A/N: Hello lovely readers. Thank you for the reviews, for following and anyone who has added this as a favourite story.

Enjoy this chapter.

Chapter Nine - Final Chapter

Harry was starting to get frustrated with having to keep quiet. He was extremely relieved when Scorpius was put to bed for the night.

Draco returned and kissed Harry on top of his head. He was still standing and Harry was sat on a kitchen chair. Draco straightened up and smiled down at Harry, for the first time in a long time he felt happy – contented with his life.

"Scorpius talked a fair bit today," Harry commented.

Draco gave Harry a wicked smile, "What do you think you are doing? Scorpius made a deal, no talking remember!" he shook his head, in mock disappointment.

Harry blinked up at him, "What? I thought now Scorpius was in bed I could talk again."

Draco wiggled his index finger at Harry in a gesture adding to his scolding, "No. I'll tell Scorpius you went back on your word. You have to stay quiet all night."

Harry gaped at Draco, "I can't do that. You'd tell on me? You little grass. It will be a boring night if I cannot talk to you." He hoped the last part would change Draco's mind.

"Yes, but I was thinking if you cannot talk then you will not be able to say no when I try it on." He explained.

Harry laughed, "Nice try but it isn't going to work."

Draco slipped elegantly into the chair next to Harry, "Stubborn git."

Harry patted his shoulder, "I know I am. But I really think Astoria will be reasonable and the divorce will be settled out of court soon."

Harry suddenly thought of something very important he forgot to tell Draco. When he investigated Astoria he discovered that she was planning on putting Scorpius into boarding school when he turns four.

Draco looked over at Harry's stricken face, "Do not worry I will not really tell Scorpius you broke the deal." He joked.

Harry shook his head, "Shit Draco…I'm so sorry. I forgot. I should have told you sooner."

Draco was getting worried now, "What is it, Harry?"

"I found out that Astoria is going to put Scorpius into a boarding school when he turns four," Harry confessed.

"No fucking way is she doing that. If she does not want him around, then I'll have him." He fumed.

Draco stormed out of the kitchen and into his study, he threw some floo powder into the fireplace and called Daphne's address.

Eventually, Daphne appeared. She looked surprised to see him.

"Draco, is something the matter? Is it Scorpius?" She hoped he had not been taken ill.

"Just get that scheming cow of a sister will you." He bit out.


"Just do it!" he ordered.

She looked at him disapprovingly and disappeared to go get Astoria. Astoria came into view and blanched at the sight of Draco's expression.

"How could you? You have not even discussed it with me." He seethed.

She squared her shoulders, "At least give me an indication as to what you are referring to." She snottily responded.

"I am referring to the fact you were going to ship OUR son off to boarding school as soon as he turns school age. Without consulting me might I just add." He was pissed off.

He felt bad about sending Scorpius away to boarding school when he goes to Hogwarts, but that was the way it had to be if they wanted him to have a decent magical education. He could deal with that, but sending him away when he was only four – was cold hearted.

"It was only an idea, I looked into the various schools to gauge prices and what the accommodation would be like. I had not made a final decision. I would have spoken to you first." She defended herself.

"Like fuck would you. Why? If you want to focus on the new baby and your new life, then fine. But let him live with me full time. We can still have joint custody, and you can see him more frequently than you would if he was at boarding school." He reasoned.

She looked thoughtful.

"Do not refuse me just because we have split up and you want to get back at me. This is not about you or me, it is about Scorpius. If you need some time with your new family, then what is best for Scorpius is being with his father permanently. Not at some strange school, alone and abandoned." He hoped she would see sense.

She seemed to be having an internal battle, most likely struggling with what was best for Scorpius and just pissing Draco off. Eventually, she settled for saying, "Okay I will contact my solicitor, I will request joint custody, but give my permission for him to stay with you full time. I need to get my life in order for the new arrival and my future husband."

Draco breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you. Goodbye, Astoria." With that, he ended the call before she responded.

Draco returned to Harry in the kitchen. "She has agreed to allow Scorpius to live with me permanently," Draco informed Harry.

Harry beamed and stood to kiss Draco, "That's brilliant news."

"Yeah, it is, if she sticks to what she said." Draco would not get his hopes up until he saw the official legal binding document.

