"April." Alex called out as they passed in different directions on the stairs leading to headquarters "I heard what happened yesterday. How are you doing?"

"I'm alright." Shrugging, April tapped the sunscreen bottle against her hand. "Work is keeping me busy."

"Have you given any more thought to the counseling we discussed last week?"

April nodded hesitantly. "I actually have a session later on today."

Alex didn't look totally convinced, but went with it. "Okay, good."

"I should get back."

"Go. We'll talk later." Waving her off, she watched as April disappeared around the building, before heading in.



He put the pot back into the machine. "You look like you've just encountered someone causing trouble. Coffee?"

"No, thanks." She paused in between collecting her thoughts. "I just had a talk with April."

"I bet that was fun." Mitch took a sip. "I saw her walk out of here but haven't gotten a chance to speak with her since she came back."

"Yeah...well, I know it can't be easy for her being back here, and having everyone ask how she's doing. I can't help but notice that she seems to be avoiding us and everyone else here at Baywatch as much as possible.

"It's her first day back. She probably just needs time to adjust and get back on her feet. So if that means that we have to act like everything's normal, then that might be the way to go."

Alex closed her eyes momentarily. "You're probably right. I can't stop thinking about the day I found her crying hysterically in the shower. I listened to her blame herself over and over again, and then had to literally had to drag her out of here when you brought his wife in."

"She was pretty upset when I had to break the news. Probably just as upset as the wife was."

"April did say she had an appointment later on today, but I think she's going to keep blaming herself until she gets help."

"Which you already suggested. April is smart, we just have to believe that she'll make the right decision." He mentioned, feeling her doubts about the situation.

April scanned the beach with her binoculars, as she sat up on the tower. She couldn't help but smile as she watched two young girls building their own versions of sandcastles, while their mothers soaked up the sun. Another mom was at the water's edge with her son, both splashing each other back and forth. And then there was a man that looked like he was getting ready to swim a marathon as he paced himself in the water.

She knew by now not to discount anything and kept an eye on everyone, especially those who were in the water, or were getting in. It only took a few minutes to get in trouble and drown, no matter if the water was choppy or not.

Focusing, she scanned over the beach again and felt quite satisfied that things were okay there. Then she scanned over the water again, which turned out to be quite lively in most places. More people were out in the water now than a few minutes before-which made it harder to keep an eye on everyone-at least she wasn't the only one watching out for the beachgoers.

Her stomach fluttered slightly as she no longer saw the man swimming in the water. Her first instinct was that he had gotten out, but when she saw him floating face down in the water, she absently pulled the phone off the hook and grabbed the rescue can.

All the many hours of experience kicked in as she ran across the sand and dove into the water; steadily pacing herself until she had reached the man. As she was heading back, Mitch had dove in and met her halfway, taking the man from her so she could swim in.

"He's not breathing." April called out, keeping two fingers underneath his chin and blew in two deep breaths, while Mitch got in position to start chest compressions.


"Ambulance is on their way." Alex appeared beside her. "What do you need?"

"We might need the defibrillator." Mitch offered as soon as he was finished with the compressions. April took over checking for any signs of the man breathing on his own; when she found that he wasn't, she gave him two more breaths.

"Come on." April pleaded quietly, counting the compressions in her head as he went along, while Alex fired up the defibrillator.

"Clear." He took the paddles after they had charged and gave him an electric jolt.

"Still nothing." April called out, giving him another couple breaths.

"Charging to two fifty." Another jolt and the man coughed up a small amount of water; his face still pale, but some color was returning slowly as help arrived.

"What happened?" The man inquired hoarsely, trying to catch his breath. "One minute I was out swimming in the ocean and now I'm lying here on the beach." He looked from Mitch to Alex, then up to April.

"I found you unconscious in the water and since you weren't breathing, we had to use CPR and the defibrillator to get you back."

"The defibrillator?" He pointed to the machine sitting off to the side, then groaned already knowing the answer.

"I think you're going to be okay." Alex chimed in, noticing April's discomfort with how close this situation had been to the last one; the only exception being that she had actually rescued the guy and brought him back to life.

"Thank you."

"In here guys." Alex ushered the EMT's in, which allowed April to step back and take in a few heaving breaths.

"Why don't you take a break?" Mitch broke through her thoughts as the EMT's loaded the man onto the stretcher.

