dash. "ALL-RIGHT THAT'S IT!" Usopp yelled turning around, letting go of Nami. "Don't think I didn't see it was you, you've done it twice now." He hissed. "Unfortunately for you, I got some of the best eyes in the world, you bastard." Then Usopp loaded his Kabuto, and fired and object, that smashed into the face of a blond Okama, wearing a white dress. Sending him to the floor.

Nami blinked. "What was that?" she asked.

"Rotten egg." Usopp hissed, grabbing Namis wrist again, pulling her out.

"You STILL carrie around rotten eggs in your artillery!?" Nami asked. "After all of your upgrades? You just looked like a person whom had grown, and then a rotten egg?" she asked.

"Some-times, a rotten egg is just exactly what you need." Usopp shortly replied as they were out-side, and Usopp didn't hesitate to rip off the dress, to reveal a pair of shorts, and a bare torso underneath. "I thought you got it all-ready, we use what we happen to have as a weapon. That's what you did with the clima-tact, I never invented it to be used the way you did it."

"Call it joined brilliance." Nami then smirked.

And just behind them, a big crash sounded, as the entire building fell together in a big crash.

"Oh Jesus." Usopp sighed, putting his hands on his hips. "They over did it." He commented.

"Sanji or Zoro?" Nami asked.

"I'll say Zoro, the new Sanji is more careful about these sort of things." Usopp pointed out.

"The old Sanji would love to destroy such a place though." Nami pointed out. "A thousand Berries says it was Sanji."

"Deal." Usopp commented, neither of them having turned away from the collapsing building, just casually watched, as if it was the most normal thing ever.