Harry said his goodbyes and returned home. He had not been staying over at Draco's because the temptation was too much if they shared a bed together. He would be around Draco's house every available moment he had spare. For breakfast before work, on his lunch break and even after work for the whole evening before returning home to sleep.

When Harry arrived at Draco's the next morning, Scorpius was sat in his booster chair at the table, munching on a selection of fruits.

"Morning Mini D," Harry said to Scorpius.

Scorpius frowned, "Scorpius."

Harry made a show with his hands, "No I'm Harry, not Scorpius."

Scorpius giggled, "No. Me Scorpius."

Harry continued to pretend to not understand, "Sorry, maybe you should repeat that in a proper sentence Mini D. I don't understand."

Scorpius thought for a moment and then replied in a clear and haughty voice, "Harry, I am Scorpius, not you. You are Harry."

Harry smiled, "Oh now I understand you. See you just need to talk properly and clearly."

Harry walked over to Draco and kissed his temple, "Morning."

"Mini D?" Draco asked as he arched an eyebrow.

Harry looked sheepish, "Ah well he is a spitting image of you, so you are big D – but that's weird because that was my cousin's name so maybe I will drop that..."

"Harry you're rambling," Draco said with amusement.

"My point was that you're big D and he is mini D, but that's not going to work. So I'll think of something else. What! Stop looking at me like that. What?" Harry felt vulnerable under Draco's piercing gaze.

Draco kissed him, "Nothing. Just happy that I can experience all of who you are, cute rambling and all."

"Hey, I'm not cute. I'm …." Harry could not think of anything to say.

Draco laughed, "What I meant was before we were not in a proper relationship and we had to snatch moments together. Most of those moments centred around – well around the bedroom. But now I can experience all the aspects of being with you. Silly conversations, kisses, eating together – you know normal things that I longed for before but could not have."

Harry grinned, "Oh I see. So will I see a cute side to you?"

Draco shook his head, "Nope. I do not do cute."

Harry looked sceptical, "Really.?! You're pretty damn cute when you're with Scorpius."

Draco relented, "Okay I'll give you that. But you are too – it's Scorpius he makes everyone turn into goofy happy cutesie people."

Scorpius looked up at his name, "I do. I do." He chanted, "Daddy, I want to talk now. No more quiet." He declared.

Draco stood and kissed his cheek, "Good to hear. Daddy will teach you to talk in proper, full sentences, though. Maybe expand your vocabulary too."

Harry chuckled, "Draco, he's three. If he wants to say small simple words let him."

"I certainly will not. He is not stupid." Draco looked back at Scorpius.

"Son, Daddy will give you a word and tell you what it means. I want you to give me another word to describe the same thing." He informed him.

"Ok, Dada."

"Your word is sad. That means someone is not happy they feel sad. Can you think of another word for sad?" Draco asked.

Scorpius thought, "Miserable."

Harry eyebrows shot up in shock, "Wow."

Draco smiled, "Yes well done. Where did you learn that?"

Scorpius shrugged, "Mummy said she hopes you will be miserable." he had not realised what he said and carried on eating.

Harry laughed, "Astoria really does not like you huh?"

Draco snorted, "Scorpius can you give me another word for smiling?"

Scorpius nodded, "Grinning. Harry is doing it." Scorpius pointed.

Draco beamed and praised him.

He returned next to Harry, "He has the ability to be very smart, give him more credit."

Harry agreed, "Okay he will be a smart ass, but let him be a child too."

Draco rolled his eyes, "Of course I will. Idiot."

Harry smiled, "Prat."

Scorpius yelled, "Idiot Prat." then he yelled louder, "Daddy can I go play, you idiot prat."

Harry clamped his mouth shut and swallowed the laughter that was dying to burst forth.

Draco sighed, "Scorpius you are not to repeat those words again. Harry and I were wrong to use them. You may go play but only if you ask nicely."

Scorpius pouted, "Please daddy can I go play?"

Draco unfastened his safety buckle, that kept Scorpius strapped in and lifted him to the floor. "You can play for half an hour and then I will come get you dressed."

Scorpius had no idea how long half an hour was, he nodded and ran to the corner of the dining room that held a small tub of toys.

