28 November 2009
SORRY! This is not a new chapter! I simply did something wrong...
This story is currently under construction!
My Beta-Reader, iFluffRaver and I are working our way from the first chapter up to this one; improving the story with changes, details and new plot-bunnies.
And of course; editing the grammar and spelling.
I had lost my interest in the story, as some may have noticed, but because of working with iFluffRaver I've gained new inspiration and interest in MOONS!
So this story WILL be continued after all the chapters have been Beta-Read!
VG Jekyll
"I need to go to Hogwarts."
Elisabeth watched how Sirius stuffed the letter into one of his pockets and started to stalk around the room, in search of things he should take with him to aforementioned place.
"Did something happen to Harry?" she asked worried.
In the time she had spend with the man, she'd found out how much he cared about his godson. There didn't go by a day on which he complained about how unfair it was that he couldn't live in Hogsmeade where he could be closer to Harry.
"No, not Harry. It's my friend Remus Lupin, he needs my help. Perhaps you've met him? He's teaching at Hogwarts now," he remarked over his shoulder.
Because he sat hunched in a corner, riffling through some newspaper's he'd collected the last months, he didn't see the horrified look on her face.
"Sorry Liz; Japan will have to wait."
If you asked her later how they had gotten to Hogsmeade, Elisabeth wouldn't have been able to tell you. She felt ill and cold. She dreaded going to the large school and dragged her feet next to Padfoot.
The dog was quick and once in a while trotted back to bark at her, clearly willing her to move faster, but she couldn't get herself to do so. Each step would take her closer to doom. Somehow her senses told her that it would be best if she stayed clear of Hogwarts and certain people who could be found there.
The large black dog led her to a building she recognized to be The Shrieking Shack. She hesitated next to the broken gates and the dog, having enough of waiting for her, took a piece of her shirt in its beak and dragged her with him.
Her nose wrinkled and a shiver traveled over her spine at the familiar sensation the building gave her. The werewolf had been here, she could feel it as she stepped through window.
When she was inside, she immediately was faced with an annoyed Sirius Black. "Why are you so slow!" he complained. "Remus could be dying in the Infirmary for all we know, and yet you're holding me up."
"Well excuse me for being a nuisance!" she bit back, her nerves couldn't hold it any longer and her body started to shake uncontrollably.
The annoyed expression left Sirius face as he realized something was wrong with her.
"Liz… are you alright?"
She didn't look at him and let her gaze instead wander around the hallway of the shack in which they were standing. She was certain that every moment now, something could come around the corner and jump her.
"Can't I just wait for you in the forest? I'm sure you can do what you need to without me being there. I won't mind waiting. Honestly."
Her companion frowned and then quirked up a brow in question. "Why?"
She shrugged, trying to look nonchalant, but the shudders that shook her form spoiled the attempt. "I just don't feel like going to Hogwarts."
"Something is definitely up here," Sirius said with a suspicious look.
"Oh come on, I just don't want to meet a certain person there! That's all."
Sirius scrunched up his brow as he tried to remember something she'd told him before. "You mean the guy who tried to rape you is still there?"
She couldn't look him in the eye and that was enough for Sirius to make his own conclusions. "He is? Who is he? I will KILL him!"
"It's not about that!" she tried to explain, but he didn't listen as he was remembering yet another thing she'd told him.
"Hold up! Didn't you say it was the Defense teacher who had tried to-?" his mouth fell wide open as he connected the dots. "Moony molested you? Impossible!"
"He didn't! We're talking about different people here. Remus Lupin and I just… didn't get along."
"Is that really so?"
She nodded feverously and Sirius let go a relieved sigh, then he grabbed her hand and pulled her with him to the basement of the Shrieking Shack. "If it's really only that, then you won't mind coming with me." He decided for her, leaving her no choice but to follow him.
They didn't speak as they walked through the tunnel, Sirius' hand firmly wrapped around that of the vampire.
When they came out at the end of the tunnel and were out of the Whomping Willow's reach, Sirius turned into Padfoot again gave a low growl to the vampire, warning her to keep following him.
In front of the large doors of the castle she hesitated. "I've got a real bad feeling, Siri," she muttered to the dog. She was about to knock when the doors opened and she stood face to face with no other than Hogwarts' Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.
He didn't seem surprised to see her and nodded in greeting. "There's a visitor here for you," Albus said solemnly and Elisabeth could see from the look on his face that it was someone she wouldn't like to meet.
"For me?"
Sirius slid past her and the Headmaster into the castle and she glanced over the old man's shoulder. She couldn't see who he could mean, so she walked past him into the hallway where she could see some of the professors standing, as if they had been awaiting her arrival.
"Who?" she asked, just as the hairs in her neck sstarted to stand on an end.
"Hello Elisabeth…" a low voice whispered silkily beside her ear and Elisabeth didn't need to turn around to know to who the voice belonged to.
She jumped jerkily away from the other and was this time smart enough to have a wall near her back so no one could sneak up behind her again.
"Jared," she spat with as much dislike as she could muster in her voice.
The slim, dark-haired man smirked at her, showing off two sharp fangs. "Goodafternoon lovelyness, did you miss me?"
Elisabeth scowled at him. "Not particulary."
The dog was immidiately beside her and growled threatening at him. Jared wrinkled his nose as he as he glanced a bit surprised from the large dog to Elisabeth. He then snorted with contempt. "Apparently you don't miss Luce either. Honestly, with a dog? I thought you were above beastiality!"
She snarled enraged at him. "Shut your loathsome mouth about Lucifer, you defective mistake!"
"Hey, I'm your mistake! At least I-" his eyes fell on her neck and a distracted look crossed over his face and he motioned to his own neck. "That is a-you have a-why do you have-"
He glanced up into her angry red eyes as comprehension appeared in his own crimson ones.
"Why is there a werewolf mark on your neck?" he asked disturbed. His eyes widened and he whirled around to stare incredulous at a certain amber-eyed professor.
Remus had stayed at the sidelines, a bit behind the enormous figure of Hagrid, even though he'd wanted to push the man aside and wrap his arms around the large black dog when it had scuttered in past Albus.
When Elisabeth had come in after the large dog, his heart had felt just a little bit lighter. But he had stayed hidden, wanting to know how her reaction would be to the other vampire.
Was he her lover?
Somewhere in the pit of his stomach he could feel something rumble naggingly.
He involuantary stepped up from behind the half-giant when the unknown vampire had said something about beastiality, and then the dark haired vampire turned around to stare shocked at him.
"Why are you mated, not only to a flea-bitten mutt, but also a disgusting werewolf?" He shouted back at the female vampire, his exclaimation startled all in the hall and caused serveral reactions.
Elisabeth quickly put a hand on the mark in her neck, finally recognizing it for what it was.
The whole faculty stared at Remus, now processing the thought that Remus had slept wih Elisabeth, while both Remus and Padfoot stared at each other with the words 'mated with both the mutt as the werewolf' roaming through their heads.
Jared widrew disgusted away from Elisabeth. "How disgusting! If Lucifer knew-"
"But he doesn't!" Elisabeth screamed back at him. "Lucifer is gone and he will never come back! I guess that was the reason why you came for me, isn't it? Jared? You thought with him gone, I would be free game. Well, forget it! I'd rather die then be with you ever again!"
"That's a bit harsh. After all; didn't you make me just so you wouldn't be alone? You made me to accompany you, so you're responsible for me."
"You were nothing but a bloody mistake!"
"Or so you keep saying, yet fact is you still made me."
She stared for a long agonizing moment at him before turning around and stalking back out of the large doors of Hogwarts. She wanted to run away.
To Be Continued