Summary: Harry is different after the war and Ron doesn't care anymore. Draco is lost and Harry finds him. Slytherins and Hermione help get the two together. Character bashing and slash occurs. Harry/Draco pairing (Obviously!)

Pairings: Harry/Draco, (the rest of these pairings are subject to change, ya'll just have to let me know what you want to see) Neville L./Blaise Z., Pansy/Hermione, Theo/Luna, George W./Fred W., Greg G./Daphne G., Severus S./Lucius M.

Rating: M

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, the Queen has that right. I do not make money off this story, even if I really would want to because that would be soooooo cool!

A/N: Okay, so I'm a bad, mean author for not updating this story sooner. I'm sooooooo sorry! I haven't written any fanfiction for several weeks now. The inspiration for both my stories left me, but I got an idea for a new story/ficlet(?)(that I'm not going to start until I have more done on both my pending stories). I have had a lot going on. My grandma has breast cancer and so I have been worried about her and freaking out over all kinds of stuff that I have to get ready for college, which I start in August. I have also just recently met with my biological father after 15-16 years of not seeing him. I've been a little stressed.. So, in conclusion, I'm so sorry for taking so long with this. So, without further typing, let's begin lovelies!

:spells: bold-letters/newspapers ::thoughts:: italics- flashbacks ~parseltongue~


Chapter Seven: Confrontations and Discussions

"The Burrow!" Shouts Andy as she throws the Floo powder down, tightening her grip on her precious cargo. They land in the sitting room of the precarious house; Arthur and his four oldest sons sit in front of her. "Well Arthur? What did you need to speak to me so urgently about? And I swear to Merlin, if your wife hurts Harry, I will take her down." Her eyes narrow in an angry threat; she is a Black after all, she can do it.

"I understand Andy. Follow me." He stands with his sons following closely behind him. She bounces Teddy when it appears that he is about to wake, but stays asleep thankfully. She looks around the strange room she finds herself in. It has oak paneling and furniture. A large, roaring fire in one corner of the surprisingly large room, seating in front of it. A massive desk sits in front of the far dark-red wall, which is ignored in favor of the leather couches in front of the fire. Arthur sits in a large armchair, his eldest son sitting on the floor by his feet; Charlie, Percy, and George all sit on the comfy couch, leaving the love-seat for Andy.

"Where is Molly? Wouldn't she normally be in the kitchen right now?" Andy asks, though she doesn't really care; she has to be polite to her fellow Purebloods unless she is dictated otherwise.

"Really Andy, do you even care?" Charlie asks amused, crossing his large arms across his scarred chest.

"Of course she doesn't! She is just acting like a Pureblood would when in another Pureblood's presence." Percy explains.

"Yes, but Andy should know that we don't care for that behavior when we are all good friends." Bill throws out. All the boys shut their mouths when Arthur begins to speak.

"The reason I asked you to come here Andy, is because Molly and Ginny and most likely Ron as well are planning on poisoning Harry to make him fall in love with Ginny; they will then get rid of him once she is pregnant, making it look like an accident so that they can retain all of the money that Harry has in his vaults. I have always thought of Harry as a son and I can't possibly let this happen to him. We are going to intervene and stop this and we know that Harry is Teddy's godfather; we thought to involve you so that you can help us keep him safe."

"Well, it seems I have some information you don't Arthur. Harry came into an Inheritance recently at school. He is a Dominant Veela and has already found his mate in one Draco Malfoy, my nephew."

"A Veela? Our Harry? Not really a surprise is it? He's powerful enough that I figured he would have some kind of creature inheritance. Although, why didn't it happen on his birthday? He's eighteen, it should have happened once he turned sixteen. Isn't that normally when Veela hit their Inheritance?" Charlie wonders aloud.

"Yes, Charlie, all that I've read on Veela says they should come into their, as they call it, majority. They call it as such because that time is when they get the majority of their powers." Percy answers in his bookish way.