Harry embraced and kissed Draco quickly, stole some toast and then headed to work. He would not take any more time off as Draco's court case did not seem to be complicated anymore. He will have one day leave when Draco is due to meet with Astoria and finalise the divorce, just to support Draco. But other than that he returned to his usual schedule.

It was strange being in Draco's life and it does not involve sex – not yet anyway. Harry liked seeing all the other aspects of being with Draco. Just spending time together, sharing meals and talking – was amazing, a nice change to how their relationship started off. But he did miss the sex, not just any sex – sex with Draco. That was what he really wanted, he seemed to connect with Draco, their minds, bodies and magic worked together during intimacy.

Harry hoped that now Astoria has agreed to allow Draco to look after Scorpius, the divorce proceeding will take place soon. Harry was holding out hope, hope that it would be done by next week.

The following morning Draco informed him that as he and Astoria were no longer disagreeing on the big issues, his solicitor has set up the relevant meeting to dissolve their marriage next Wednesday. Harry thanked whatever guardian angel heard his earlier request, pleased that by next week they could be intimate again.

Harry pulled Draco close and immersed himself in the familiar and wonderful scent of Draco. He kissed his neck, smelling Draco's natural scent, with his shower gel, cologne and his conditioner in his hair. It had become an addiction for Harry, every morning he had to nuzzle against Draco and take his fill to get him through the day.

"Mmm, you smell so alluring," Harry mumbled against Draco shoulder.

Draco smiled, "You could too if you groomed properly." He teased.

Harry let his hands travel down Draco's back until they came to a rest on his backside.

"You're horny this morning. It is a good job Astoria has Scorpius." Draco ran his hands through Harry's hair at the back.

Harry was not really paying attention to what Draco was saying. He was too busy kissing Draco's neck, jaw and face.

"Next Wednesday is ages away," Harry complained.

Draco smirked, knowing he could get Harry back for all those times Draco wanted sex and Harry had refused.

Draco managed to step away from Harry, "Yes but remember no sex until I'm divorced. Now would you like coffee?" He casually walked to the coffee pot.

Harry grunted, "Tosser. I'm practically throwing myself at you and now you decided, that no you don't want sex."

Draco nodded, "Yep. It is what you really want. I'm just helping you stick to it."

Harry huffed, "It is your fault I'm so horny. Look at you. Bloody irresistible git." Harry whined as he sat at the table.

Draco chuckled and handed Harry his coffee.

"No need to look so fucking smug Draco. I might go take care of myself in the bathroom, and I won't let you watch." He grumpily said.

Draco raised his eyebrows briefly, "You do that, see if I care." He did but he was not going to let a sulking Harry dictate to him.

"You are acting like Scorpius though. So this is your warning, you continue with this attitude and I will put you in time out." Draco deadpanned.

Harry cracked a smile at that, then laughed. "Okay, I'll get over myself. Now can I sit on your lap if I behave for the rest of breakfast?"

Draco threw a piece of toast at him.

"I was being serious," Harry said as he stood, walked over and he straddled Draco in his chair. Kissing him fully on the lips, slipping his tongue and getting his quick fix of Draco before work.

Eventually, it was time for Harry to leave, he kissed Draco softly and gently. He climbed off Draco and was pleased to note he was not the only one turned on by their make out session.

"My quick fix has been sorted. I can't make it to dinner this evening I'm dining with Ron and Hermione. See you tomorrow morning for tomorrow's fix." Harry kissed him goodbye and left.

Harry updated Ron and Hermione about the situation. They were not completely happy about it, but they knew it was Harry's life and if Harry wanted to go straight into a relationship as soon as Draco had gotten divorced, that was Harry's decision.

They had accepted that Harry was in love with Draco, they did not see the point in arguing against his choice in partner. Harry would not be happy with anyone else, but they told him to go slow, not to rush things. To be cautious and to get used to being with Draco in a proper relationship. Harry nodded and agreed just to be polite. But he could not give a shit what they thought, yes that was probably harsh of him. But he knew he loved Draco, and that Draco loved him. Harry had felt this way since the eighth year, he'd waited long enough.

The next day at breakfast Harry could not attack Draco, as Scorpius was there.

"Morning Harry. Astoria dropped the little man off last night. With all his stuff, he's now home permanently" Draco informed him.