April looked at her watch and sighed tiredly. "Can't. I have an appointment in about an hour."

Mitch nodded a few times, folding his arms across his chest. "I heard about that." when she didn't go on, he motioned. "I know it's probably not something that you want to do, but it's something that we all have to do at some point."

"I know."

"You wouldn't want to be late." He nodded farther down the beach. "Just make sure you have the paperwork on my desk when you come in tomorrow morning." She nodded and disappeared down the beach; to her relief, Alex noticed that for the second time this week.

As she reached for her keys, April was a bit startled seeing when she saw an unexpected figure standing by her apartment door. "Daniel, what are you doing here?"

"Don't you remember? We have reservations at Providence tonight." He reminded her gently as she slid the key into the lock.

"I'm sorry." She shook her head. "Work has been crazy lately and I-"

"You forgot." He guessed, finishing her thoughts and they walked into the quaint but cozy apartment.

April rubbed at her eyebrow in irritation as she set her purse down onto the couch. "I'm sorry. What time is the reservation at Providence?"

"Six." At that, her expression crumbled as she sat down on the couch. "Did something happen at work today that you want to tell me about?"

Her eyes were full of guilt as he sat down beside her. "Nothing happened today."


"Today, I saved a man."

"That's good." His momentary happiness faded, seeing her lips quivering. That's not good?"

"No...it is." Her eyes were full of unshed tears. "I just never thought I would lose someone, or think about how I would react."

There was a look of confusion as he wiped the stray tear running down her cheek with his thumb. "You can't keep blaming yourself for what happened."

The room fell silent for several minutes, before she gained the courage to continue. "Alex wants me to get counseling."

"Your boss?"

"Yeah. Well she's one of them anyway." She scrubbed at her face, a hint of fear filling her expression. "I don't think I can go."

"You don't think you can? Or you don't want to?" Taking her hand, he squeezed it lightly- mostly in effort to let her know that he was here for her. "What time is your appointment?"

She sighed deeply. "Six."

There was a thoughtful pause as he kissed the side of her head. "Tell you what-why don't you get dressed for dinner and I'll see if I can push the reservations to seven. We'll have a nice dinner and then we can talk about this some more." Reluctantly she moved her tired body off the couch, feeling more worn then just a few minutes ago.

She stifled a yawn as she went into the bedroom without another word. When she returned, she was wearing a sleeveless blue dress.

"You look beautiful." His eyes traveled up and down her body, a smile gracing his lips.

"Thank you." She offered softly. "Did you get the reservations changed?"

He nodded, wrapping his arms around her waist. "They'll seat us at seven."

"Let me just grab my sweater and we can go." He caught her hand, bringing her back into the comfort of his arms. They stayed that way for several minutes as she closed her eyes and yawned.

"What's with all this yawning business?" He joked lightly, in effort to try and lighten the mood, but it was followed with silence. When he looked over at her, it was clear that she hadn't been listening. "April."

"Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind."

"I know. Want to talk about it?"

"No." She shook her head forcefully. "We should probably get going or I'm going to be late."

When they arrived, they stepped into a nice wood paneled waiting room that was neatly decorated. A white couch and coffee table lined with magazines, had been situated near the corner of the room, while a play area had been centered in front of the directly in front of the receptionist's desk.

"Nice place." Daniel looked around as they caught the attention of the receptionist, who according to her name tag in bold lettering, her name was Jenny.

"Hello. What can I do for you?"

She grasped the edge of the desk, trying to keep her nerves intact as she spoke to the receptionist. "My name is April Giminski. I have an appointment with Dr. Powers."

With a couple clicks on the keyboard, Jenny confirmed her appointment. "It looks like you've never been here before, so I'm going to have you fill this out." Jenny handed her a clipboard full of papers. "And then you should be called back in about fifteen minutes."

"Thank you."

Grasping the clipboard, both April and Daniel settled into the waiting room chairs. "Ah, the dreaded paperwork."


"So this counseling thing...is it a mandatory thing you have to do before you go back to work?"

"I don't think it's required, but I'm sure Alex could get it to be recommended."

"Right." He leaned back in his chair, knowing she wasn't much in the mood to talk. "Wouldn't want to tick off the boss." The room grew silent, other than the phone ringing every once in awhile and they caught a few words here and there about people wanting to make appointments, or asking about what services they provided here at Dr. Power's office.