"Wait. You're telling me that Harry, the boy I think of as a son, was fighting the Dark Lord Vo-Voldemort when he didn't even have the majority of his magical power to do so?! How could it escape everyone's notice that Harry's parents must have had some Veela blood in their lines? Shouldn't Dumbledore have been—" Arthur trails off mid-rant.

"Dad? What's wrong?" Bill asks worriedly.

"Did Dumbledore know? Did he know that Harry had Veela blood and wouldn't access it until later in life? Did he let Harry run around and fight Voldemort with only some of his magic available to him? Could he have known it would have taken Harry a few more years to reach his majority? Why did it take Harry longer to reach his majority?" Arthur looks everyone in the eye to communicate his new panic and fear to everyone.

"Dad? Are you saying what I think you're saying?" George inquires in a soft voice.

"Yes George. Dumbledore knew or at least guessed at what would happen to Harry. He put that young boy into danger, knowing he might not be strong enough to fight him without his majority. Hell, he might have even done something so that the poor boy wouldn't come into his majority until he was older!" Arthur practically yells as he thinks of what might have happened to the sweet boy he thinks of as his own.

"Merlin! You don't really think Albus would have done that, do you Arthur?" Andy asks horrified. Even she had begrudgingly looked up to the old coot; he was very powerful and was supposed to be the perfect example of the Light.

"I don't know Andy, but I do know that we need to show Harry that no matter what, we are still his family. His Inheritance changes nothing. We all know how the poor child thinks, he'll think we won't want him in the family anymore because of this; we have to show him that we will always be by his side." The Weasley patriarch tells his sons sternly. They all nod along and say "Yes, Dad.".

"Now, onto other business Arthur. You said something about your horrid wife and youngest children doing what?" Andromeda demanded to know what in the hell the plump woman was going to do to Harry.

Arthur winces at the look Andromeda is sending him. It's the classic Black look: gray eyes narrowed slightly, shoulders back, lips pursed, back ram-rod straight, and that undeniably fierce and protective look in those eyes. "Well, Andy, they are going to….." The Weasley children and father explain to the slightly frightening woman; once she knows the plot of the other three, the revenge planning can begin.


Severus mutters to himself as he walks back to his lovely newfound mate. "Stupid bint…should've killed her long ago…..Wish I could go back in time and stop Lucius from marrying her…Hate her bloody guts for hurting what is MINE!" He storms back into Lucius's bedroom, beyond furious at the thought of the woman who has hurt his love. He stops short at seeing the blonde passed out on the bed, most likely due to the pain of his wounds.

He grabs the blood replenisher from his pocket and spells in into Lucius's stomach. Severus pulls out a dark blue potion and allows three drops to fall onto every open wound he sees on the torn chest; the red, raw flesh begins to knit itself back together. He pulls out a pale yellow potion and lets one drop fall onto each injury, causing the bleeding to stop. As he works, Severus is terrified that this has happened too many times for Lucius to notice anything being done to him. Once the lacerations have all been healed, he gently uses a wet towel he conjured to wash away the dried blood on his love's chest.

":Enervate:" Severus whispers in a soft voice; he wants to make sure his mate is alright.

"Wha—!?" Lucius cries out as he jerks awake.

"I'm sorry love. I just had to make sure you were okay." Severus says in a quiet voice.

"Yes Severus, I am fine. Although, I am feeling rather ravenous. Can you get me something to eat? I don't think I can move myself just yet." Lucius begs with his icy-gray eyes wide, but his nose crinkles when he says the last part; he is a Malfoy and they are not supposed to be weak.

"Yes, Luc. I will get you something. Anything in particular?"

"Yes. I want fruit. And lots of it."

Severus chuckles. "Of course love, just for you." He turns and leaves to go to the kitchens to get Lucius his fruit.

"Master Potions Master! What cans Milpy bes getting for yous?" A house elf asks as soon as Severus enters the kitchen.

"I need lots of fruit for Lucius. Get me a wide variety please. Send the tray up to Lucius's bedroom once it's ready. Thank you Milpy." Severus knows not to treat house elves wrong; they do make your food after all.