Harry beamed and hugged Draco quickly, "That's brilliant."

Harry walked over to Scorpius, "Hello, Blondie." Harry ruffled his hair.

Scorpius pouted, and Harry laughed, "I think he takes after you Draco. He hates having his hair messed up." Harry called looking over his shoulder at Draco.

Draco shook his head, "Yes it is annoying when idiots do that."

Harry snickered, "You hear that? Your daddy called me an idiot. Charming."

Scorpius pouted, still sulking. Harry sighed he really was a mini Draco. Harry pulled out his wand and made various objects and breakfast things dance around the table. Scorpius laughed and clapped his hands, sulk forgotten.

"Again. Again." He called happily as they stopped dancing.

Draco joined Harry and kissed his temple, "You've done it now. He will gripe as soon as you stop."

Harry shrugged, "That's alright I'll be going to work. So you can deal with the fallout." He cheekily told Draco.

Harry laughed, Draco was pulling the same face that Scorpius had pulled when he was unhappy.

"Do you want me to make something dance to cheer you up?" he joked.

Draco smirked, "Okay. You can dance for me Wednesday night." He smugly told Harry.

Harry blanched, "I can't dance." He protested.

Draco sipped his coffee, casually replying, "It's not exactly dancing, more of a strip."

Harry realised why Draco had said Wednesday. He would officially be divorced then, their sex ban would be over. He wanted Harry to strip, Harry thought he could manage that.

"You're on." he answered as he snatched some toast off the toast rack, as it danced by.

They had just under a week until Wednesday and Harry knew that it would drag worse than the week before Christmas.


Harry was right, the days until Wednesday were going so slow, Harry wondered if someone had cast a spell to make time go backwards. However, Wednesday did eventually come around, Harry offered to take the day off to support Draco at the divorce hearing, but he said no. He did not want Astoria or the press to turn it against them.

The press had not left them alone since Astoria announced that they had been together on and off since eighth year. They would love to get a picture of them together, and a picture of Harry with Draco at his divorce hearing would clearly send the message that they were most definitely on again.

Harry was not bothered about the press or what the public thought. But he would respect Draco's request. Also when Scorpius grows up and reads back over the newspapers, he would not be happy to see his father had an affair, and the man who so-called broke up his parent's marriage was with him at the divorce hearing. So Harry stayed away, counting down the seconds until he could leave work and go to Draco's.

He left work at six, returned home showered and changed. Packing an overnight bag for the first time since Draco confessed that he and Astoria had split up. Harry knew that the divorce had been granted, he received an owl from Draco, and the evening edition of The Daily Prophet covered it – front page news.

The newspaper speculated to the reasons why Astoria had a sudden turnaround. One moment she was out to get everything, all of the money, assets and Scorpius. Then the next she was giving Draco custody, not asking for the family home and only taking an equal share of the money. Rita Skeeter claimed that Draco was threatening her, making her back down. Harry was angry when he read that, but they would soon find out. In six months time, she'd have a baby and anyone with a brain can work it back, and realise she was pregnant when the divorce was happening.

When Harry arrived at Draco's he found him bathing Scorpius. Harry joined them and watched as Scorpius played with his toy boats.

"How does it feel?" Harry asked he knew Draco would know what he was referring to.

Draco turned to look at Harry, "Feels great, yet strange. I wanted this do not get me wrong, but it is now official I failed as a husband and am now a divorcee. I never wanted the marriage in the first place, I should have listened to you that day. You tried to stop me."

Harry moved over so he was sat next to Draco on the floor. He put his arm around him and kissed the top of his head.

"I'm glad you didn't listen to me that day. Yes it hurt like hell, yes I was broken and a mess after you still married her. But if you didn't and you ran away with me, you would have eventually started resenting me. I would have stopped you from having an heir, so yes the marriage was a sham and it hurt a lot of people. But you got Scorpius and so it was all worth it. I'm just glad you decided to come back to me." Harry quietly said. Scorpius was busy playing to really pay attention to them.

Draco looked pained, "I am really truly sorry for what I put you through. If we spent the rest of our lives together, it still will not make up for the hurt and pain I caused you. But you should know, I was hurting too. Watching you as you tried to forget me, move on and date other wizards – it was tough. But let us not look to the past, instead look to our future." He half smiled, his eyes full of sorrow.