After a few more minutes, April quietly got up and slid the clipboard back to the other side of the desk and returned to her seat with a sigh.

"I still don't know about this."

"You said it yourself. . . Alex could make this something you'd have to do before returning back to work. You might as well get it over with now, so you don't have to come back again later."


"I'll be waiting right here." Daniel squeezed her hand gently as she got up and greeted the blonde haired, middle aged woman at the door.

"Hi April, I'm Dr. Powers."

"It's nice to meet you."

"You look all dressed up and beautiful tonight.." Dr. Powers smiled brightly, leading April into her office and gestured for her to sit down on her couch.


"Why don't you tell me a little about yourself?" Dr. Powers began as they got settled in. April shrugged, not really knowing what to say. "Or tell what made you become a lifeguard?"

"Alex told you I was coming, didn't she?"

"She told me that you might be coming in, yes. Although she didn't tell me specifically what was going on."

"I've always liked helping people, ever since I was little. My parents got me into early swimming classes and they couldn't get me out of the water after that."

"All great reasons to become a lifeguard then." Dr. Powers smiled before scribbling something on the pad of paper in her lap, which only heightened April's nervousness. "What I'm writing on this paper, will not be shared with anyone else." Dr. Powers straightened in her chair. "The only time that I can break confidentiality, is if I find that you're going to hard yourself or someone else. I can't even tell Alex what we talk about in here."

"How long have you known each other?"

"An acquaintance introduced us. I guess you can say that we've kept in contact ever since then. I'm guessing the man outside is more than a friend?"

The corner of her lips turned up at the mention of Daniel. "Boyfriend."

Dr. Powers scribbled down more information. "How long have you two been dating?"

"Almost a year." April paused. "Do you have a bathroom I can use?"

"You know, it's okay to be nervous." Dr. Powers reassured her, resting her pen and paper on her lap.

"I think I'm going to be sick."

Seeing the color drain out of April's face, she quickly instructed, "There's a side hall as you come in. First door on your left."

"Thanks." Hurrying out, she quickly found it, closing the door behind her. But when she emerged a few minutes later, she had a look of misery on her expression as she returned back into Dr. Power's office.

"Feeling any better?"

"Not really." April brushed the hair out of her face and sat back down. "I'm sure it's just nerves."

"I haven't met one person that likes therapy at first." Dr. Powers mentioned, earning a slight smile that fell quickly as April held her stomach. "Tell you what . . . Why don't we reschedule for another day when you're feeling better?"

"I'd rather get it over with now." Just as she mentioned that, her stomach lurched forward again and the color drained from her face again as she ran out of the room. The door closed with a louder than usual thud and when she returned, April seemed to agree with Dr. Powers. "Later will be just fine."

Dr. Powers nodded. "Go home and get some rest April and make an appointment when you feel better."

Nodding, April sighed and walked back out to the waiting room. "That was quick." Daniel stood abruptly from where he was flipping through a magazine."You okay?"

"Not really." She offered dully as he wrapped his arm around her.

"You're shaking."

April nodded, rubbing at her arms. "I ran to the bathroom twice during my session with Dr. Powers."


"I thought so at first. I wanted to continue the session, but after I ran to the bathroom the second time, Dr. Powers thought it would be best to reschedule my session. She told me to call and make another appointment after I felt better."

"Smart lady." He kept one hand to steady her as they walked out the door, then ended up looping his arm through hers. "We'd better get you home."

"What about dinner? I don't want to mess that up for us-"

"I'm pretty sure dinner can wait." When he realized that she wasn't convinced, he stopped abruptly, pulling her back with him. "April, you've been through a plane crash and now this. You've got to allow yourself time to recover."

"I wish I could." She thought out loud as they began walking to the car again.

"Just a few more steps." Daniel encouraged her as they gazed at his car still down the sidewalk; with every step, she looked more drained of color.

"Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the doctor? You look like you're about to fall over."

She shot him an irritated look as he finally helped her into the car. "No. I want to go home-sleep off whatever this is-so maybe I can face work tomorrow."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Closing the door, he hopped into the driver's side. "I mean. . . what if this is something serious, April?"

"Let's just go back to my place and see if there's anything we need to worry about." She offered tiredly, letting her seat belt click into place.