"Milpy bes getting it for yous!" The house elf nods its head enthusiastically and begins to get the fruit out.

Severus nods at the happy elf and leaves. He gets back to the bedroom in time to see a large tray full of fruit appear on the nightstand next to the bed. Lucius looks from the overwhelming amount of fruit to Severus and back. A pale blonde eyebrow cocks itself in wonder. Feeling slightly sheepish for not giving more specific instructions to the elf, Severus gives a small shrug.

"I see that you did not specify what exactly you wanted Severus." You could just hear the smirk in his tone.

"Shut up and eat your fruit Lucius."


A sharp crack echoes through the air as a figure appears in front of the Burrow. They take a moment to straighten their clothes and smooth their hair in an almost nervous gesture—it has been several months since they last saw their family. ::I just hope to Merlin that Mum isn't home. I don't think I could hold myself back…:: The blue-eyed man thinks to himself. He trudges up to the door and thinks about knocking, but decides to surprise them and just walk right on in. He hears voices talking in his dad's study and so he heads that way.

"I say you let me rip the bitch's hair out!" Andy barks out, pissed beyond belief. She loves Harry like a son, and to hear what Molly wants to do to him makes her crazy.

"I'll hold her down for ya Andy." Charlie smirks as he leans back.

"Charlie, that bitch, as Andy so delicately put, is still your Mother. I know you may be upset—" Arthur tries to calm everyone down, to no avail.

"We are beyond upset Dad. Molly, for I won't call her Mum ever again, wants to do something horrible to Harry who is our brother. I know I haven't been around a lot, but he's still like a little brother to me. I say let Andy at her and be done with it. My brothers and I can take care of Ron and Ginny." Percy explains.

"Yea dad, let us take care of it." Bill says, a wicked gleam in his eyes.

"I see how it is. I'm gone for a few months and you guys are already making nefarious plots without me." A new voice says from the doorway. Everyone whips around at the voice of the man they thought was dead.

"Fr-fred?" George timidly questions.

"Yea, it's me Georgie. I'm back." He opens his arms to let his twin hug him. A chocked sob comes from George's throat before he shoot up like a rocket to throw his arms around his twin. He sobs and sobs into Fred's shirt, not wanting to believe he's back but not wanting to deny it either; if he believes he's back he might just be a figment of his imagination, but if he denies he is back that might hurt Fred's feelings.

"Fred? Is it really you son?" Arthur sounds on the verge of tears himself.

"Yea dad, it's really me. I'm—I'm a vampire." ::There, my biggest secret out in the open. I'm such a Gryffindor…::

"Freddie! I don't give a damn! You could be a bloody banshee and I wouldn't care. I'm glad to have my brother back." Bill cries out, coming over to join in on the twin's hug. Charlie jumps up and squirms his way in as well; although it's a tight fit, seeing as Charlie is twice as big as the rest of them.

"Perce. Aren't you glad to see me too?" Fred teases, but is really just hiding his insecurity. Percy twitches at the nickname but smiles all the same.

"Of course I'm glad to see you. I missed my annoying little brother." He gets up and joins in the Weasley children hug.

Andromeda smiles at the antics of the red-headed children and looks to see how their father fares. Arthur looks so relieved, tears of joy rolling down his face. She goes over to him, an awake Teddy in her arms, to give him a hug all of his own. He stiffens for a moment, not knowing what to do, before relaxing in her warm embrace. Arthur peers down at Teddy to see that the baby has taken on his eye and hair color. A warm chuckle escapes his throat.

"Looks like I'm a favorite uncle."

Confused about what he means, Andromeda looks down. As soon as she sees Teddy, she starts laughing too. "Yes, I'd say he likes you very much. Teddy only copies people he likes. Most of the time he has black hair and green eyes. He loves Harry as if he's his father." A note of sadness had crept into her voice. ::I miss my little Dora. My sweet, sweet Nymphadora.::

Arthur's arms tighten around her. "We all miss Remus and Nymphadora. But, we have Teddy to remind us of them. We have our memories of them. We have their love. We will never forget them, but eventually we will be able to look upon their memories in fondness instead of sadness."