Harry agreed, "Yes what a perfect suggestion. And what do you mean 'if' we spend the rest of out lives together? No if about it. Now I actually have you, I'm never letting you go. I've wanted this, us, since I was eighteen."

They kissed one another for a long time until Scorpius splashed water over Draco. Then Draco had to give a warning, wash Scorpius hair and then get him out. Once he was dried, and in pyjamas, Draco put him to bed and read a story. Scorpius soon fell asleep, Draco set up an alarm that would alert them if Scorpius was out of bed and out of his room.

Harry was not sure if Draco was torturing him, he had insisted that they eat dinner and let the food settle before moving things to the bedroom. Admittedly Harry was hungry and the food was very nice, as was the drinks with dinner. He did not know why he was nervous, he had slept with Draco countless times, but this time was different. This was felt like the first time all over again. They had not slept together in ages, and this would be the first time since Draco was officially single – divorced.

After they had a few drinks and had a very steamy make-out session on the sofa, Draco took Harry by the hand and led him to his bedroom. Draco released Harry's hand and sat in a chair.

"You promised me a strip." He said with amusement.

Harry flicked his wand and the light dimmed, and the wireless played some music quietly. Harry swayed his hips and slowly started removing his clothes one item at a time. He smiled and laughed, to show Draco he was comfortable with what he was doing.

Harry made sure that he approached Draco every now and again while he was undressing. He would kiss his mouth and body. Get close enough to Draco so that he could touch him, but back away when he reached out for him.

"Tease," Draco called as Harry danced out of his reach.

Harry had started the strip by taking off his socks. Draco had rolled his eyes, Harry threw them at him. Then he unbuttoned his shirt, but he did not remove it yet. Leaving it hanging open, giving Draco a glimpse of his torso. Leaving a bit to the imagination, teasing him. Harry swayed his hips and turned occasionally to give Draco a different view.

Turning to face Draco again, he removed his belt and unbuttoned his trousers. He let his trousers fall to the ground, stepping out of them. Now he was standing in his opened shirt and tight boxers.

He winked at Draco as he removed his shirt, slowly and carefully. Now that he was virtually naked Harry walked towards Draco slowly, pulled him up and held him close to his body. He kissed him fiercely and started undoing Draco's own buttons.

The sexual tension was thick, they had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Harry was nervous, excited and very aroused – he felt like an inexperienced teenager. Just reaching out and sliding the shirt off Draco's shoulders was so erotic. It did not help that Draco had such an intense look in his eyes, as he gazed at Harry.

All this waiting, the building of expectations and anticipation was finally reaching a tipping point. Harry thought it was like riding a roller coaster, that long build up as the ride climbs the steep track, to suddenly drop, makes it so satisfying. Everything they were doing was leading up to sex, and Harry was craving it. Longing for it, he wondered if he'd even make it that far. He hoped he would not climax before they got to the good bit.

Harry trailed his hands all over Draco's torso, closing in and kissing him deeply as he gripped Draco's back. Draco pushed his hands under Harry's waistband and was currently groping Harry's bottom.

Draco broke the kiss to trail kisses down Harry's jaw and neck, stepping closer connecting their bare chests.

"Fuck I've missed this." He gasped next to Harry's ear.

Harry had decided he was going to bottom this time, as he had various boyfriends and was sexually active. Draco had not had sex, or anal sex for years, so it would be better if he topped.

Harry pulled back and climbed onto the bed, removing his underwear as he went. Draco lips curved into a satisfied smirk. He quickly removed the rest of his restrictive clothes and summoned a bottle of massage oil.

"I'm going to worship you tonight. I should have done this years ago and not run away from the truth – I love you and I want to show you how much." He declared confidently.

He crawled up the bed and straddled Harry, kissing him for a moment before he began his worshipping.

Harry watched as Draco massaged, kissed tenderly, licked and nipped all over his body – Draco had a look of awe, appreciation and adoration as he worked Harry into a frenzy.

Harry wanted to reach out and do the same to Draco, but he knew Draco wanted and needed to do this, almost as if every touch was a silent apology to Harry.