"Thank you Arthur. I just—I lost both my baby girl and my husband. I loved my girl so much it hurts. And Ted, well, even if we weren't seeing eye to eye in the end, I still loved him for giving me my girl."

"I didn't know you and Ted were having problems." Arthur frowns, trying to remember if he had heard anything about the two.

"We weren't having trouble, per se, but he just didn't understand our need to help with the war. He thought that since we have lived away from all family that we wouldn't have any reason to fight. But both Nymphadora and I had to do something to help; she fought in the front lines and I healed those I could. He wanted us to leave the Wizarding World and just hole up with Muggles until it all blew over. We had many fights about it. I almost wanted to leave him, he was being so idiotic. But, I didn't want to taint the good years we had by a divorce. And now he's dead and he died thinking that I hated him…." Andromeda's voice trails off as she begins sobbing. Arthur's arms stay tight around her, letting her vent her emotions.

"So, looks like dad and Andy are getting along fine." Fred notices the exchange between the two adults.

"They've been dancing around each other for a while now. Even before this mess, dad was still noticing Andy. I hope dad gets out of his marriage with Molly. Andy would make a much better wife for him." Charlie informs Fred of what everyone else already knew.

"Well Gred, looking to manage some mischief?" George asks teasingly.

Fred's eyes flash at the almost flirtatious tone George uses. He desperately wants to plunge his fangs into his brother's neck and claim him. "Yea Forge, and it looks like we have a lot of work to do. Wanna help?" The last part directed at the other brothers.

"Of course! I've always wanted to be a part of one of your schemes." Charlie radiates eagerness.

"I'll help too. They both deserve a happy ending with someone to love and have love them back." Bill chimes in.

"Fleur has softened you up Will—Bill. All this talk about love. I bet they just want to shag like crazy." Percy announces certainly.

"Percy! You dirty dog! When did you get a perverted mind?" Fred chuckles.

"I've always had one. You buffoons just never appreciated it until now."

Laughter echoes through the room, lightening the mood immensely. Arthur is proud of his boys for getting along so well and is beyond ecstatic that Fred is alive, sort of, and home. He's also happy that he has a very attractive woman he is attracted to in his arms. Nothing could get better for the Weasley patriarch. Too bad the good mood couldn't last.

"ARTHUR! I'm back!" The irritating voice of Molly Weasley bursts the happy bubble in the room.

"Why does she have to come back now?" George grumbles to himself. Due to his vampire hearing Fred heard him and snickered.

"She has the worst sense of timing. Remember when she cock-blocked Fleur and Bill right after their wedding?" Fred whispers to George. He can't help himself and roars with laughter, causing everyone to stare at him; Fred just smirks.


A/N: Okay guys, here's the next chapter! I'm so sorry for any mistakes that may be in here, but I'm not perfect at catching them. I'm also really, really sorry for taking so long to get this out! Bad author! Anyway, whatcha guys think? I also need help. I need someone for poor Percy; he deserves some love too! The pairings I have are permanent now. They are as follows:

Severus Snape/Lucius Malfoy, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson/Hermione Granger, Blaise Zabini/Neville Longbottom, Greggory Goyle/Daphne Greengrass, Theodore Nott/Luna Lovegood, Frederick Weasley/George Weasley, Bill Weasley/Fleur Delacour, Arthur Weasley/Andromeda Tonks, Charlie Weasley/Astoria Greengrass

That should be all the pairings now. All of those aforementioned will be loved and bond to their other halves and each other.Molly and Narcissa will be divorced and forgotten in the coming chapters. I think that's it. Again, Percy needs a woman (or man!) to be with. Or..I could throw in an Original Character if ya'll want me to go that route. Whatever you guys want. Reviews are like blood is to vampires—they are my life force! Thanks for reading darlings!

~Kistenbabe~ :D