Draco would focus his attention on one part of Harry's body in its fullness—the way it looked, the way it feels, the way it smelt. He would spend ages admiring and worshipping each part, He was currently paying attention to Harry's chest and abdomen, just looking at it, touching it, smelling the skin, kissing it lightly, admiring its every feature.

Harry was enjoying every second, yet he was desperate for more, for Draco to at least touch his genitals. The wait and the build up was slowly killing him.

"Draco..." He begged.

Draco told Harry to get on all fours, top half bent forwards leaning on the bed, ass in the air. Harry gave a sharp intake of breath as he felt Draco gently lick Harry's entrance. Draco had never in all their time together touched Harry there with his mouth or tongue. Draco was clearly sending Harry a message, that he would love and worship him and was willing to do this for him, to him. It spoke volumes.

The energy in the room, the feel of his magic was incredible, it was sensual, deeply intimate, loving, and even passionate. It was not suffocating, but it was heavy in the air and Harry had to try really hard not to ruin it all by coming early.

"Oh...fuck." Harry cried out as he felt the tip of Draco's tongue dart out and lap at him.

Harry reached back and pulled his cheeks apart further, giving Draco a spectacular sight and better access. Draco blew over the exposed hole, gently massaging Harry's legs as he buried his face in Harry sucking and licking around and in Harry. Draco seemed to be enjoying it too, he was getting into it – he had always liked having control and power over Harry. He certainly controlled Harry's pleasure. Harry was moaning continually and occasionally swearing and calling out.

Then Draco did something he thought he would never do in his life, he spat. He spat on Harry's hole, spreading it around the outside with his finger – fuck it was hot. He obviously been watching muggle porn films, but Harry did not care it felt too damn good.

Harry begged, pleaded and whimpered – he felt like crying it was amazing yet not enough.

"Draco..." Harry pushed back, "Please..."

Harry felt Draco withdraw and thank god, he felt Draco push the head of his cock into him.

"Yes...yes...fuck yes." Harry was ready, so ready for it.

Draco gave a long loud moan, "Feels so good." He pushed all the way in.

Even though Draco had not had sex in a long time he managed to set a steady and firm rhythm, he ran his hands all over Harry, reaching around and lightly touching his erection.

Draco was moaning too and how Harry had missed his delicious moans and strange noises that Harry couldn't even explain. Harry moved too, in sync with Draco's movements and thrusts.

Harry crawled forwards so Draco slid out of him and then he pushed Draco on the bed. He climbed on him and lowered himself onto Draco. He wanted to see Draco;'s face as he moaned, look into his eyes and see passion and love, but most of all he wanted to kiss him.

Draco was bucking his hips up, thrusting into Harry, as Harry lifted himself on and off – bouncing on top of Draco. He kissed Draco was such force and hunger, running his hand over and tugging on Draco's nipple.

"I cannot last..." Draco apologised as he arched up and climaxed, Harry continued to ride him hard so his orgasm came and intensified.

"Fuck...Harry..." Draco moaned.

Harry was pumping himself and came at the sound of Draco's cries of pleasure, so loud and sensual. Harry moved forwards to breathe in Draco's scent by his neck.

Harry stayed like that for a long time and it felt good, to know that Draco would not ask him to get off and get out like he did at Hogwarts. Instead, Draco caressed his back and whispered, "Fuck, I love you so much."

Harry chuckled against his neck, pulling back to look at his face, "Yes that's easy for you to say post orgasm." He teased.

Draco reached out and tucked Harry's hair behind his ear, "No. It was never easy for me to say it. All those post orgasm moments at Hogwarts and not once did I tell you what I was dying to say. Even the moments when we were not having sex, or immediately after I felt the same. It feels wonderful now I have the freedom and courage to tell you what I should have told you all those years ago. I love you Harry, always have and always will."

Harry could not stop the huge smile that broke across his face, his eyes locked on Draco's eyes. So clear and full of pure love.

"I love you too, and your tongue. I never realised how long that tongue was before, my gosh it's a great fucking tongue." He complimented, remembering how Draco rimmed him earlier.

Draco looked smug, "I guess that means you'll keep me around huh?"

Harry nodded and kissed him until he felt Draco's cock stir inside him. Harry smiled against his lips, almost time for round two.

- THE END – (Unless I do an epilogue)